new guy with questions


Well-Known Member
I gotta few questions, i transplanted a plant from a buddies house into a sippy cup of my daughters to bring it home. will it survive on tap water? i gave it a few cap fulls of bottled water.. good or bad? it will get sunlight during the day but be inside at night. is thag fine? how long till it produces smokeable buds? im new.. lol thanks for any advice


Well-Known Member
i just wanna save some money and be able to take pride in smoking something i grew. how often should i water it and how much, i dont wanna drown it. i leave feb 27 for USGC will i be able to enjoy it by then?


Well-Known Member
will it survive on tap water? yes, but tap water generally has a high PH, b/w 7-8. For soil plants you want the ph to be between 6-7. To counterbalance this you can do 2 things. 1- add a few drops of vinegar to your water supply to blanace the ph of the water you feed your plants or even simpler, leave that tap water out for 1-2 days and let the chlorine evaporate, this will lower the ph a little and will be fine to feed your plants.

cap fulls of bottled water= good, can't see why not. it needs water doesnt it? Its fine that it gets natural sun during the day, why bring it in at night? get to cold? You may have a problem here if you do not keep up a consistent light schedule. If you can consistently move them out to get 18 horus of light, and 6 hours of dark, do it.

how long till it produces smokeable buds? When you switch the light cycle from 18 horus of light to 12 hours of light/12 hours of darkness, the plant will release hormones and transition to the flowering stage where it produces buds if its female, and pollin sacks if male...

to be honest man, you do not seem like the kind of person who will take care of your plant. you need to read the grow faq in the top left(GROWFAQ)... read this and then I am sure you will produce your first smokeable bud. You can't come on here, never having grown weed or learned about weed and start asking questions like, how until I get a bud? Make the active effort in learning and the people around here will be more willing to help you.


Active Member
It will survive on tap water but really read up on the growing subject. You don't know what your getting in too. hahaha the guys here are great and they've got it to a science, but here is what I've gathered so far...

Bottled water is fine but distiled water is best, always test the ph of your water the lower the number the more acidic and the higher, the more alkaline and you want a ph of about 5.8-6.8? (I gather thats pretty close) anyhow, your plant will need good soil, tons of light, a lot a good aeration in the soil for the roots, good nutrients, proper ph, and insecticide.

A good mixture of soil less mixture (soil containing no additives) 1/3 perlite for aeration, 1/3 worm castings for nutrition, and 1/3 vermiculite for water retention. To this mixture you are going to want to add nutrients to the plant as necessary about 3 weeks in to the grow cycle very diluted at first and then building up to the recommend dosage when the plant is bigger. I would stay away from Mg products they are difficult to use properly. As for light, I just use cfl and that is what I recommend as a beginner, you can get in to high pressure sodium, and metal halide later one when you read in to it more. Get yourself 3-4 23W or 26W clf equivalent to about 100W each, a mylar emergency blanket from target for 2$, a dark rubbermaid tub and a desk fan.

Line your rubbermaid tub with mylar (not tin foil, this creates hot spots), susppend your lights from the top of your box shinning down tward the plants, they can be as close as 3" without burning the leafs. The with the fan blowing gently on the plant to strengthen its stem cut a hole at the top to allow hot air to escape. Watch the temperature as it should be between 70-80. Then I would look in to topping or FIMing your plant to keep it small so its not a 6' delicious lady in your closet. Good luck with the basics and good luck with the grow. :D


Well-Known Member
ive grown one plant, but it stayed outside, grew to about four feet, but my buddies dog ate it, literally. thats why i took this one. im in texas high eightys low ninetys this time of year. it will get plenty of sun, im just trying to get someinfo on upkeep. ive nvr had to tend to a plant. ive reac about three websites on how to grow, but they dont talk much about growing in a soil medium


Active Member
Sorry unless you want to just grow out side but It's really late in the season for out door growing. For that you want to start as early as April and as late as June. The light schedule and amounts and spectrum are wrong.


Well-Known Member
hmmm upkeep, if its outside, i cant imagine you would have to do very much other then splash a little water on it everyday.. seems ez enough to me


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info guys, specially about leaving the tap water out for a few days and the supply list, i read some where u could use flourecent light (or how ever its spelt) i didnt belive it, so thought id adk if its possi ble. i have most of the nutrient stuff (thanks to my wife and her gardening) the plants about a week old and about three inches outta the soil, sound normal?


Well-Known Member
This all kinda happened today, we threw some seeds in a flower pot and a few started yo grow, i took the best looking one in hopes of raising a decent plant. if i split it 12-15 hours of sun then put it in complete darkness till i get up, will that mess it up in anyway?


Well-Known Member
if you split between 12-15 hours of sunlight and 12-15 hours of darkness(give or take a few obviously) than your plant will start to sex. Really man, you want to try as best as u can to be given em 18 hours at least; lots of people round here give em 24 hours of light, although i wouldnt personally recommend that...

get ur plants out of that same pot and give them their own homes

what kind of soil are u using? also u said u have nutes from ur wifes gardening, what are they? and did u already start given them a nute schedule?

fluourescent lights work well, and so do compact fluourescents( the enrgy saving ones). for a new grower, I would def try to mess around with some of these lights to get an understanding of how everything works. those kind of lights give off heat, but not NEARLY as much as an hps or mh, with fluorescents u can keep right under the top. for my 1st few grows, and still to this day, I like to use t5 fluorescents. I have a nice little 6 bulb fixture, its mad sick. check it out "sunleaves pioneer XVI"


Well-Known Member
I have nitrogen, dunno what else is in the garage. im gonna get some cfls today, and have them on from 7:30-12:00 them put them outside when i get up around 8. sound right? im hoping i can get this to grow, but if it doesnt, it will be a good test grow. cause its just schwag. what nutes should i be giving it?


Active Member
This all kinda happened today, we threw some seeds in a flower pot and a few started yo grow, i took the best looking one in hopes of raising a decent plant. if i split it 12-15 hours of sun then put it in complete darkness till i get up, will that mess it up in anyway?
Yes that will mess it up, you needto have a consistant light cycle


Well-Known Member
Ok, just got back from running some errands. my plant doesnt look like its gonna make it. it looks like its withering alittle bit. same soil it orriginally started growning in, just added two teaspoon amounts of water. its about 85 degrees out, so i know its not too hot.. shock kill it from transplant?