New Law?

I was in my health providers office the other day and she informed me that there is new legislation coming down the pike that says you can NOT have a card and get any class one or class two pain meds. That if I wanted to still get pain meds that I would have to give up my MJ card. Does anyone know anything about this?
I was in my health providers office the other day and she informed me that there is new legislation coming down the pike that says you can NOT have a card and get any class one or class two pain meds. That if I wanted to still get pain meds that I would have to give up my MJ card. Does anyone know anything about this?

I don't think it's law but it's been a policy for awhile now. BTW you are already on a class 1 pain medication, Marijuana. That is why they can't 'give' you schedule II's. Your pain care provider will begin urine drug tests shortly, what you got was the standard patient notification. As for telling them about the card, they are going to find out soon anyway unless they will be complicit with you and most won't.

I'd suggest coming off the opiates. I did after 22 years. It was my choice, luckily. Still one of the best decisions I've made in a long time. It forced me to up my Cannabis (WAY up my Cannabis), which cleared some concomitant physical problems I was having. This then gave me the courage to reschedule (to January 2016), an excision and flap graft to my nose (Basal Cell Cancer), which is about 50% smaller today after about 8 weeks of treatment.

So all in all it worked great for me. Hopefully you have less somatic pain and more neuropathic, Cannabis seems to excel at treatment of neuropathic pain.
That is how my health provider found out. They were testing to make sure I was taking the pain meds and not selling them.

The tincture does work extremely well for nerve pain not so much for the throbbing pain. I have way more throbbing pain than nerve pain from the neuropathy and Charcot foot. I just had my big left toe amputated two weeks ago from a Staph infection. Now they are testing my blood every two weeks to make sure the antibiotics are working so I have stayed away from the tincture until I am sure the Staph is gone and they have stopped testing.

Not sure what I am going to do yet. Good info though and thanks.
That is how my health provider found out. They were testing to make sure I was taking the pain meds and not selling them.

The tincture does work extremely well for nerve pain not so much for the throbbing pain. I have way more throbbing pain than nerve pain from the neuropathy and Charcot foot. I just had my big left toe amputated two weeks ago from a Staph infection. Now they are testing my blood every two weeks to make sure the antibiotics are working so I have stayed away from the tincture until I am sure the Staph is gone and they have stopped testing.

Not sure what I am going to do yet. Good info though and thanks.

I wonder if you could convince them to keep writing Schedule III's. I'd just talk honestly with my pain control specialist about it. I am so sorry for you that you are going through this. Someday this will be looked at as inhumane, unfortunately that seems to be the distant future.
I would really try to just use weed and no other drugs. Its so easy to pop a pill and yeah they can work great for awhile but then one day U are hook and can't live without them--unlike weed where U would miss it but not go through withdraw.

I'm proud to say I use no drugs other then MM--very proud. I need no booze, pills, tobacco, even coffee--I wash my hair over the tub each morning to wake up and sip on clean tasting water. I had a few blueberries this morning, then a few puffs of weed and was good to go after I washed my hair. That held me over till lunch glad I need no stinky coffee to wake up
Did you know you're not supposed to have a marijuana card and own a firearm or go to more than one clinic and if you've ever been to a clinic in your life you're technically signed away your growing rights?

Thats really debatable..see my other posts for my gun views, I don;t believe in carrying any weapons but then again I might if need be.

Would I go hunting with a weapon and smoke some bud out in the field while waiting for some wild game to show up, no way. Can I go without bud for days at a time, yep, Could I then legally handle a weapon, I would argue that I should, even firearms. Just cause one might have a MM card doesn't mean they must use MM everyday--my views is weed works so well it can last for days, least for me it can. I went 10 days without last month and just popped 2 to 4 200 mg pills of Advil or Aleeve..i don't feel its a safe to use everyday and I need to MM at times or it doesn't work as well. 3 to 4 months is my max...2 years ago I went 4 months with no MM, I was OK at first but by the 2nd month I was waking up in total pain, my arm/hand would fall asleep and tingle painfully and not wake up, I was ready to throw up if I got out of bed quickly, getting dress was a workout. I was getting worst as the weeks went by. With MM I have none of those problems anymore, even if I go sometime without MM if I stay with taking some pills..they must interact, its well known that certain drugs taken together will act differently then if they are used apart...I'm no doctor, its just my guess.

Its one big reason that I love MM, I don;t need to use it often or all of the time for it to work Sure some days I do but when I have to, I can go without and still feel OK if I use over the counter pills..which I prefer not to
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Well the Feds can deal with them..

If they want to charge a person under a federal law, then they have to go to federal court. Those federal judges don't play games, cameras aren't allowed in any federal courts. Its all business and big cases in fed. court, not some punk using MM and going hunting.....I would never go hunting while using MM cause if U injure somebody while hunting, then U look awful and totally reckless and likely would be found guilty of whatever they can charge U with.

If some person buys a handgun for protection and are a MM person, no federal court is going to do shit about it, IMO

The same goes to everybody living in a state that has legal weed for all adults, those people who buy and use weed are not going to be taken to federal court if they happen to own a firearm.

If a firearm ever looks bad, its when a person or persons are selling weed or MM and have guns around, still that doesn't stop some people
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Well the Feds can deal with them..

If they want to charge a person under a federal law, then they have to go to federal court. Those federal judges don't play games, cameras aren't allowed in any federal courts. Its all business and big cases in fed. court, not some punk using MM and going hunting.....I would never go hunting while using MM cause if U injure somebody while hunting, then U look awful and totally reckless and likely would be found guilty of whatever they can charge U with.

If some person buys a handgun for protection and are a MM person, no federal court is going to do shit about it, IMO

The same goes to everybody living in a state that has legal weed for all adults, those people who buy and use weed are not going to be taken to federal court if they happen to own a firearm.

If a firearm ever looks bad, its when a person or persons are selling weed or MM and have guns around, still that doesn't stop some people

Except that you will be under the influence in the eyes of the law if you are required to test for drugs.

This is the case even if you did not smoke before going hunting as I am sure you are aware.
I have to remind you MM is federaly illegal , and that is a federal form
What about the people that get medical marijuana from the government. I believe they did approve five people. The thing is the atf form does not have a box for medical users, or people that use it lawfully.
Just cause one might test positive on a piss test for THC doesn't mean for sure one is under the influence of THC.

I don;t see how they can force a drug test on U anyways if one is walking in the woods while carrying a gun. while legally hunting. Driving is a different story but besides driving, I can;t think where taking a drug test is mandatory or one faces penalties if they refused.

We don;t even have to talk to the police here in the USA, we got this right to remain silent. One might need to show their ID to prove who they are but thats about it, U need not to have to answer their questions and if you are not under arrest, U are free to walk away from them and or tell them to leave U alone.

Would not be the first time I told a cop, "if I'm not under arrest, leave me alone" fact I've done that twice so far, about 20 years apart. Hope it never happens again but sometimes they won;t back off when they have nothing on U. well really they have a bit but not enough to make an arrest, thats when they don't want to back off.

Thats why when a person tells a cop an answer the cop does not like, the cop shouts the same question back at U, hoping U change your answer.
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In Michigan its been settle by the state supreme court last year that MM users that even test positive on a blood test for THC, doesn't mean for certain they are under influence of THC under Michigan zero tolerance driving law. That ruling was very important and it was 7--0 I believe , not one judge agreed with state prosecutors views that it should apply. They made it clear that to be under the influence, one needs to show impairment of that person.

Thats just another good reason never to drink any booze or they can twist things around and claim U are impaired when U really are not. Doesn't mean for sure they can not claim U are impaired, it just makes it harder.
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Now I understand Michigan is a large state and things might be a little different in the northern or western part of the state. I live in SE Michigan in big major cities with lots of people and busy district courts. If U go into a small town where the cops are all buddies with the judges, those cops can get away with more crap on U.

So keep that in mind, not every place in Michigan is like Flint or Detroit

And that "busy district court" thinking might not apply to all places, maybe like Grand Rapids. I would much rather deal with police in Flint vs Grand Rapids...TC i've never been to, it might even be worst up there, IDK..likely SE Michigan is the coolest part of the state, anywhere else isn't as cool...we got more crime here but sometimes other things help to offset that negative of living here
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Went to the Doc on Wednesday to get my prescription refilled. Couldn't get it until they got the results back from a urine test. It had to been "clean" before the Doc would give me the script.