New Led Or Not ?

Is it impossible to have a COHERENT conversation where all points of a comment are addressed? Nothing is getting accomplished here, constructive nor destructive...there is no reason why explanations on how the research connects to the design of the light cant be provided..NO REASON WHATSOEVER. Make us understand WHY your light will be the best Max, thats all we want.
i can attest that spuzz is not from another led company and i stand by it , listen max im not here to bash your name or product but i will give you a bit of advice. today in the led world there are two major problems , shitty product , and people lying about their shitty product. these are the two things keeping the led industry down at this point and im not saying you are but it could easily be seen as you are one of the above. if you dont want to tell anyone your light ratio or design then ya people are gonna get sketched out not a big surprise i mean come on you think you got something so great nobody knows about it? IMPOSSIBLE im sure their are 10 other companies further in production with similar if not the same lights ..... let me guess you hiding 2700k white diodes or apparent 420nm color in the mix ..... news flash everybody already knows about them, there is no way some small time not even off the ground company has access to some high and almighty design that others do not , thats just ridiculous. what you should have done / what you should still do is get in touch with a grower give him lights and get him to do the talking for ya .....
Haha ! Very Eloquent. You're from another LED company and I can pretty much guess which one, now go and hide back under the rock from which you came and think about the next scam you can rip people off with, ur not fooling me !!!

Buddy.. so are so fucking out of it it's scary.........

If you'd ever bothered to google me, you'd see I truly am a "Do It Yourselfer". In fact, all I've ever done is ENCOURAGE people to MAKE THEIR OWN!!


This is the panel I'm making.. I'm almost done.. about 3 more months. Cree XP-G for the Whites, Cree XP-E for the Blues, Reds, and OrangeReds, Osram Golden Dragon Plus for the 660nm Reds, and LedEngin's for the 735nm InfraReds. Heatsinks will be 3 pieces of the 10" profile from "heatsinkusa", and will have 2" heatsinks either side to even out the area with a 2" border. I'm following what the coral reef community does (reefcentral).. they've been using these things a hell of a lot longer than we have. They also laugh at us.. for being so fucking gullible believing scammers like you.


This is the driver I'm making.. less than $10 a piece.. even cheaper if made to be a permanent current, I'm making adjustable.








I'm also making my own controller.. timer for the lights, temp reading for the heatsink, and ramp up/fade out for sunrise/sunset. I'm also making an environmental controller.. fans set on a PWM so they speed up or slow down as needed, according to the preset temp settings, humidity reader/controller, and CO² sensor.. "maybe". I'm also making a hydro controller.. pumps, pH, water temp, and "maybe" ppm.



And here's the best part.. sure, I'll be releasing it to the masses.. but it'll be "FREE"!

Am I a "100% expert"? No. But I sure as hell understand electronics, and I fucking despise "cannapitalists" that think "we stoners" are too fucking stupid to realize that by the 7th upgrade in a manufacturer's panel, that that company really doesn't know what they are doing in the first place. You also know that "UV" is truly "UV".. and not just 420nm, "called" "UV". UV-B is what we want, and that's between 280nm and 315nm.. and pretty fucking expensive. UV-A on the other hand, lies between 315nm and 400nm.. 20nm below 420nm. 20nm's a lot when you consider UV-B is "only" 25nm wide as it is. UV-A, although a "UV".. is good for Chlorophyl A, but not thc production that everyone "expects" when they hear "UV" in a panel.

Make your own, using "top bin diodes".. and you have nobody scamming you.. you know "exactly" what the fuck's inside. And when the diodes need replacing.. don't need a whole new fucking panel.. just replace the stars.

Another good DIY LED site that knna also hangs on... greenpinelane. Just DON'T talk weed. They know what you mean.. just don't say it.

And here's a very basic "how to" from the coral reefers...

"You're from another LED company and I can pretty much guess which one, now go and hide back under the rock from which you came and think about the next scam you can rip people off with, ur not fooling me !!!"


When you said "check out where he's from".. I thought you were just prejudice against Canadians. :D

I have to thank you though.. I really needed a laugh today. :p
oh ya and another golden rule for ya, if ya own a company and want people to trust you word and name stay off these weed forums they are not professional at all
Nice panel your building there spuzz................what is that going to end up costing you????

Heeheehee... :D

It "started" as a 76 diode fixture.. and just kinda "grew". I started with cheap assed ChinaCraps for the 660nm's, but then noticed something..


See the white thermal "paste"? That's supposed to be reflowed solder. No way in hell "paste" is going to transfer the heat as efficiently as the metal bond of solder.


The star on the top is a Cree, the ChinaCrap is on the bottom. The Cree is almost twice as thick.. therefore way better quality, and better thermal transfer.

These are what the Crees look like. I bought them from cutterelectronics in Australia. They are the best place to buy them, as they actually list the damn bins.. the better the bin the LED comes from, the better the output "and" colour temperature.




Prices range from $9 a diode for the whites and $4 for the colours, but they also drop in price the more you buy. So a $10 CoolWhite on a 20mm star could be as low as $7 at 100pcs. Or $7.81/50pcs, $8.30/10pcs.

The colours are the same.. the more you buy, the lower the price.

For the Osrams.. knna prefers the stock diode...


But I prefer the stars..



$5.50 a piece...




3 pieces 10" profile, 18" long. $55 a piece."-Wide-x-18"-Long-Heatsink.html

Plus 2 pieces 1.183" profile, 18" long. $12.24 a piece.

Then there's power supplies.. a converted computer psu for 12v and 5v source (12v fans, arduino's 5v, and 12v for InfraRed strings) - $5 modification of a discarded psu on the side of the road. 24v supplies will be Mean Well 24v 6.5A supplies.. 1 per panel section. - $34.95 each.

Lenses will be from LedLink.. as soon as Chinese New Year is over.. :p

Or another source:

Total cost for this 303w panel... probably about $1500 when all done. I lost count

Jan 07th $117.35 - ChinaCrap

Feb 22nd $147.33
Mar 23rd $196.45
Apr 20th $170.63
Aug 05th $91.69
Sep 22nd $397.44
Oct 26th $224.76
-------- $1028.3

60pcs GDP HR = $397.44
20pcs XPRED / 20pcs XPREDO = $147.33
20pcs XPBLU / 10pcs XPG CW = $196.45
20pcs XPERB = $91.69
15pcs XPG WW / 5pcs XPG CW = $170.63
15pcs XPG WW / 15pcs XPG CW = $224.76

And I still need the fans. Want to cover the entire back side of the 3 middle sections. Need to keep around 25°C.

Sound expensive compared to ChinaCrap? Not after you look at the specs of the diodes. Cree's require about 1/2 to 2/3's the amount of ChinaCraps, and they use less power. They'll also last a hell of a lot longer due to quality and durability.

And most of all.. when you look at E.shine's catalogue.. they state "150x3 watt using 135 3watt Epistar 660nm red and 15 3watt bridgelux
455nm blue(standard version)". Epistar doesn't make a 3w diode, not a 660 Red anyways. I posted that screen shot already.

When you buy your own from Cree, Osram, or LedEngin.. you KNOW they stand behind their names. That's all you need to know you're getting what they claim the damn thing is. :p
Congratulations.. you know how to grow. 3 full grows even :D.


That doesn't make you an expert on LEDs, nor does it give you the right to tell us to shut the fuck up. If we want to ask max some "basic" questions, we have that right to do so. So far, all that any of us has seen, if full blown over the top bullshit. And you want to wait for the test run, letting the pages fill with hype for 3 months?

Why not just order the panel from whatever factory he's commissioned, do the damn "test" grow, THEN push the bs in the forums.. with actual pictures to back it up. Don't build bullshit hype on something he hasn't even put an order in yet for.

As I said before.. unless you're part of the company.. "you" have nothing to say to us doubters.


See how you jump to conclusions? I said I have 3 grows using LEDs (and was unhappy with the one I purchased. It sounds to me like you took that to mean I have only done 3 grows in my life. You continue to make an ass of yourself by assuming, as it relates to me. Been growin on and off for over 30 years. Other than that I like what are doing, but please, stop jumping to conclusions, at least as it relates to me.

So far a number of you keep asking (demanding is more like it) the same questions, and refuse to get it that Maxp ain't answering. I never said your questions weren't valid.

@ spuzz....I think people(growers) are starting to understand the differences in quality diodes.........People talk about lense angles/heatsink/airflow/casing(bezel)lol/etc. but if you don't start off with a good quality top bin led, their really isn't a point in investing in a 5-7yr grow light... I really would like to build my own, but i'm terrible at soldering and have no patience for it honestly..I've been on a year long quest to find a Panel with good(not best) top bin led(maybe Cree xp-e??) and less than a grand that can cover 3.5x3.5area...? Any panels you recommend???I know when it comes to know your shit...

PS.....Can you please chill towards Petflora...........hes one of the good guys here...
See how you jump to conclusions? I said I have 3 grows using LEDs (and was unhappy with the one I purchased. It sounds to me like you took that to mean I have only done 3 grows in my life. You continue to make an ass of yourself by assuming, as it relates to me. Been growin on and off for over 30 years. Other than that I like what are doing, but please, stop jumping to conclusions, at least as it relates to me.

So far a number of you keep asking (demanding is more like it) the same questions, and refuse to get it that Maxp ain't answering. I never said your questions weren't valid.

I do apologize then. But when you tell someone to "STFUA (Shut The Fuck Up Asshole)" for asking direct, and sincerely honest questions, well.. you have to expect some hostility in return.

Peace? :D
@ spuzz....I think people(growers) are starting to understand the differences in quality diodes.........People talk about lense angles/heatsink/airflow/casing(bezel)lol/etc. but if you don't start off with a good quality top bin led, their really isn't a point in investing in a 5-7yr grow light... I really would like to build my own, but i'm terrible at soldering and have no patience for it honestly..I've been on a year long quest to find a Panel with good(not best) top bin led(maybe Cree xp-e??) and less than a grand that can cover 3.5x3.5area...? Any panels you recommend???I know when it comes to know your shit...

PS.....Can you please chill towards Petflora...........hes one of the good guys here...

They have solderless doo-kickeys :D. They're these little plastic clamps that screw down onto the star to hold them in place, just like a cpu. And the wires are also screw clamped. Makes for a very easy removal/replacement. About a $1 a piece.

Best part of doing your own though.. you already have the heatsink and fans and drivers. When stars need replacing.. just replace the stars. And they'll be a hell of a lot cheaper in 5 years for sure. :D
Should also mention the $1500 (or abouts) includes the arduino controllers (4), and another 10"x10" clone/veg panel with the left over whites I have.. about 27w I think it was.

So for 3 101w panels, 1 27w panel, and 4 controllers for $1500.. that's actually pretty descent.

The drivers are about $60 a box, which house 7 drivers each, and I need 3 boxes with 7 drivers, and another 2 driver box for the clone/veg panel. All that's already in my total costs.


Extremely easy to use.. just screw in the self tapping screws, and screw clamp the wires. You can even buy the heatsinks pre-drilled or pre-drilled and tapped. Depending on what you want to spend.

There's other shops out there as well, but that's the first that came to mind. Places like reefcentral have all the links needed for this stuff.
Now this is something I might look into^^^^^^thanks for the links...........

Cheers...... :)

And the lenses still mount to the stars. :D

You can buy heatsinks pre-drilled at rapidled and other reef tank places. Reefcentral has lots of links.

Or, you can also get U channel at Home Depot. If in Canada, we have a Metal Supermarket.. similar to LumberLand, but for metal :D. I have one in my city just a few minutes away.
I know the reef community is way ahead of the cannabis community when it comes to leds/(DIY) you have any links to DIY grow kits /instead of these prefab kits for the aquarium hobbyist????(not just white6500-20000/blue )but available in other specs....


IF spuzzum read my post, instead of going ballistic as soon as he saw STFUA, he would have seen, it was because he (among others) keep asking for answers over and over that max chooses not to answer. I never said I disagreed with why you were asking (the questions are valid), but at some point you need to realize when someone isn't going to answer. Bullying doesn't do any good. Your life doesn't hang in the balance, so sit back and let it play out.

IF spuzzum read my post, instead of going ballistic as soon as he saw STFUA, he would have seen, it was because he (among others) keep asking for answers over and over that max chooses not to answer. I never said I disagreed with why you were asking (the questions are valid), but at some point you need to realize when someone isn't going to answer. Bullying doesn't do any good. Your life doesn't hang in the balance, so sit back and let it play out.

Here's the thing PetFlora...

I'm Canadian, living in a free society. I have every damn right to ask a question. And I didn't ask more than a few times. You told me to shut the fuck up.. yeah, I got pissed off. I'm an old man.. I don't take shit like that too lightly. You don't have to agree with me, but damn straight you show respect. I never tell people to shut the fuck up. I do not attack people.. unless attacked first. So don't act all innocent.. you were just as much an asshole. Get off your high horse.

And as I stated before.. the questions were directed towards max.. not you. You had no reason to get your panties in a knot. I asked the questions because I knew he was bullshitting. If max was truthful and forthcoming.. who knows.. I may have even commended him and endorsed his panel.. if it was all that he said it was. But all he did, was ignore and sidetrack.. just like every other bullshit fly-by-night dealer.

As I said.. I'm an old man. I say what I want.. you don't like it, oh well.. that's life. I speak my mind, but I do it with respect.. I don't flame or bash.. unless done so to me first.

IF spuzzum read my post, instead of going ballistic as soon as he saw STFUA, he would have seen, it was because he (among others) keep asking for answers over and over that max chooses not to answer. I never said I disagreed with why you were asking (the questions are valid), but at some point you need to realize when someone isn't going to answer. Bullying doesn't do any good. Your life doesn't hang in the balance, so sit back and let it play out.
If you really are one of the good guys as PSUAGRO pointed out why would you bash somebody that was also trying to be a good guy. If he really was in it for the good of LED's his formula would be there for all to see. In business the first thing they will tell you is that while ideas and concepts seem valuable they are not. Could you imagine if he went on that show Shark Tank with his vague description of an LED light that could compete with the sun!!! Then said oh sorry I can't reveal that or you guys will steal it. They would laugh him off the stage. He has nothing new and just wants to build the hype he does. He is the same as all the other LED guys out there in my opinion. Only worse since he is claiming he is not. I will cut him one break for honesty though since he is saying the grow method needs to be scrog. All the other LED companies claim 1gpw or higher and fail to mention these results are using scrog to obtain these results. Right now most if not all led fixtures have the same problem with obtaining proper penetration. When they fixed the problem the lights had to be further away. So most of the added penetration is lost by having to raise the fixture. All Spuzz who is also a good guy is trying to do is make sure more people don't fall prey to what clearly looks like another scam artist entering the LED ring.
How many times do you need to ask a question (without getting an intelligent response) that you are pretty sure you already have the answer to? I mean, really. If max wanted to be forthcoming he would. And spuzzum, I'm sixty fuckin three, plenty old enough to know that it's a waste of time to ask the same question over and over. Why don't you?