New Led Or Not ?

Who's going to do the journal with this light?

Thank you for your understanding, that is the exact reason why I am being cagey about my choices of spectrums and ratios. When the plants go under the light the journal and all the details of the grow will be on here with plenty of pics. If you guys would like me to put the link to the grow journal on the website then that could be easily done, and if I was to lie about the results I'm sure that any dissatisfied customer would post their thoughts about the company and the product, to me, that would be the best way for me to kill my own business off from the start if I was to lie ?
I agree Petflora.................Everyone said what they wanted to say.........Now It's time for this PANEL to do the talking.....
To keep saying over and over and over and over and over (annoying isn't it?) that you doubt, has gotten beyond old. STFUA.

If I was Max I would just ignore all of you. There will be time enough for that. In the words of the infamous Donald Rumsfeld "We know what we know, and we don't know what we don't know"

Shut the fuck up?? Why do you say that? We're asking actual questions here man.. and max is reluctant to be forthcoming. What has he got to hide? When a potential customer asks him who makes this 170lm diode, why is that "dribble" as max puts it? And why is that secret? People in this community are bright enough by now to know the scams these guys play. And if a potential customer asks him these questions in a forum, then max should take full advantage of the situation and run with it.. be "honest" as he puts it. I swear.. if he did that, he'd corner the market.. just by being honest and forthcoming.

Never mind that he's already spinning the shit by saying "my only competition will be the sun", and he's going by at least 1 other user name in this thread.. (3 maybe including you??), if maxpesh wants to be an honest dealer.. then start acting like an honest dealer. Answer some questions.. don't just tell everyone to "wait" until his own "trial grow" with some Eshine panel he's about to start selling.

If I was maxpesh, I'd welcome the opportunity to answer any and all questions. NO question is "dribble". If that's his attitude, I'd hate to be a customer with a complaint down the road... "it's not the panel.. you just don't know how to grow...". Right? We've already seen that one in this community.

If I didn't know better, I'd say maxpesh was someone else who was just banned from another site.. just before he took off with a Fero panel that was given to him.
Also... unless you are a part of maxpesh's company, then you have nothing to say to any of us "doubters". YOU haven't grown with the panel, so YOU have nothing to say about it. In fact.. it seems like you grow with T5's. Guess that makes you an authority on LED?


Move along.. let's the adults continue their conversation.










I would be willing to do a side by side of your LED vs 1k hps and give an unbiased opinion. I would also return the light after the 8 weeks.
Also... unless you are a part of maxpesh's company, then you have nothing to say to any of us "doubters". YOU haven't grown with the panel, so YOU have nothing to say about it. In fact.. it seems like you grow with T5's. Guess that makes you an authority on LED?


Move along.. let's the adults continue their conversation.

It's assumptions like that that make you come across like an Ass. I have 3 full grows under LED/CFL cause that LED alone is not what I hoped, considering the advert hype. Fool me once... After 2 grows I began looking for a better LED. I studied my ass off, and continue to do so. NONE of them offer the flexibility or control that a HO T5 provides when used, especially when used with aquarium bulbs. If you go back and look at my suggestions early on here you would know that.

Believe me, I have as many concerns as all you guys, but he has chosen not to be forthcoming. Where does that leave you, any of us? Waiting. Stay subbed and wait until he produces something for us to tear apart, or buy.
It's assumptions like that that make you come across like an Ass. I have 3 full grows under LED/CFL cause that LED alone is not what I hoped, considering the advert hype. Fool me once... After 2 grows I began looking for a better LED. I studied my ass off, and continue to do so. NONE of them offer the flexibility or control that a HO T5 provides when used, especially when used with aquarium bulbs. If you go back and look at my suggestions early on here you would know that.

Believe me, I have as many concerns as all you guys, but he has chosen not to be forthcoming. Where does that leave you, any of us? Waiting. Stay subbed and wait until he produces something for us to tear apart, or buy.

Congratulations.. you know how to grow. 3 full grows even :D.


That doesn't make you an expert on LEDs, nor does it give you the right to tell us to shut the fuck up. If we want to ask max some "basic" questions, we have that right to do so. So far, all that any of us has seen, if full blown over the top bullshit. And you want to wait for the test run, letting the pages fill with hype for 3 months?

Why not just order the panel from whatever factory he's commissioned, do the damn "test" grow, THEN push the bs in the forums.. with actual pictures to back it up. Don't build bullshit hype on something he hasn't even put an order in yet for.

As I said before.. unless you're part of the company.. "you" have nothing to say to us doubters.

Pretty sure he's referring to the amethyst from but I could be wrong.

Those light are too expensive for max.. they actually use "quality" diodes. :D

Those are a complete rippoff of what community member "knna" has posted in many forums under DIY LEDs.

How to build your DIY LED array

Those are "Osram Golden Dragon Plus". I'm using the 660nm hyper reds with my Cree's, but at $6 a diode, they sure add up pretty damn quick.

That thread by knna should be mandatory reading for anyone getting into LED.. not just for people who want to build a panel. It's from 2008, so it's a little dated. He's talking Luxeon K2's in the thread, but he's since switched to Osram's. But the guide is still very insightful. Explains the capabilities of the LEDs, as well as issues that heat can cause.. such as lowering the actual light output because the diode is too warm. I bet a lot of those panels aren't even running at the current they set it at.. just because their heatsink/fan/housing isn't enough to keep the junction temps at 25°C or lower. For every degree above 25°C, the lower the current flow will drop, thus "dimming" the actual light output, as well as shorten the actual lifespan of the diode. Won't last the 5 years or whatever they're claiming.


So when I hear people say how their panel is "warm" to the touch.. that tells me there's a lot of badly designed panels out there, that not only are outputting less than advertised, but won't last nearly as long as the manufacturer's claims. 25°C is only 77°F.. and 77°F doesn't feel "warm".
I think Max is full of it and I would never buy a light from him, unless he gave me a sweet deal and had it drop shipped directly

from E-Shine!
The thing that raised the alarms for me the most.. is the fact that he's using at least 2 different user names in this thread. He can't even remember which one of his aliases he posted the Oxford link under... lol!

And if he's stooping to using 2 (or more) aliases.. how the fuck do we know he's not just responding to his own threads, boosting his own rep??

And how the fuck do we trust him now.. are we "sure" that his "testers" aren't just "him".. under various other user names??

That scam's pretty old. :p
The thing that raised the alarms for me the most.. is the fact that he's using at least 2 different user names in this thread. He can't even remember which one of his aliases he posted the Oxford link under... lol!

And if he's stooping to using 2 (or more) aliases.. how the fuck do we know he's not just responding to his own threads, boosting his own rep??

And how the fuck do we trust him now.. are we "sure" that his "testers" aren't just "him".. under various other user names??

That scam's pretty old. :p

I'm most certainly not using 2 different user names on here, dunno where you got that impression from. Have you heard the story of the girl who cried wolf ? Well it goes something like "Cry too many times and one day when you are genuine, no one will take any notice". Well, lies are the same thing, what if one day someone actually comes along trying to do something good but because of all the bad feelings and bad reputations of a certain situation that nobody believes ! Carry on with you slander if that is what makes you feel important but I hope someday soon to make good.
HEADS UP EVERYONE. Check all the threads started by Spuzzum and make up your own mind where he/she is from ;-)
I'm most certainly not using 2 different user names on here, dunno where you got that impression from. Have you heard the story of the girl who cried wolf ? Well it goes something like "Cry too many times and one day when you are genuine, no one will take any notice". Well, lies are the same thing, what if one day someone actually comes along trying to do something good but because of all the bad feelings and bad reputations of a certain situation that nobody believes ! Carry on with you slander if that is what makes you feel important but I hope someday soon to make good.

Care to elaborate?

First of all, I did not say that HPS is only 15% efficient if you read my words correctly, I said the 15% was BS ????? Secondly ,you say you have read the entire thread and if this is so you would realise that I have posted the link to the Oxford journal on here many times. I will not bite at all the arguments about meaningless drivel. My greatest arguments will be the final results and yields. Don't forget that I will not give away my spectrums and ratios before I am established as this would be business suicide on my part. So to puffenuff, you can get irritated as much as you like but this is the way it's gonna be, so don't worry it'll all come in good time ;-)

That's just it.. nobody has ever claimed HPS is only 15% efficient. HPS does have a 10-15% overhead in the ballast.. that's what I meant by 15% "inefficient". So where you get dealers claiming "only" 15% efficiency is beyond me. Sounds like creative hype.

As for linking the Oxford grow journal.. pretty funny. "YOU" did not link "anything". In fact.. the only links to "Oxford...." is by beenthere . So I guess that means that that's you?? What.. can't remember who you logged on as??

Meaningless drivel?? I'm asking the exact same questions "any" CUSTOMER would ask. And if you're going to hide behind some half-assed excuse like that.. well buddy.. you're going to have a hell of a time selling your wares.

Thought you were an "honest dealer"? If so.. then why so reluctant to satisfy the customers' questions?

I'm not a dealer, so don't worry about that. I'm a DIY'er.. making a Cree/Osram panel. I've done plenty of extensive research myself.. friend. I just don't like scammer dealers who run and gun in this community. Tell bullshit, sell bullshit, then gone next month. It's nothing new.. we've all seen it.

So to say your "spectrums" are "secret"... lol! Bunk. "Maybe" the ratios.. but not the spectrums.

Unless you start claiming that 420nm is "the magical UV"... like some other panel does. Which was funny.. as UV-B is 280-315nm.

I was experimenting with supplemental lighting for LED's a couple of years ago and came across this Oxford Journal.
This is obviously not the specific information you were referring to but it does support the fact that green light (550nm) was found to have absorbance percentages between 50% and 90% and that green light penetrated further into the leaf structure than red or blue light.

"Green Light Drives Leaf Photosynthesis More Efficiently than Red Light in Strong White Light: Revisiting the Enigmatic Question of Why Leaves are Green

YOU did not post the link.. beenthere did.

In fact.. the olny link YOU seemed to have given, was a youtube link...

Thank you, most of the board is Cree and Bridgelux. To pass you towards my way of thinking outside of the box with LED. Look to evolution. Now look at Nasa findings (Lettuce) ? Now look at blues and reds and look at the way all the led companies have designed around those findings (alga = 2 cell thick layer in a petri dish). Now look to the latest findings from 2010 about stomata action and the processes that REALLY drive it (it's actually on youtube Now look to why LED companies say HID is only 15% efficient because that is one of the biggest lies ever, photosynthesis is an important process but alas it is only one of many going on. Finally look at the Evidence everywhere on the internet that the current LED's do not grow anywhere near HPS for flowering and that is a fact.

Best wishes for the new year :-)

So once again.. please enlighten me. Maybe it's just that I'm old, and still not used to these bifocals.. but please entertain me and point to the link "you" provided?

I pointed this out earlier.. and you just ignored it. So.. can you blame me for thinkung that you are full of shit? There's one ! Please enlighten yourself and here's the other Now if you check out my other threads you will see that I posted the second link quite a while BEFORE this thread started. Now here's also an invitation for ANYONE.....I'll put a photograph up here of me on here ! I'll also give out my personal address and if I anyone ever buys one of my lights in the near future and it turned out that I was selling crap like all the rest,,feel free to come to visit me and kick the crap out of me and I'll not retaliate. This is why I'll not even launch the product if it turns out to be BS because I want to find out for myself also. You do however make me wonder about your credentials as you've came on here with a really big attitude trying to kill off competition before it has even started, and this is coming from someone very new out of the blue ??????????????? There's one ! Please enlighten yourself and here's the other Now if you check out my other threads you will see that I posted the second link quite a while BEFORE this thread started. Now here's also an invitation for ANYONE.....I'll put a photograph up here of me on here ! I'll also give out my personal address and if I anyone ever buys one of my lights in the near future and it turned out that I was selling crap like all the rest,,feel free to come to visit me and kick the crap out of me and I'll not retaliate. This is why I'll not even launch the product if it turns out to be BS because I want to find out for myself also. You do however make me wonder about your credentials as you've came on here with a really big attitude for someone very new out of the blue ???????????????

So why did you say you already posted in THIS thread when I asked before???

Instead.. you were an asshole, and just said "Secondly ,you say you have read the entire thread and if this is so you would realise that I have posted the link to the Oxford journal on here many times."

You are so full of shit max........................
So why did you say you already posted in THIS thread when I asked before???

Instead.. you were an asshole, and just said "Secondly ,you say you have read the entire thread and if this is so you would realise that I have posted the link to the Oxford journal on here many times."

You are so full of shit max........................

Haha ! Very Eloquent. You're from another LED company and I can pretty much guess which one, now go and hide back under the rock from which you came and think about the next scam you can rip people off with, ur not fooling me !!!