New license in need of help!

If you look at the authorization to grow for a DG (Form D) you will find this text outlined, and BOLDED

IMPORTANT: If the marihuana is to be produced at a site that is not the ordinary residence of and not owned by the applicant or the designated person, the owner(s) of the production site must complete Form F: Consent
of Property Owner."

This means that BOTH criteria need to be met in order to require form F (the word AND specifies this)

You MUST not live at the production site, and you CANNOT own the production site property.

In other words, if you LIVE at the production site, the landlord does NOT need to fill out form F.

The ONLY way you NEED to get form F filled out, is if the rental unit is being used specifically, and solely for Growing reasons, no residence.

So if you're living where you're growing, even if your renting, you do NOT need form F filled out.

I've had my lawyer review these forms and he assures me that this information is 100% correct.
Yep I read that too and I spoke to some DGs and they told me the same thing when I asked if I need the landlord form filled out.

Bottom line if you live there no one has to know that it's a grow site. HC said so in other words lol..


Active Member
great point n so true my buddy was cocky when he got he card called the cops on himself thinkn theyd not come back after all hes legal every week for 5 -6 months this one super cop dropped by just say HI and check his numbers of cousre as we card guys know for a little while its hard not be over clones stock n all live n learn


Active Member
A patient cannot be denied the ability to produce their own medicine for any reason, if their authorized to possess/use MMJ they CANNOT be denied the ability to produce their own.
I agreed with you until you made this statement... this is absolutely FALSE. I know this because I helped a patient (VERY well known patient) find a DG because they were court ordered to NOT grow their own for a period of time due to legal actions that were imposed on them at that time.



Active Member
This is the first time I've ever heard of a licensed patient being denied the ability to grow their own. Even Health Canada assured me that no charges can be held against you when applying for you PPL, only if a DG is being applied for. Now, I'm not saying this is fact, as HC tends to not know what the fuck their doing lol, but this was the word I received from Health Canada themselves.


Active Member
This is the first time I've ever heard of a licensed patient being denied the ability to grow their own. Even Health Canada assured me that no charges can be held against you when applying for you PPL, only if a DG is being applied for. Now, I'm not saying this is fact, as HC tends to not know what the fuck their doing lol, but this was the word I received from Health Canada themselves.
I won't give out the name of the patient... but I can assure you if you are a legal med patient in Canada... you at least "should" know their name.... they were instrumental in the MMAR being established in the first place ;)



Active Member
Hey everyone, I recently became a medical patient in nova scotia and I can't find any landlords that are willing to let me produce my medicine.... Any suggestions??? Do I have to tell the landlord if i'm only leasing??? please people any help would be good

Welcome to the "club" fellow bluenoser! :) If you need someone local to help with anything feel free to message me.



Active Member
This is the first time I've ever heard of a licensed patient being denied the ability to grow their own. Even Health Canada assured me that no charges can be held against you when applying for you PPL, only if a DG is being applied for. Now, I'm not saying this is fact, as HC tends to not know what the fuck their doing lol, but this was the word I received from Health Canada themselves.
I'm believe I do know of who your speaking of, but I was never aware they were refused their license to grow their own.

<-- Also a raised Bluenoser


Active Member
read the form again please -it reads if u live at place of production u need not got owners consent plain english u live there its urs u have more rights than owners, just dont damage anything make back ups n clean up