New Lights Where Do I Put Them??


Well-Known Member
i got 2 more cfls but i have 2 4 ft fixtures that are hung by strings side by side no gap in between i have 2 cfls that hang below them kinda between them now i am out of ideas on how to place the new cfls any ideas are welcome


Well-Known Member
Your question is confusing. Or i'm a little "off" right now, whichever the case...hang em over your plants. Can you drape the new lights over your 4' fixtures?
i got 2 more cfls but i have 2 4 ft fixtures that are hung by strings side by side no gap in between i have 2 cfls that hang below them kinda between them now i am out of ideas on how to place the new cfls any ideas are welcome

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Put the CFLs as close to your plants as possible... on the side. on top.. where ever they fit..

picture please :)