New project ideas


Well-Known Member
What's up rollitup,

Pretty soon I'll be moving out of my current home and into a rental house, I refuse to let an occasional drop by of my landlord stop me from doing something I enjoy more than anything. So therefore I'm doing a bit of an upgrade which was planned regardless.

I plan on using my tent that I have now for clones and seedlings in the future but for now I'm gonna keep doing seedlings as I have no clones, and I'm gonna pick up the 77x77x77 Apollo Horticulture Tent. These tents are great! The only problem that I have EVER had with them is a drawstring locking thing breaking off (which can be easily replaced) the best part of these tents is that they are cheap. I believe the tent I am getting is the second largest tent they offer for $215. I will also be purchasing a second 600 watt hood and ballast.

I really just want an efficient, clean, simple setup. Gonna go with 8 plants in 7 gallon buckets, and grow them to be bushy monsters. I should be able to get by with a 6 week veg and then a flower period in 7 gallons correct? I normally transplant from solo cups after a week and a half.

I need some ideas on how to ventilate in the most efficient way, my main idea is to get the big ass 8" hurricane inline and go passive. Then use it as an all in one setup, pull air through the vents in the tent then through the carbon filter then from there through both lights and then out of the room. I will have a window AC unit and am thinking of getting those hangable c02 emitters, just because it's simple and I've heard it works great. If you guys have any other suggestions let me know as this seems to be the cleanest I can think of. I am pretty positive the fan is powerful enough at 745cfm.

ALSO my plan to avoid the landlord discovering my operation: I live in a state where you have to be notified of a visit 24 hours before hand, therefore I will be checking the mail and answering calls and reading emails every day during my grow. When I am informed of a visit I plan to move my plants to my vehicle and put sun shades on the windows and lock the car then take the tent down. About how long do you guys think it takes to take a tent down? I also plan on doing the grow in a room of the house that has no appliances, heating/AC components or anything that can break honestly. Changing the locks of my house seems to be a good idea as well, he will never notice they are changed unless he tries to get in when I'm not home as I will always be there to open the door. Which I am also slightly protected against. Unless he has an emergency in the house he cannot come in without my permission. HOPEFULLY this guy is just some bullshit landlord who lives out of state and never visits. That would be awesome. In my last house my landlord lived in Texas while we were in it, I never grew a damn thing -_-

So guys let me know what you think I should do or any tips with dealing with landlord visits.


Well-Known Member
Your plan is to move 8 plants vegged for 6 weeks... in 7 gallon buckets... Into your car?


You can't be serious!?

Taking the tent down (a one hour job) is the least of your worries!


Well-Known Member
See that is exactly why I posted here. To catch the flaws in my plan. Not sure how I didn't think of that lol I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to think of another spot. I could trash bag them and move them into the woods I guess


See that is exactly why I posted here. To catch the flaws in my plan. Not sure how I didn't think of that lol I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to think of another spot. I could trash bag them and move them into the woods I guess
Rent a U-haul had one last week to move some stuff and hotboxed the crap out her


Well-Known Member
Not sure that I'd be able to rent a uhaul every time the landlord comes through. Don't own a truck to tow one either even if I got the cheaper trailers. I guess I could set up a "camping" tent in my back yard and lock em in there every time. If I were to do that would it be a bad idea to put trash bags or bed sheets maybe (so they can breathe) over them to keep bugs out? Or what would y'all do?


Well-Known Member
I do have nephews that would be living with me could say they were camping in the yard the night before if he even asks. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Ha ha! I've been in a similar situation with rentals myself.
Had a fire crew turn up once because, unknown to me, the smoke alarm was faulty and alert the fire station. Thankfully it was the alarm in the kitchen, and not the bedroom with the grow tent in it.
Had another guy turn up a few weeks later to check all the smoke alarms... I just told him my girl was in the bedroom, we had just had an argument, and if he was brave enough he was welcome to knock on the bedroom door, but I as not going to!
He decided not to :hump:

I'd say something along the lines of your nephews camping out..and if there's a bunch of kids running about high on sugar that's going to look even better.

A serious problem you have...but it has it's funny side imo :wink: