New Set Up Vedge Room


Active Member
not designed yet but my principle is there ... so im thinking of converting my attic into a grow room, risky i know but i have no other area that's indoors. but anyway the important thing is i have to share with you this great idea. using aquarium lights for vegging is probably going to be cheaper and more efficient than using regular 300w cfl lights.
so here's what i was thinking of using
the specs
the specs need for growing (real good guide)
my reflectors,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&ion=1&biw=1440&bih=809&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=11800782974798189514&sa=X&ei=8BkMT8neBYaChQfI_YSeBA&ved=0CF0Q8wIwAg

after that it's a small boxed in grow room the same set up as an aquarium.

if anyone can see any problems with this set up please tell me. i don't want to end up buying the wrong thing :/