New Setup, 2nd Time Grower, 2x150watt HPS - G13 ;)


Well-Known Member
been over a week since pictures...I suppose I should go take a few eh? I did notice when looking at the trich's that they are starting to get a little cloudy :) I need to dig out my wifes macro lens and tripod to see what I can come up with at some point for pics :D


Well-Known Member
so i think i found out whats up with my clones and seedling...I've only been giving them straight tap water that sat out for a while...the PH use to be right at 7...I went and tested it today as the plants are having magnesium deficiencies and some other issues...yup...PH 8.5...yeay...well hokay then...time to correct that a little bit I think :D

I've only been giving nutrient water to the main grow which I just tested that and its right at about the nutrients are driving down the PH as it needs to be :)

I'm considering using some hydrochloric acid drops to drop the ph a bit...anyone use that before?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You have to understand pH and how soil affects it. You have 2 pH values, that of the water/nute solution, and that of the SOIL. It's the pH of the soil that you are concerned with. What ever the value of what you put into the soil is, as it sits in contact with the soil, the soil will buffer that value to the pH of the soil. You can't really check the run-off, as the run-off isn't in contact with the soil long enough to get buffered.
You can check the soil pH by gently digging out a sample form the middle of the pot along one edge. Place that in a container lust large enough to get your meter into. Add just enough DISTILLED water to cover the soil and make a loose mud or slurry. Let that sit for about half an hour or so, then check the pH. THAT will be the pH of the actual soil. Properly buffered (limed) soil will be around 7, and get more acidic as it ages, or as any chemical salts build up it could get more alkaline. The pH drop from age alone will not be noticeable during the course of the grow.


Well-Known Member
You have to understand pH and how soil affects it. You have 2 pH values, that of the water/nute solution, and that of the SOIL. It's the pH of the soil that you are concerned with. What ever the value of what you put into the soil is, as it sits in contact with the soil, the soil will buffer that value to the pH of the soil. You can't really check the run-off, as the run-off isn't in contact with the soil long enough to get buffered.
You can check the soil pH by gently digging out a sample form the middle of the pot along one edge. Place that in a container lust large enough to get your meter into. Add just enough DISTILLED water to cover the soil and make a loose mud or slurry. Let that sit for about half an hour or so, then check the pH. THAT will be the pH of the actual soil. Properly buffered (limed) soil will be around 7, and get more acidic as it ages, or as any chemical salts build up it could get more alkaline. The pH drop from age alone will not be noticeable during the course of the grow.
I used this really cheap shitty topsoil for the seedlings and mixed in perlite, blood meal, and some other stuff i've got lying around...i have a feeling its probably all out of wack...ive got two new bags of MG organics choice and some 5 gallon buckets I just picked up to repot i'll mix up petty much what I did for the bed thats worked very well and see where things go from there after transplant...i'm also seeing roots starting to pop out of the little 1gallon containers...but they are only filled 1/2 way with yeah...i think a combination of packed soil + ph + nutrients + not enough heat is making em grow like shit...

I'll hopefully correct all that tonight...i'm building a veg area out of insulation board(the reflective backer type) so that should keep the heat from the CFL's in...and ive got new soil to mix up and transplant into larger containers :)

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Sounds good. People get too hung up on the pH of what goes in and comes out rather than the actual soil pH. I'd bet if you sample it like I said, it'll be well within the parameters.
Don't get hung up on price either. Soil either has good structure or it doesn't. The base I use for all my mixes is a house brand I get from a local nursery for $13 for a 2.8 cu/ft bag. Any soil is gonna be fine unless it isn't pre limed (which I prefer). When you mix your soil (after you've added everything), take a sample and test it like I told you, and slowly add lime until it's right at 6.5 or 7. That pH will be stable thru the entire grow.


Well-Known Member
holes drilled in 5gallon buckets...soil mixed up with plenty of perlite...cuttings and seedling transplanted into the back hurts...and im tired...time to hit the bong and goto bed :D


Well-Known Member
The cuttings and seedlings in the "veg" area seem to be taking to the transplant very growth is looking very healthy for only being in there 2 days...also doesn't hurt it was warm outside today so it was about 65F down in the basement :D

But yeah..main grow is still slowly starting to have browning pistils...coming along...I'll take some new pictures in a few more days as the vertical growth has stopped and all thats happening at this point is bud development...I also shaved 30mins off their light time a few days ago so they are getting 11.5/12.5..and will be 11/13 this weekend :)


Well-Known Member
Picture update time!

Here is the flowering room...buds looking great...colas fattening up nicely:


And here is the veg area under the 148watts of CFL's:


I'm getting excited :D


dude i just caught up on this. nice my friend. I just planted my legal 6 one week from today and it is so exciting. so youre looking at about what? 4 mnths sed to harvest? im considering starting my own grow journal but idk yet... it is my first indoor grow so we shall see.


Well-Known Member
dude i just caught up on this. nice my friend. I just planted my legal 6 one week from today and it is so exciting. so youre looking at about what? 4 mnths sed to harvest? im considering starting my own grow journal but idk yet... it is my first indoor grow so we shall see.
Yeah I let them veg a little long and had to LST while in flower...I'm going to start LST'ing the bunch in the veg area soon and probably top them to bush them out a little :)

I might look into co2 production as well, depending on finances and time...that would decrease growing time by probably 25-30% if done right :)


Well-Known Member
CO2, to me, is not worth it unless you are doing a fairly large scale op. The price to get a co2 system is steep as you know but at the same time, it does produce some nice results. how do i follow your grow? I actually posted a journal myself, feel free to take a look LINK


You just subscribe to it up top under thread tools and add it to your subscriptions(at least that's what I do), and I check in on peoples threads through "my rollitup".

I'm not going to go BUY a co2 system..thats going to go buy big water jugs + cheap clear tubing + a few sacks of sugar + a jar of yeast :D


Nice i subd. Ive heard SO many different ways of Co2 production its insane. Some prefer the cheap lantern from walmart and burning that for x amount of hrs.... DUMB, lets put more heat into a rool with a good amount of heat emission in it already hahaha. Ya thats the method i would use myself that you described. I got my new ligiting system in the mail now for my grow and could not be happier.


also how do i reply and get the comment in which i am replying to to appear like you and everyone else does?


Well-Known Member
hit the "reply with quote" button in the bottom right of their post :)

Yeah I don't like the idea of using burning things to make just pollutes the air in my opinion...its releasing more than just co2 at that point :)


hit the "reply with quote" button in the bottom right of their post :)

Yeah I don't like the idea of using burning things to make just pollutes the air in my opinion...its releasing more than just co2 at that point :)
Right? sounds like just a bad idea to me overall but hey, to each his own. After seeing those buds you got off of a similar wattage to what i will be using (granted you got me on genetics with that g13:twisted:) i am excited to see how i can produce indoors. I am def thinking about topping my plants when i can to get some nice colas. As i said, Indoor, Not my cup of tea, outdoor grower for past years. I like the idea of being able to control the environment though and i think it could get interesting.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You just subscribe to it up top under thread tools and add it to your subscriptions(at least that's what I do), and I check in on peoples threads through "my rollitup".

I'm not going to go BUY a co2 system..thats going to go buy big water jugs + cheap clear tubing + a few sacks of sugar + a jar of yeast :D
It's gonna smell like someone puked up some dank bud in your garden. Ever brew your own anything? Fermentation is SOUR!!!