New study: single payer would cost 34 trillion for first decade

Yeah, "technically" that's true, however it doesn't magically make it free. They will bill you later, and potentially ruin your credit for years. Let's add some context..

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There are many different free/subsidized clinics too that don't require anything near that kind of payment for those treatments. If everyone had insurance coverage under the ACA they could have a doctor to go to for most issues and preventative care. M4A is unnecessary and will not pass the Senate.
I'm sure there's 30 trillion dollars lying around somewhere.

Disclaimer: I have never beat my ex-wife nor have I ever struck a woman even in a nonviolent way (eg fun spankings) and I feel it is necessary to make this disclaimer because some non-Russian Bernie Sanders supporters will say otherwise when they can not retort to facts.
Wrong again, that's addressed in the study you cited but didn't understand

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As you can see, costs decrease across the board
Unremitting stupidity. You are committing to the same lie that the Bernie campaign does. They highlight a "savings" and omit the actual cost. I just linked the study (linking it again) which was republished on sci-hub in order for people to link it. I even quoted the part on the fifth page under the header:

The bottom line of Medicare for All
Through the mechanisms detailed previously, we predict that a single-payer health-care system would require $3·034 trillion annually
There are many different free/subsidized clinics too that don't require anything near that kind of payment for those treatments. If everyone had insurance coverage under the ACA they could have a doctor to go to for most issues and preventative care. M4A is unnecessary and will not pass the Senate.
I'm glad that you didn't debate my statement, so I hope you stop proclaiming the myth that anyone can just walk into an emergency room free of charge.
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There are many different free/subsidized clinics too that don't require anything near that kind of payment for those treatments. If everyone had insurance coverage under the ACA they could have a doctor to go to for most issues and preventative care. M4A is unnecessary and will not pass the Senate.
There's no where near enough free clinics for the US population. Currently they are able to serve less than 1% of the population:


I'm glad that you didn't debate my statement, so I hope you stop proclaiming the myth that anyone can just walk into an emergency free of charge.
I have a family member that went in and collapsed for 2 weeks with a double pneumonia. He woke up with a couple hundred thousand dollar bill and no possible way to pay for it.

It took a while, but eventually the state did cover it.

If he would have had insurance coverage, he could have went to his doctor when he first started getting sick and not cost near as much to us all. I am a fan of having everyone covered with insurance. Sure a government system where everyone can just walk in and get everything underthe sun sounds great, but it is not realistic and will not happen.

And I don't like liars that push it knowing they can never get it passed.
M4A garners 86% support from Democrats, 52% from Republicans

It doesn't take healthcare away from anybody, it replaces existing insurance plans and decreases the cost to taxpayers
check the exit polls from the states your boy just won or nearly won. It was like 62% in Nevada and not much better in the other two

As people like me find out that our taxes will be doubled to pay for it that’s only gonna go down

I make around 50-60 and you want to double my taxes

Guaranteed loss
I have a family member that went in and collapsed for 2 weeks with a double pneumonia. He woke up with a couple hundred thousand dollar bill and no possible way to pay for it.

It took a while, but eventually the state did cover it.

He got lucky. That isn't the situation in most cases. How has it affected his credit score?
Better than dying on the streets would have I am guessing.
Is that the metric we're using to deem something a good idea now? Dying on the streets? I'd rather get shot in the foot than shot in the head, but I'd rather not get shot at all.
Is that the metric we're using to deem something a good idea now? Dying on the streets? I'd rather get shot in the foot than shot in the head, but I'd rather not get shot at all.
Seriously? What part of if he had insurance which he would have if Obamacare was able to get implemented to 100% of the American population before the Republicans stopped it did you not understand?

If he had insurance he could have gotten the care he needed before he was ready to collapse. Don't act like a troll, there is more than one way to do things, and the one that Obama put his entire Presidency on the line to get passed is the pathway that is workable and won the Democrats enough seats to win it in 2018.

Tearing it up for a system that won't get past is a nonstarter.
lmao 'consensus'. The only consensus on M4A is that nobody has a real clue on how much it will cost or how it will all work out if ever implemented.

Technically everyone has access to healthcare today, emergency rooms are not allowed to turn away people that need care. But foreign trolls don't care about nuance unless it somehow benefits their candidate of choice. Which Russia's is currently Bernie and Trump.
ER's are NOT a substitute for a health care system....
ER's are NOT a substitute for a health care system....
Right, having affordable insurance coverage for 100% of the population would be which is what I had said. Everyone has access to healthcare now, it is just a pain in the ass if you cannot afford it. Fixing the holes the Republicans poked in Obamacare is doable, and reasonable, scrapping everything to try to pass M4A is a dangerous gamble right now with Trump and McConnell sitting in DC for the next 4 years.
Seriously? What part of if he had insurance which he would have if Obamacare was able to get implemented to 100% of the American population before the Republicans stopped it did you not understand?

If he had insurance he could have gotten the care he needed before he was ready to collapse. Don't act like a troll, there is more than one way to do things, and the one that Obama put his entire Presidency on the line to get passed is the pathway that is workable and won the Democrats enough seats to win it in 2018.

Tearing it up for a system that won't get past is a nonstarter.
What "IF" elephants could fly? The world is full of "what if's". For example "what if Obama had endorsed Biden months ago?" Hmm.. what if?

*queue for @abandonconflict to say "What if we had an extra $30 Trillion laying around." Too easy.