New to AG need some help

Thanks UnderFire.. Ya im hopin for 2 ounces this was my first grow and plan on doin a few things a lil different next time.. For 1 i need to top at 6 or 7 weeks of veggin.. I didnt top and they aint that bushy. But u learn as u go.. I have been watchin a few others and they vegged alot longer.. And are bigger and bushier.. I got lucky my 2 smaller females are like 14-16 inches tall and my last female just shot up by them and is at like 20 inches and still gon.. But much appreciation next grow consists of 1 Vilolator Kush feminized, 1 white widow feminized and 1 blue cheese feminized followed by 1 power skunk.. Im goin with 4 plants and im gonna add 4 more cfl's when flowerin to total 11 cfl's includin the 3 in the AG.. Hopin to upgrade to the stealth bubbleponics system with the 150 watt hps.. When i get financially stable im buyin that proclyon hps shit cost like 600.. Wel let me know what u guys think of the updated pics..
Thanks sicc.. I just read wait a week after germination until u put the starter nutes.. Som1 said that seedlings cant handle the nute strength so wait 5 days germiating then another week after that then put starter tabs
Well i am about 80% done with buildin my own bubbleponics system.. I will be using this next grow.. I bought everything for under 80 bucks and it tokk me a total of about 2 hours to get to 80%.. I need to mount the 20 gallon air pump i got. And i need to mount the 170 gallon per hour water pump and run the hose and im done.. 4 weeks left of this shitty low yield AG grow and steppin it up 2 the home made bubbleponics.. Pics when im done buildin
Hey! i got a question, what setting on the aerogarden did you use in veg and what are you using for 12/12????

i have one seedling in teh AG and 1 still germinating (hopefully)
buy a timer when you want to go into flowering stage, also you want to buy one of those figure 8 cords because your going to unplug the current one
and you just turn the lights on and off manually?

U need to buy a good timer.. Digital prefered.. I bought a 12 dollar timer and the shit neva shut off or turned on when i wanted it 2..
I read from som1 who has over 3000 posts that the last 3-4 weeks u can give the plants up to 14 hours of light to maximize bud potential. So i been givin my plants 13 to 13 and a half hours of light.. And when i vegged i kept my lights on 18/6. But u need to get a timer and figure 8 wire so u put the lights on the timer without shuttin the AG off.. AG is a waste of time guys.. I just made my own bubble ponics system.. I just spent 3 months of dedicated time and money on the AG and its lookin like ill get tops maybe a lil over 2 ounces. I bought my AG pro 200 for $230 plus another $200 for cfl's and other shit i needed. I went out and bought all the shit for the bubbleponics and only spent about $75. With the 150 watt hps i want it comes out to exactly $150. The AG just doesnt have alot of room for root growth which stunts their growth which gives u small yield.. Upgrade to the bubbleponics system and u will get double maybe triple what the AG gives u.. Keep the AG what it is designed for tomatoes and basil.. Props to all u guys out there modifiying the AG and trying to make it werk but i give up and will be goin bigger and better.. This post is almost finished up guys only 3 more weeks left until harvest then im startin a new thread for the bubbleponics.. Ill still be hea helpin ne 1 that needs help along the way
U need to buy a good timer.. Digital prefered.. I bought a 12 dollar timer and the shit neva shut off or turned on when i wanted it 2..
I read from som1 who has over 3000 posts that the last 3-4 weeks u can give the plants up to 14 hours of light to maximize bud potential. So i been givin my plants 13 to 13 and a half hours of light.. And when i vegged i kept my lights on 18/6. But u need to get a timer and figure 8 wire so u put the lights on the timer without shuttin the AG off.. AG is a waste of time guys.. I just made my own bubble ponics system.. I just spent 3 months of dedicated time and money on the AG and its lookin like ill get tops maybe a lil over 2 ounces. I bought my AG pro 200 for $230 plus another $200 for cfl's and other shit i needed. I went out and bought all the shit for the bubbleponics and only spent about $75. With the 150 watt hps i want it comes out to exactly $150. The AG just doesnt have alot of room for root growth which stunts their growth which gives u small yield.. Upgrade to the bubbleponics system and u will get double maybe triple what the AG gives u.. Keep the AG what it is designed for tomatoes and basil.. Props to all u guys out there modifiying the AG and trying to make it werk but i give up and will be goin bigger and better.. This post is almost finished up guys only 3 more weeks left until harvest then im startin a new thread for the bubbleponics.. Ill still be hea helpin ne 1 that needs help along the way

damn well that was a good way to discourage some new AG growers :( i mean you you can get a better set up but idk if you have seen vorvetts grow but hes shooting 4 ounces off two plants, and im sure he gonna get at least 3 from his plants. we both got ours for free but the Ag is good for personaly grow, you basically set it and watch it grow on its own, not alot of tending either, mos people who use the Ag arnt looking for big results, and the bubbleponics like you said is for a big yeild, no one buys the Ag and is expecting a massive yeild, yea there like what 250? there made to grow veggies n shit not bud, so of course it will not have a big enough rez for marijuana, no offence but you should have seen those factors when purchasing the Ag, thats why im using it, if i wanted a shit load of bud i would have invested in a better set up, thats what people dont understand who nay say about the Ag, but good luck on the rest of the grow, i wanna see your other set up too
Sicc im just sayin for a 1/4 of the price of the AG u can get the bubbleponics or make 1.. Im not tryin 2 discourage ne 1 with the AG.. Im just sayin i waited 3 months to get like maybe 2 ounces off of 3 females.. Im not knockin ne1 with the AG.. Im just sayin that it is way over priced and u get very little yield.. Im just mad sicc that after 3 months im only gettin 2 ounces maybe less.. Who smokes only 2 ounces in 3 months.. Lol i smoke at least 2 and a half ounces a month of good shit not alone the other 2 months im gonna be dry.. Sorry if i discouraged ne 1 with the AG i was just tryin 2 prove a point that u can get enuf weed each grow from the bubbleponics to last u until ur next grow rather than comin up short with the AG.. But ill have some pics of the new setup soon just need to pipe in my water pump to all the pods and im done.. Im so excited. Sorry Sicc no hard feelings
Well thats what happens when its ur first grow.. And i didnt top my plants either... Man every1 just jumpin on my nut sack for down grading the AG lol.. I already said i was sorry and was mad becaue i wasted 3 months to get 2 ounces maybe less. But i dont care its my own opinion and i still think the AG rez is to small to get a good yield.. And korvette is shooting for 4 ounces doesnt mean hes gonna get it.. And vette has had alot of experience with the AG and knows what he is doin by topping them and all the other weird shit.. I was just sayin the AG is way to overpriced and 2 small. The bubble ponics is half the price and will get u 3 times the yield.. So whoeva comes in hea talkin shit complaining after i already apoligized and said it was my own opinion screw urself.. Have a nice day
ya topping def helps alot, your plants look good but just really really thin and as for korvette there is no way he is going to get a qp out of that, i was aiming for half that and there are way more bud sites on my plants

what is the bubbleponic system that is half price? i might look into that
SH Hydroponics, Inc. > Bubbleponics™ 6 Planter Starter Kit

Heas the link aero.. Its like 90 bucks but i suggest u get the drainage shit fot 9.99... I made my own for like $75.. And it took like 3 hours tops.. But ill have some pics of my home made bubbleponics soon and if u plan on buildin 1 aero ill walk u thur it.. Its mad easy and i will be gettin that qp or half pound ,maybe even the pound i wanted.. But ya i didnt top my plants and i used the AG nutes too the whole way.. Im happy at the quality but u cant get much with the small AG rez.. I also got another link for a 150watt hps that im gonna get.. So total cost of my bubbleponics system with lights is gonna be around $150 compared to the AG at $230 alone.. Let me know what u think
Well thats what happens when its ur first grow.. And i didnt top my plants either... Man every1 just jumpin on my nut sack for down grading the AG lol.. I already said i was sorry and was mad becaue i wasted 3 months to get 2 ounces maybe less. But i dont care its my own opinion and i still think the AG rez is to small to get a good yield.. And korvette is shooting for 4 ounces doesnt mean hes gonna get it.. And vette has had alot of experience with the AG and knows what he is doin by topping them and all the other weird shit.. I was just sayin the AG is way to overpriced and 2 small. The bubble ponics is half the price and will get u 3 times the yield.. So whoeva comes in hea talkin shit complaining after i already apoligized and said it was my own opinion screw urself.. Have a nice day

i wasnt even coming at you like that, i was just saying, like i said i kno the rez is too small and i never said he was gonna get the full 4 idk why you are even trippin, who is talkin shit?.the only thing i said is that you should of seen these factor, like me and Vette ours were free, i kno its too much, maybe if you looked at what i wrote, thats exactly what i was saying, the bubbleponics is cheaper and you get a bigger yeild, but people like the fact of just set it and let it go, but its all good again i wasnt coming at you like that...
C what u started dog. Hahaha. I feel u on the AG tho. Im one and done 2. Im tryin to make a bubble, so I will be gettin at u on that. Whats up with some pics? Dog that organic is growin crazy homeboy. One of my fee's is 3ft.