New to Colorado but not to growing

the law reads 6 plants per adult living at the residence with no more then 2 adults growing per property and no more then half your plants in flower so you are looking at 6 total 3 veg and 3 flower.
Oooh ok cool that clears that up then I musta read it wrong then. So that's 6 plants I can grow without a license right? When I talked to the lady on the phone, I had said that I was going to grow a small amount of marijuana for personal use and she said that they had 10 applicants already and that I would need a business license to sell to dispensaries etc. But I think she was expecting me to want to grow large scale, which is what I will do, much much later down the road
Is there more after that last line? So I would be legal to grow my six, and make connections and move on from there? By make connections I mean like I have a product for personal use and if its good enough maybe someone will look at it and say damn son you need a job, or something like that. Slowly growing myself, but at least being able to say this was me, and if you like it let's find a way I can legally do more
you wont get a job based on a bud you dropped off at a store, hell they cant even take it from you as it is not in the Mertric system so they cant even have it on premises or they risk l the loss of their license. if you want a job in the industry get a support badge get on a trim crew and work your way up. you can not sell what you grow to any one at any time. unless you are a OPC or a grow attached to a dispensary and both of those are mega money ventures. just so you are aware most places start everyone on the trim crew until you show you are worth teaching more, most growers I know are not looking for know it all growers to bring in to their operation, they really prefer novice people with no preconceived notions on how "it should be done"
Lol. There is absolutely no difference in a grade on the east coast vs west coast.

Lol, where the fuck are you from? He's absolutely right. Sorry but there is a huge rift, I don't care who you know.

In Orlando I was getting 2 oz a month for $600 of the FIRE that was supposedly shipped from CO. Then I moved to Denver and found the bulk bargain stuff going for half that price and it was the same quality or better than I'd ever found in 15 years of being the biggest pothead I knew.

Same story when I moved from FL to AK for year in 2001. The weed I got from random people out there was better than the "crippy" or "dro" from back home that was the same price.
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Oooh ok cool that clears that up then I musta read it wrong then. So that's 6 plants I can grow without a license right? When I talked to the lady on the phone, I had said that I was going to grow a small amount of marijuana for personal use and she said that they had 10 applicants already and that I would need a business license to sell to dispensaries etc. But I think she was expecting me to want to grow large scale, which is what I will do, much much later down the road

you wont get a job based on a bud you dropped off at a store, hell they cant even take it from you as it is not in the Mertric system so they cant even have it on premises or they risk l the loss of their license. if you want a job in the industry get a support badge get on a trim crew and work your way up. you can not sell what you grow to any one at any time. unless you are a OPC or a grow attached to a dispensary and both of those are mega money ventures. just so you are aware most places start everyone on the trim crew until you show you are worth teaching more, most growers I know are not looking for know it all growers to bring in to their operation, they really prefer novice people with no preconceived notions on how "it should be done"

Pretty much what I already told him. The thing to understand is the medical industry was regulated and big business got involved years ago. Much like Cali is just now starting to do. Before they had to grow 75% of their own stuff so wholesalers weren't as huge but now it's becoming a huge thing. I regularly see people offering 10 - 100 units of licensed rec weed on facebook, lol.

Also, even if you had the funds to break in with the big boys, you'd need to wait 2 years I think before you could even apply for a real grow. I can tell you there is a "drought" on legal rec weed right now, but it wont last being croptober and all.

Also, not sure if its been put to the test yet but medical and recreational laws are completely separate. So I think technically speaking, an mmj patient could have 6 and 6 as an adult over 21.

Honestly if you wanna make a living growing here, your prob gonna need to be slanging on craiglist with all the 100s of greymarket homegrowers, something that will be hard to do in a rural area.

All that said, you never fucking know what the future holds man and you could build a real future here. I just think maybe you should do more real research and possibly check out other states although they will all be likely highly regulated as rec moves forward. Some med states are still pretty loose. I know PM garbage gets bought all day at Mi dispensaries.

PS> My shit is so fire I got people begging me on IG and shit to sell them a few OZ. LMFAO. KILLING IT OVER HERE!!!
From what I've read and been told you can have 6 in veg and 6 in flower and not need a license as that amount is "personal" am I wrong ??
With a personal grow it's 6 plants 3 in flower and 3 in flower if you and the wife reside in the same abode then you each get this. If you want to be a caregiver as mentioned months ago then you have to have a med card yourself. If you get a med card you can get a script for more plants than the basic limit with a larger possession limit also. If you want to get into the commercial end then you'll need a special card, and thats for everyone working in any dispensary from clerk to grower and then if you want to grow for an outlet you'll have to make a connection with one of the medical/ retail outlets. They are required to grow 70% of what they sell, so they can only import 30% of their stock.
Lol, where the fuck are you from? He's absolutely right. Sorry but there is a huge rift, I don't care who you know.

In Orlando I was getting 2 oz a month for $600 of the FIRE that was supposedly shipped from CO. Then I moved to Denver and found the bulk bargain stuff going for half that price and it was the same quality or better than I'd ever found in 15 years of being the biggest pothead I knew.

Same story when I moved from FL to AK for year in 2001. The weed I got from random people out there was better than the "crippy" or "dro" from back home that was the same price.
the east coast, obviously.

Anyone I have ever met who calls weed crippy or dro, normally has shit weed, so yea YOU might not have had it on this coast. But I can promise you it's here. And lots of it. Obviously the price isn't going to be the same as legal states, but it's not that different. Pounds of A grade here are 24-28 a lb.

To say that the a grade on this coast is mid grade there is a straight insult and a slap in the face.

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Lol. There is absolutely no difference in a grade on the east coast vs west coast.
That hasn't been my experience at all. What sells as $20/g dank in Tn would barely sell at all here in Co. Alabama is even worse. After 30+ years living in the east I will take CO weed any day.

And yes, your pic looks like what I would call average.
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the east coast, obviously.

Anyone I have ever met who calls weed crippy or dro, normally has shit weed, so yea YOU might not have had it on this coast. But I can promise you it's here. And lots of it. Obviously the price isn't going to be the same as legal states, but it's not that different. Pounds of A grade here are 24-28 a lb.

To say that the a grade on this coast is mid grade there is a straight insult and a slap in the face.

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This all sounds like I'm bragging or something but....

Is that pic supposed to impress me? lol. You should check my pics and smell my terps, lol.

I've been all over the east coast. I have SERIOUS pothead friends from all walks of life. From wealthy, yes wealthy not just upper class, to poor, to MAJOR players in the glass game and others. All up and down from NYC to Philly to Myrtle Beach to Orlando to Miami.

They all tell me you simply can't find the same level of quality, especially widely available. Some of them even come here to try the rec weed and go skiing, etc. They went to shitty places like Walking Raven and other Broadsterdam shit holes and raved about how much better is was than back home. Then I pulled out some crazy leet strains from Kind Love and figuratively blow their minds before busting out the GreenDot Live and literally blowing their minds, lol.

It's not to say there aren't some leet home growers out there doing it right but when speaking in general terms you have to be general....

And I can tell you no matter what you think, generally speaking there is a HUGE RIFT. Even the connoisseur shit you can find if you have the right people it's way overpriced and still not as good as the best here.

What I've found in my travels is the best shit out there is equal to the ok shit out west. My industry is also primarily based on the West coast so I travel to LA and SF, Vegas and others for work a few times a year. So I know folks and have tried the best around from all over so I feel pretty confident speaking about regional weed quality.

The fact that you talk about "mids" only goes to prove me right. We don't have mids here really. I guess you could call it that but it's a far cry from that dark green "mids" or "dank" from the east. Here they sell quarters for $50 of better stuff than you pay $100 for out east, or like 170 vs 300 for oz. The really good stuff goes up to like $70/q or 240/oz, some spots even up to $340(Kushman Veganic in LA)

And the "bargain bin" I mentioned still sells for $100q out east but here it's like $500 for a qp MAX. A LOT of that type of stuff gets shipped out east actually. I know dudes in Orlando and Philly that get that stuff shipped from Denver and slang it out there and people love them for it, lol.

You either didn't hook up with the right people when you tried western weed or went to some rec shop or something. If you ever come to Denver I'll smoke you some real good.

Fyi, I was talking about Florida in late 90s early 2000s, EVERYONE there still calls it crippy and dro actually. At least they still were last time I lived there, which was most of my life until 2012.

PS> Something funny, they just did a study that the extra UV here at the higher altitudes produces more thc, so you could say technically, empirically, west coast(mountain) weed is better. lol.

PPS> Every home grower and their friends think their stuff is the best. In most cases it isn't, lol.
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With a personal grow it's 6 plants 3 in flower and 3 in flower if you and the wife reside in the same abode then you each get this. If you want to be a caregiver as mentioned months ago then you have to have a med card yourself. If you get a med card you can get a script for more plants than the basic limit with a larger possession limit also. If you want to get into the commercial end then you'll need a special card, and thats for everyone working in any dispensary from clerk to grower and then if you want to grow for an outlet you'll have to make a connection with one of the medical/ retail outlets. They are required to grow 70% of what they sell, so they can only import 30% of their stock.

You don't have to have a med card to be a caregiver. What he says about extended plants is also no correct and neither is what he says about the 70%(may still be true for med but it is not for rec).

the law reads 6 plants per adult living at the residence with no more then 2 adults growing per property and no more then half your plants in flower so you are looking at 6 total 3 veg and 3 flower.

The CO law says that about 2 adults or just some areas? I know Denver has the 12 plant per dormice limit but that's all I know about that.

BTW> I think it's 2 years resident for anything. Get a badge, be a caregiver, etc.
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You don't have to have a med card to be a caregiver. What he says about extended plants is also no correct and neither is what he says about the 70%(may still be true for med but it is not for rec).

The CO law says that about 2 adults or just some areas? I know Denver has the 12 plant per dormice limit but that's all I know about that.

BTW> I think it's 2 years resident for anything. Get a badge, be a caregiver, etc.

Just for information the two year limit only applies to own an mmj facility or get a key holders badge. People who deal with the major aspects of the operation must have a key holders badge. There is no two year limit to be a personal caregiver, anyone can do it. There is also no limit to obtain a support badge and work for a mmj facility. I got my support badge two months ago, after living here for less than a year. The support badge allows you to work as a trimmer, bud tender, grow assistant and so on but not in management or accounting positions.
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This all sounds like I'm bragging or something but....

Is that pic supposed to impress me? lol. You should check my pics and smell my terps, lol.

I've been all over the east coast. I have SERIOUS pothead friends from all walks of life. From wealthy, yes wealthy not just upper class, to poor, to MAJOR players in the glass game and others. All up and down from NYC to Philly to Myrtle Beach to Orlando to Miami.

They all tell me you simply can't find the same level of quality, especially widely available. Some of them even come here to try the rec weed and go skiing, etc. They went to shitty places like Walking Raven and other Broadsterdam shit holes and raved about how much better is was than back home. Then I pulled out some crazy leet strains from Kind Love and figuratively blow their minds before busting out the GreenDot Live and literally blowing their minds, lol.

It's not to say there aren't some leet home growers out there doing it right but when speaking in general terms you have to be general....

And I can tell you no matter what you think, generally speaking there is a HUGE RIFT. Even the connoisseur shit you can find if you have the right people it's way overpriced and still not as good as the best here.

What I've found in my travels is the best shit out there is equal to the ok shit out west. My industry is also primarily based on the West coast so I travel to LA and SF, Vegas and others for work a few times a year. So I know folks and have tried the best around from all over so I feel pretty confident speaking about regional weed quality.

The fact that you talk about "mids" only goes to prove me right. We don't have mids here really. I guess you could call it that but it's a far cry from that dark green "mids" or "dank" from the east. Here they sell quarters for $50 of better stuff than you pay $100 for out east, or like 170 vs 300 for oz. The really good stuff goes up to like $70/q or 240/oz, some spots even up to $340(Kushman Veganic in LA)

And the "bargain bin" I mentioned still sells for $100q out east but here it's like $500 for a qp MAX. A LOT of that type of stuff gets shipped out east actually. I know dudes in Orlando and Philly that get that stuff shipped from Denver and slang it out there and people love them for it, lol.

You either didn't hook up with the right people when you tried western weed or went to some rec shop or something. If you ever come to Denver I'll smoke you some real good.

Fyi, I was talking about Florida in late 90s early 2000s, EVERYONE there still calls it crippy and dro actually. At least they still were last time I lived there, which was most of my life until 2012.

PS> Something funny, they just did a study that the extra UV here at the higher altitudes produces more thc, so you could say technically, empirically, west coast(mountain) weed is better. lol.

PPS> Every home grower and their friends think their stuff is the best. In most cases it isn't, lol.
I used the term mids because that was the term used in the post I quoted.

I'm in Denver on a regular basis, about once every 3 months. I have foun some very good stuff, and some horrible stuff, same as all my travels to California and Washington.

I'll take you up on that offer next time I'm out there, and that same offer extends if your ever on this side.

You guys keep talking retail prices, I'm not interested in those numbers. Wholesale is the only number that actually matters. Yes we get a lot of bud from the west coast here. Some fire some god awful. We also have a huge growing scene were I am located, and produce a lot of fire and ofcourse some people put out some god awful.

We are slightly behind on genetics and new technology, but it's not like we are all smoking shitty weeds or paying 300 an egg for fire. The market has changed here, just as it has their. If you wanna stay in the game, the absolute most people are getting is 3 flat wholesale. And it has to be fire.

Like most places, it's not what you know it's who. If your linked in, your gonna have fire constantly. If your not, your gonna struggle
You don't have to have a med card to be a caregiver. What he says about extended plants is also no correct and neither is what he says about the 70%(may still be true for med but it is not for rec).

The CO law says that about 2 adults or just some areas? I know Denver has the 12 plant per dormice limit but that's all I know about that.

BTW> I think it's 2 years resident for anything. Get a badge, be a caregiver, etc.

For med card holders you can have a licensed dispensary or another med card holder as your caregiver. If you choose another card holder then between the 2 of you the plant count can't exceed the prescription (both party's can grow). A single card holding caregiver can only have 5 max "clients". Caregiver is only on the med side and you HAVE to be a dispensary or in the med system. So yes you have to be in the med system to be a caregiver.

And the 12 plant limit per house in the city of Denver is based on keeping a group of useless pot heads from flopping in a house and growing 60 plants based on 6 plants each.

All these rules and laws are posted take some time and read them.
For med card holders you can have a licensed dispensary or another med card holder as your caregiver. If you choose another card holder then between the 2 of you the plant count can't exceed the prescription (both party's can grow). A single card holding caregiver can only have 5 max "clients". Caregiver is only on the med side and you HAVE to be a dispensary or in the med system. So yes you have to be in the med system to be a caregiver.

And the 12 plant limit per house in the city of Denver is based on keeping a group of useless pot heads from flopping in a house and growing 60 plants based on 6 plants each.

All these rules and laws are posted take some time and read them.
Actually the rules state nothing about having to have a med card in order to be a caregiver.
Maybe you should let the State of Colorado know they need to do some reading.

To become a caregiver, you must:
  • Be 18 or older.
  • Be a Colorado resident.
  • Not be the patient’s physician.
  • Not have a primary caregiver of your own.
  • Submit a Caregiver Acknowledgment formwith the patient's application or change form.
If you take a look at the Caregiver acknowledment form here there is no place on the form for the caregiver to even put their red card number. Seems to me if it was a requirement they would ask for it on the form that they require in order to designate a caregiver.

Caregiver registration will be required in 2017 under SENATE BILL 15-014, but it still states nothing about having to have a med card in order to be a caregiver.

At the current time, even registration is voluntary and that form also has no place to put in the caregivers med card #.
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so how goes it so far man? been a few weeks any update on how the move went? getting things set up to start cycling through? what strains are you planning on pushing out?
I went there yesterday. I gotta figure out how to get copies of the building codes so I don't violate anything, and its weird cause they told me no bermed houses nothing smaller than 600 ft2 and no rv or tents. So I went out there (its pitch black at 5:45???) And I saw a couple been houses and rv and tents so who knows? Maybe some or all of those are abandoned? Also I did some test runs at recreational shops and they are telling me county by county its slightly different, I was pretty sure I had been told, but where can I find the info? I did a Google search for "Costilla county marijuana laws" and I didn't see anything I could find helpful. I did see some spots that had "home sites available" is that a lot you put a house on? Cause I think it would be really easy to buy one of those lots put a small house on if (if there is no 600 ft2 minimum) and get to work it seemed the houses in those areas was smaller. I gave on of the rec shop clerks a sample of my northern lights he liked it. I think I will save about 10k by march and go and everything set up right even tho it will take more time.
I will be running Molokai kush and double white cheese from hazeman seeds. Other than that its up for grabs