New to Colorado but not to growing

sounds like you are on a awesome adventure, keep me posted stay safe and yeah its DLS day light savings but it gets dark early as the season changes
I was just in Colorado, paid 35 for a pack of rolling papers and got a free eighth bag of blue dream. It looked frosty as fuck. I hated it, I don't like blue dream much because it's a hybrid I'd rather either strong Indica or a landrace sativa that's not been modified by much indica, that's me personally. I smoked a joint with a buddy and he said it was pretty good. I then met a guy while dropping off my rental who gave me a bag of something idk what it was. He's in Illinois. The weed that he had was much better than the blue dream, more body to the bud, it didn't powder down when you breathed too hard.
Anyway my point is that you can find good or better weed anywhere.
But me personally I'd like to know what's in what I consume which is why I am choosing to go to Colorado, and when I'm finally able to grow according to how Mike wants to grow, I'll be able to tell anyone it might not be the best you'll find, but I have a test here that says exactly what, and its 100% organically grown so no bogus chemicals.
hate to rain on the parade but no testing on any products without having a mip/opc/dispensary license. as a private citizen you cant go have your bud/hash/edibles tested at any of the state approved labs. so no you wont have a paper showing what is in there they are trying to get laws passed to allow for private citizen testing but so far it has gotten no where
I mean like a testing kit at least I'd be able to have an idea? Someone told me there are some available for home use
The home use kits are a general kit to test thc or cbd levels.
To read the test... the darker the color, the higher the thc/cbd levels in the sample.
A pink result would be weak. Blood red would be strong.
It's a general test. I wouldn't bank on it.

As far as your methodologies and practices, "organic" is a word that may not mean what you think it means. Just sayin'.

To find the building codes go to the county offices directly and get them.
You may need to pay for paper copies or contact a general contractor ( or pay someone like a lawyer, contractor, etc) for their time.
Not available online then? I'm just worried I'm gonna spend a lot in gas going back and forth lol
Organic- something that was grown with natural fertilizers and not man-made chemicals? Is that not what it means? I think I'll be going back end of the month to check out more stuff
Not available online then? I'm just worried I'm gonna spend a lot in gas going back and forth lol

I don't know how far you're currently driving or where you're coming from. That's why I made the suggestion about paying someone for their time to get you the facts and to get the bottom of it. A contractor or a lawyer in the area might "cost" about the same as your gas and time.

"Organic" means a lot of things. Biology and Chemistry are not the same as Sales and Marketing. However the word "organic" exists in both business and science. Organic is not a fix-all or much of a methodology. It does not mean something is better. Nor does it mean a product is "pesticide free". There are plenty of dangerous and poisonous "organic" things out there. I go by the strict definition, therefore, if it contains carbon, it is organic.
I'm coming from Illinois. I'm thinking another trip by the end of the month maybe look for things that are closer to here( San Luis ended up being almost 40 hour round Trip, and I have from 9 pm Sunday to 9 am Wednesday at any point in time to plan vacations or trips. I'll probably look more into what you are saying with getting a contractor or lawyer on my side, I got my bank looking for me to get a loan, and I saw a couple places with spots I can start with so we'll see what's up come the first week of December.
40 hours. Sheeeeit.
I'm interested in the results and what they are going to require of you.
Keep us posted. Maybe we can link up in the area as you're passing through.