New to Grow Journal


Active Member
Nah we don't want to get paranoid about a bit of yellow here and there it is a living plant and has it's own hiccups but you have to watch for patterns and the like.
I don't want to even mention the word but I am bug free so far..
I have little sticky traps in all 4 corners similar to yours and inspect em all the time. with a magnifying glass sometimes even haha


Active Member
weird question here..
but do you beat up your plants?

I do lol!
I make sure they are always moving under a fan and I usually give them a little tug here and there. a sort of manual lst lol.
You have seen my stems I don't think I am hurting em :D


Active Member
Lol no I'm a ginger as possible with my babies. I do have 2 small fans (not oscillating) that I move around every few days. Other than that besides the inspection time for my fear of hermi's they get a 1/4 turn every few days. You know I should take a pic of my stems tomorrow just to see how they are doing.

On a side note I'm gonna insert one pic to show you my mutation.

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Active Member
Hermi doesn't happen from regular stuff.
hermi is because of shock.
If ya love them give them a spanking every now and then lmao ok lol just jokes,
Just you don't have to be ginger with this weed especially in veg. in flower you want to touch em less because you are touching resin.


Active Member
Well I'm using feminized seeds which always have a chance at becoming Hermi's from what I understand of the breeding process to get the feminized seed in the first place. Adding stress to the mix just makes it easier and since stress can be anything like a large shift in temperature (like my lights on/off shift) then I get a wee paranoid lol.


Active Member
oh great now you got me paranoid! lol
All I can see is beautiful buds everywhere I look and it better stay that way! hehe


Active Member
Day 24 of flowering.
My girls are doing their job making more and bigger buds :D

Big news today is I got a new camera!! Well a used camera but a very good slightly used camera. A nikon D70S. This is my first slr and I have a lot to learn!
Here is my first set of pics from it, not good but way better than my other point and shot crap lol.
I'll try to get better ones right at lights off...



Active Member
Pretty dank pics man. A virtual jungle in there! Nice going on the camera, the new pics seem much better in comparison. I'm nervous about my girls as I've been out of town for the last few days and won't be back until late Sunday; 5 days away with no peeking makes me nervous that my lights didn't go on or something equally silly.


Active Member
lol, don't be silly bro hehe
You got em going well schedule wise so no worries. Only worry I would have there would be ph but the can survive a little fluctuation..
Yeah I am in a jungle situation! I can't even see all the buds!! If I had to worry about bad things like hermy-ittis I would be worried but im not they are all happy ladies. Bugs? no chance! all air is filtered
My RH is a bit high! It is april showers for may flowers. I can be as high as 65% inside when it's raining out and 87%
I need to get the a/c in soon hard to install when it is still cold out but damp.


Active Member
Well we'll see how my girls are doing tomorrow. I've already had to leave my girls on their own now for my last outing but it was during veg so I wasn't as worried. I feel a bit safer now tho since the vertical growth seems to have stopped and the only thing I have to worry about it is keeping the lights on, hermi's (not very worried), mold signs, and spider mites. Since it's my first grow I'm paranoid about all possible disasters lol. Hope for the best and expect the worst as they say.

Have you heard about those cheap drying tabs that they sell? 65-85% RH would definitely have me looking for these for immediate solutions with a dehumidifier as a long term solution.


Active Member
Not exactly sure. I think I saw one at my local hydro shop and I've seen them mentioned in a few threads here. I found a $4.99 USD small can just googling dehumidifier but the ones I've seen mentioned are plug in with a cartridge that you runs out after X amount of time.


Active Member
My humidity is down quite a bit now that the weather outside is less humid.
It should get warmer (hopefully) soon enough and I can get my a/c in that has dehumidify setting. Can't put it in now it is going down to zero C tonight and has been in the single digits still, would look odd lol.
Been thinking.. I am going to need a small saw to cut these ladies down when it comes time. Scissors aren't going to cut it!

So how are your girls doing?


Active Member
Ahh my girls are doing stellar! 5 days gone and my ph/ppms were just fine :). I posted a small update in this thread (didn't want to jumble MY pics in YOUR journal lol).

I guess my only worry was my bulb breaking as I've heard that Hortilux bulbs can (older models) using digital ballasts; something to do with resonance. Last week my surge protector switched off too for an hour before I caught it. Turns out having a light and AC unit on the same surge protector (and same timer) might have done that.


Active Member
Looking good Kev. That girl on the back left seems to be almost a foot taller than the rest of them! My canopy's pretty uneven too. I'm starting to think I should reverse LST the ones that were before in the old tent.

What strains are you growing again? Do you have any idea what's the expected harvest date is yet? My Sagamartha A-1 Haze is supposed to be a 65-70 day strain so I'm a bit more than halfway there!


Active Member
Unfortunately they are mystery seeds (quality seeds nonetheless).
I was told the majority were reporting white widow, ak-47 and bubalicious..(probably spelt that wrong)
I might do selective harvesting. The tops seem to be gaining red hairs already and the lower buds are still all creamy. Plus I want some at diff levels of 'readiness' to experience the different buzzes.
I think easily 4 to 6 more weeks for full harvest.
That will be 8 to 10 weeks total flower time.
I already smoked a small bud that broke off and I dried out, was small but I got a good head high.


Active Member
oh and the resin is so thick now on and around all the buds that you can see it hardcore without the microscope!!
I'm going to make some cannabutter out of the trimmings I have and my vape left-overs :) Never done it before but it looks easy enough.