New to Grow Journal


Active Member
Hey bro, nothing much to report 44 days into flowering and well all I have is wall to wall buds!!!
Every square inch of all the plants is just buds and more buds :weed: even the lollipopped stems all have little popcorn buds on them.
One unique thing I have noticed is a few branches have grown horizontally on their own from beneath to get to the light.

How are your girls doing?



Active Member
Nice update! My girls are doing great. My runt is looking like she'll be a week or so early so I'm going to be trying the flood 1 day and 3 days darkness to see if it helps. I posted pics in another thread yesterday, maybe I can dig a link up. --> Update


Active Member
The gravity is really working! the buds are all so dense! no fluffy buds at all!
2 maybe up to 3 more weeks to go!
Some of the tops are so resin covered I'm waiting for it to drip off the sides lol!!


Active Member
Wow your girls either exploded in bud development or your picture taking got a hell of a lot better. Either way they're looking superb!

Jeez, I just looked up that gravity stuff and it's expensive! I'm not sure if my larger buds are dense or not but by their weight I'd hope that they had some heft to them.

I'm using dyno-grow nutes still and have just recently added flora nectar to my rez's. I think it might have been cheaper just to get molasses instead since one of the main ingredients in the nectar is molasses. Oh well, I've still got another week or so left on my girls.


Active Member
Pretty easy to tell bud density give a little squeeze and if you have play you have fluffy buds. I try to put the least amount of pressure on mine and they push back Solid!
Gravity is expensive at 40 cdn for 946 ml but the dose is very small, my resevoir is 90L and at first I used 1/4 now I use 1/2 and will finish with 3/4.
90LX 1/4 dose is 5ml, then 10 ml at half strength. I am at 3/4 strength now (next change) and that is only 16 ml, total used so far is around 32 ml out of 946 so cost per usage is not as bad as it seems on the sticker price.

that's what guys say about bud candy 'it's just molasses' but i don't think so because the years of growers before me would have shut it down if it was that simple. My guys at the 'dro' shop say it is way more than just molasses and they use it themselves and they are pretty honest with me ;)

Found another seed source locally :D I want to get a collection going.
(that's 2 I have now within walking distance that can get me wtvr.)

I did a lightning strike (pics just at lights off) haven't mastered taking pics under the 1000W hps yet.


Active Member
Update. Day 59

I thought I had bud explosion 10 days ago. I didn't know what bud explosion is lol!
I think whats happening now is called the 'two week explosion' and I'm loving it! :weed:
I've cut most fan leaves, even they were super sticky.
At this point some colas are as wide around as my wrist.
Had to start tying them up as they are getting to heavy to carry their weight.

Anybody besides EC stopping by and seeing this, This is my first grow! I'm super stoked about how well it has gone so far! and not long to go..

I talked with my 'guy' at my dro shop and he said considering the size of my plants I can expect way over a pound.
Tallest is just under 5 feet smallest runt (1 only) is 3 feet and I have 6 total.

here's some pics,



Active Member
Wow they are looking fantastic! I've already chopped 3 of my girls down and am chopping the 4th down tonight. I flooded 2 for 36-48 hours lights on and 24-48 hours lights off to see how it compares to the normal flush method.

Man your hands are going to be so cramped manicuring that jungle lol.


Active Member
Just registered to the forum (more or less because of your thread:). First off I´d like to say great job bro, those ladies are looking good.
I am also doing my very first grow and naturally found this thread very interesting:P
I do need one thing for my little room and that would be CO2. If I´ve read the thread right you are using the yeast/sugar/water method (right?).
I´ve read a couple of tutorial threads on the forum but as always theres more than one way to do this apparently. What I am concerned about making this the alcohol aspect.
Some say that just shaking water/yeast/sugar together in a bottle with a pierced hole in the top would work well, others say that this way some of the alcohol which is also being produced will also be released - which obviously would not be great for the plants.
How did you set up your CO2? and do you any advice/experience regarding this that you could please share with me (us)?
Thank you in advance ( And I gotta say it again :P - ladies looking good :D )

Blaze Up


Active Member
I guess that is a cramping I can live with lol.
Hope your harvesting went well?
Got an estimate of what you think you will get dry weight?


Active Member
wow thanks KeepOnTheGrass!
Glad you following along and enjoying my grow with me so to speak.
For my co2 bottles I used regular type reusable water bottles and drilled a hole in the top and inserted a S-Style airlock (aka: bubbler), then siliconed it all in place. That keeps the alcohol in and allows the co2 to escape. You can get the air lock from any home brew supply store.
The recipe is real simple 1/4 teaspoon of brewers yeast, 1/8 of a teaspoon of baking soda, 1/3 of a cup of sugar and distilled/ bottled water almost to the top (about 3/4 of an inch from the top).

Thanks for commenting on my thread and keep coming back! almost harvest time!!

Pic of airlock:



Active Member
I guess that is a cramping I can live with lol.
Hope your harvesting went well?
Got an estimate of what you think you will get dry weight?
True that. You're going to love hand hash btw.

So far the harvest is going well. My timing is a bit off; I'll be out of town again in 10 days for 5 days so jar curing is going to be a problem. I made an automated jar curer that will expel and replace the air inside a jar every X amount of hours for the time I'll be gone. Just working out the timing details now but it seems to work like a charm!

Not sure about yield as of yet. Didn't have a scale handy and have yet to chop down my last plant tonight.


Active Member
wow automated jar burper!? sounds awesome.
How does it work? tube in tube out, some sort of solenoid and air pump??

Oh and btw for all, The rules say don't post on someones grow journal unless asked. So I'm askin, please feel free to post! I enjoy your comments.


Active Member
oh p.s on the air lock, it is filled with water hallway and even on both-sides of the sideways 'S'.
The gas travels through but nothing else does.


Active Member
Yea pretty much. I took a 1/2 gallon jar with a metal screw top. Poked 2 holes in the top, 1 for air-pump tubing going out to a small air pump and the other just for exhaust (I made 2nd hole smaller).

Digital timer attached to the air pump and a hygrometer inside the jar with the buds. I tested it last night and it seems to work great with the air pump lowering RH in about 5-10 minutes of running the air pump. Testing was done with freshly dehydrated buds from my try at water curing so they were warm and still a bit moist. RH after 30 minutes in the semi-sealed jar rose to 71% and lowered to 58% after running the pump for @ 5 minutes.

The only thing I'll have to worry about is setting up the right schedule for burping and I'll be set :blsmoke: