New to the site. Urine test crisis.

Mr. Rin

New Member
So heres what i know. Ive been keeping things light until i complete my DOT physical. Usually 2 or 3 weeks in between indulgences. Last week from mon to fri i went through about 8 bowls among 2 or 3 friends. I went through 1g over a 48 hr period friday through sunday by myself. I get the news today that my DOT physical is wednesday. Im hoping for some insight on this and this page seems like a decent crowd. I took a home test today and failed. Mind you this was with poor hydration on a piss id been holding for 4hrs. I wanted to see what a dirty normal day would yield. I know cleansers really only help with dillution but i picked up a bottle of Rescue Detox ICE at a local shop too. All i know is, how much i smoked last week, that im dirty atm, and i have a test wednesday. If anyone can share any insight that will help me to avoid having to crash my car wednesday to avoid this thing i will be eternally grateful.
There was some fake piss available at the store. I was hoping to avoid that cuz ive never gone that route before, but if thats where i stand and i test dirty at home again tomorrow, so be it. Dayum. Looks like i came to the right place. Thanks for takin the time folks. I appreciate it.
Bummer. Back when I was OTR I had 5 in one year. Aside from the DOT you had to maintain, they would just get me a load to a yard. Qualcomm me a message to go see so and so. No notice just gave you the paperwork and send you to the place. I don't know why I got chosen so often when others didn't but I was clean then anyway. Oh yeah once a dude ran into the back of my governed truck. Fell asleep or something. Tore up his vehicle and had to be towed. Of course, that his vehicle was disabled, no one was hurt and it was entirely that guys fault and he owned up to it. But, I still had to go get tested because his vehicle was disabled. I passed yho so no big deal. Good luck.
Bummer. Back when I was OTR I had 5 in one year. Aside from the DOT you had to maintain, they would just get me a load to a yard. Qualcomm me a message to go see so and so. No notice just gave you the paperwork and send you to the place. I don't know why I got chosen so often when others didn't but I was clean then anyway. Oh yeah once a dude ran into the back of my governed truck. Fell asleep or something. Tore up his vehicle and had to be towed. Of course, that his vehicle was disabled, no one was hurt and it was entirely that guys fault and he owned up to it. But, I still had to go get tested because his vehicle was disabled. I passed yho so no big deal. Good luck.
Dayum. The print shop i used to work at did 10 quarterly randoms plus their usual randoms. I got tested 7 times one year but they were all saliva which is a piece of cake.
So heres what i know. Ive been keeping things light until i complete my DOT physical. Usually 2 or 3 weeks in between indulgences. Last week from mon to fri i went through about 8 bowls among 2 or 3 friends. I went through 1g over a 48 hr period friday through sunday by myself. I get the news today that my DOT physical is wednesday. Im hoping for some insight on this and this page seems like a decent crowd. I took a home test today and failed. Mind you this was with poor hydration on a piss id been holding for 4hrs. I wanted to see what a dirty normal day would yield. I know cleansers really only help with dillution but i picked up a bottle of Rescue Detox ICE at a local shop too. All i know is, how much i smoked last week, that im dirty atm, and i have a test wednesday. If anyone can share any insight that will help me to avoid having to crash my car wednesday to avoid this thing i will be eternally grateful.
Nobody really can tell if your piss will pass in that amount of time, way too many factors such as metabolism and health ect... Better to not risk it
Nobody really can tell if your piss will pass in that amount of time, way too many factors such as metabolism and health ect... Better to not risk it
Thanks for the input. I dont get to tell em its a bad time though. Only alternative is to crash my car or break a bone or something to delay the test.
Drink a lot of water take asprins and some multi vitamins.....make sure you pee first thing in the morning and drink more water take vitamins and asprins......Good Luck.

Oh dont do anything physical and eat lots of chocolate, sugars, fatty foods, etc so your fat cells are not releasing but growing.

The key is to stop the thc from releasing out of the fat cells.

Might not pass or might....but my boss smoked some a couple days before his test and i told him to do this and he passed. So never know how it goes.

the asprin messes alittle with some tests and the vitamins turn the pee yellow and the water dilutes the THC and stopping the fat cells from releasing the THC lowers the content.

Just my 2 cents....the Object is to lower the THC so it does not go over the limit.
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Drink a lot of water take asprins and some multi vitamins.....make sure you pee first thing in the morning and drink more water take vitamins and asprins......Good Luck.

Oh dont do anything physical and eat lots of chocolate, sugars, fatty foods, etc so your fat cells are not releasing but growing.

The key is to stop the thc from releasing out of the fat cells.

Might not pass or might....but my boss smoked some a couple days before his test and i told him to do this and he passed. So never know how it goes.

the asprin messes alittle with some tests and the vitamins turn the pee yellow and the water dilutes the THC and stopping the fat cells from releasing the THC lowers the content.

Just my 2 cents....the Object is to lower the THC so it does not go over the limit.
I had an idea from my research anout the fat cell thing. Thanks for the input. From what ive seen outside of here you have great advice. Keep passin it on. Figuring at this pt i gotta go with dillution or fake piss. I thought between my mass and the amount i smoked id be under the radar. But since im not. And im fat... Yeah...
I had an idea from my research anout the fat cell thing. Thanks for the input. From what ive seen outside of here you have great advice. Keep passin it on. Figuring at this pt i gotta go with dillution or fake piss. I thought between my mass and the amount i smoked id be under the radar. But since im not. And im fat... Yeah...
Didnt know aspirins help btw.
I heard good things about aloe drinks. You can get them in the juice aisles at most supermarkets, they're near the pricey organic warm juice drinks.

Military recruiters recommend
make sure you get the right colored weiner

I had an idea from my research anout the fat cell thing. Thanks for the input. From what ive seen outside of here you have great advice. Keep passin it on. Figuring at this pt i gotta go with dillution or fake piss. I thought between my mass and the amount i smoked id be under the radar. But since im not. And im fat... Yeah...

when you do the test if you have to use your own pee the first bit into the toilet before giving the sample.
Read my link above. If you are pissing hot right now then forget about all the BS pandered here. Why risk it. Most tests are not supervised. Get some quality fake piss or find a non- smoking friend/wife to supply. Practice the pour, from the point of locking the door to walking back out it till you feel confident in doing it smoothly. Don't spill.