New to this forum, and looking to learn.


Active Member
Hi, there guys, this is actually my 1st thread on the forum, and I’m looking to start my own little project But need some good advice to start. I currently have the following
· Perlite,
· Soil Ph Test Kit's,
· 40 Cm diameter, 35 Cm high pots,
· The seeds I’ll be growing my project off (Skunk).
As I’m going to be planting indoors, I’m going to be creating my own grow box just looking to grow max 3 plants in(as I’m not looking for profit and just doing this for fun and of coarse some free pot, if I get anything from it but not expecting anything), what i do need to know is what lights do I use for veg stage, and what lights do I use for flower stage, and also a quick explanation of when the plant turns from veg to flower, Please correct me if something is wrong already. Another thing is the lighting cycles. I would like to know when I change from cycle to cycle and how each cycle will be(hours/hours). Also I heard that once your plant goes, say 15 cm high if you don’t wont it to go much higher u can just take the plant out, dig a hole in your soil and plant it deeper, which means the plant wont stretch as much in height, correct me if im wrong please.

I may be way off and look like I don’t have a clue what I’m talking about and reason for that is because I’m new to this, only 1 week old and I don’t wont to be wasting time and money starting of without no knowledge at all of what I’m doing, just knowing its going to fail. All other help/info you guys think I need, or haven’t mentioned above, please comment on, thanks.
All replies will be taken in with much love to all you growers out there willing to help others succeed and start there own grows.


Well-Known Member
In short.
veg bulb: Metal Halide
flower bulb: High Pressure Sodium
(some people us CFL bulbs, because of heat and $ reasons)
Lighting times: some go 18hrs, some go 24hrs. I personaly have seen no difference.
Cut the lights back trigger the flowering cycle: when ever you want you could do this after um, 30 days. The longer you veg the more growth you will see in the end.
Flowering cycle: ZERO light leaks, make sure you stay on a schedule, 12hrs on 12 hrs off.


Active Member
Ok man thanks and some nice fast replies to ^^.
so just so im on the right track
250W METAL HALIDE HQI INDUSTRIAL LIGHT LOW BAY & LAMP on eBay, also, Lights Lighting, Building Materials Supplies, Business, Office Industrial (end time 18-Nov-08 11:02:11 GMT) for veg.
400W Industria Grow Lamp Growlamp HPS Light Hydroponics on eBay, also Hydroponics, Plants Seeds Bulbs, Garden Plants, Home Garden (end time 05-Nov-08 21:32:20 GMT) for flower.
If anything is wrong with these current lights tell me please.

So now, if i where to do the following would i be right, correct me if im wrong.
Use the Metal halide for 30 days on 18 hours a day, then change to the HPS on a 12/12, Until harvest which i will research on later.
And would i be right if i sed the plant will be changin form veg to flower when i start using the HPS 12/12 yh?
Also is the plant it deeper thing i sed before, true or false?


Active Member
Also would you guys recomend, them socket timers to have the lights on, the right times espcially for flowering?


Well-Known Member
right and don't do that dig up and plant deeper thing you mentioned. If you realize you getting to tall in the veg stage you can prune. Doing this at the right times in the right places will actually increase your yield. You'll have several dominant leaders on your plant


Active Member
right and don't do that dig up and plant deeper thing you mentioned. If you realize you getting to tall in the veg stage you can prune. Doing this at the right times in the right places will actually increase your yield. You'll have several dominant leaders on your plant
Whats prune?


Well-Known Member
i agree the lumatek 400 watt ballast and HPS and MH bulb will be a great setup for your 3 or 4 plants.
however depending on the size of the room you have to work with you may have heat issues.
this can be solved with an air cooled hood which i highly recommend and a ventilation system with a carbon filter for odor control.
i think the 400 watt light with air cooled hood and ventilaion fan with carbon filter are a must have.
if you are going to grow make sure its worth your time


Active Member
Right, so I’m looking at spending and extra 220-240 GBP, which is around 450-480 Dollars, for the ventilation system with a carbon filter, Phinxter mentioned, a Lumatek 400 watt ballast, and a HPS and MH bulb or does the Lumatek come with a HPS bulb already?


Well-Known Member
since you mention GBP i'll take it you are in th UK otherwise i would suggest HTG lighting.
but yeah usually you find a lighting setup that comes with a ballast / hood / and lamp
HTG sells them in kits where you select your hood and lamp and can add a second lamp at a reasonable cost.
browse around ebay or other UK lighting supply places for the best price and options you are after


Well-Known Member
yup the hood is the reflector that goes around the bulb
keep searchin the forums here and ask around i know there are several UK growers here that gotta be gettin good deals somewhere


Active Member
Thanks phin
im doing that right now, and also since im doing only 3-4 plants a go, would dere be much diffrence in a 400watts system to a 250watts system?