New Trend = Stupid Teens


Well-Known Member
I believe they were in fact testing the effect of some other medicines in combination with the DMT wich amplified the effect to about two to three times the dose... which led to the seizure.
I'll look it up for you tommorrow, I read it in an interview with RS.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
The only way to have a bad trip on N,N-DMT is to resist the experience.
That is absolutely rediculous... when a repressed emotion or memory surfaces as a manifestation in a psychedelic session, it is very easy to have a bad trip.

Go read:

LSD: Doorway to the Numinous: The Groundbreaking Psychedelic Research into Realms of the Human Unconscious by M.D. Stanislav Grof

He has conducted somewhere around 4,000 LSD psycholytic sessions... once you read about BPM & COEX systems, you will clearly see that you can have bad trips without resisting the substance.


Active Member
That is absolutely rediculous... when a repressed emotion or memory surfaces as a manifestation in a psychedelic session, it is very easy to have a bad trip.

Go read:

LSD: Doorway to the Numinous: The Groundbreaking Psychedelic Research into Realms of the Human Unconscious by M.D. Stanislav Grof

He has conducted somewhere around 4,000 LSD psycholytic sessions... once you read about BPM & COEX systems, you will clearly see that you can have bad trips without resisting the substance.
LSD is different from DMT. While under the influence of DMT, you won't have a repressed emotion or memory.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
LSD is different from DMT.
Psychedelics are psychedelics, they work off of the same portion of the mind.

While under the influence of DMT, you won't have a repressed emotion or memory.
First off, that makes no sense.

Repression - "The classical defense mechanism that protects you from impulses or ideas that would cause anxiety by preventing them from becoming conscious."

Did you mean to say, you will not experience a manifestation of a repressed memory?

If you did mean to say that, you are incorrect; I have personally experienced it.


Well-Known Member
A bad DMT trip is something else, only had one so far, and even that, as unpleasant as it was, was nothing like the smell the adrenaline fear, that say LSD can bring on.
And even as it happened I understood what it was showing me and that it was testing me... my best DMT experience ever was about 10 minutes later.

Something I do find funny with DMT is it bringing up what I believe to be a past life... and I never realy believed in that kind of stuff. I am not your typical hippy, I'm an ex-banker and probably look more like a cop than a multiple substance user.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely, its part of what being young is about.
But there is a diffirence between ignorant and stupid.
When I failed as a kid, I knew exactly why, cause my parents would have warned me, and then left me to bump my own head and clean up after myself.


Active Member
Sounds like you're talking about a plant related to jipsom ( loco ) weed. Jipsom grows very big trumpet shaped flowers, smells like wet dog, and if you eat or make tea from it my own experience was that it was similar to an acid high, but visuals were much more intense. Personally this is not a nice high and, as the chemical ( i believe it is datura ) is unevenly distributed in the plant, it is very hard to establish a safe dosage. I say these kids need to just smoke a joint instead of trying to out do their parents drug experiences.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't call this trend new my fine lad... its been consumed over some years now. It doesn't mean kids are getting more stupid lols

Its a cheap high, thus why teens resort to it. They don't need a locale drug dealer to drop it off... just a walk outside and tug behind a bushed gate will grant you access to it. An easy cook up and chug it down with some kool-aid... and sha-zam you there! Not in a very friendly place... but one that sure induces a high to be reckoned with!


yeah kids these days are getting pretty dumb. i watched a news clip the other day about how teens are soaking tampons with alcohol and sticking them up their asses to get drunk....a few have died from it cuz it puts a shit load of booze in your system in seconds...
hahahaha, I almost shit myself laughing so hard. I guess taking shots these days arent enough....


Active Member
Yeah, there was a report yesterday of people "eyeballing" vodka too. You'd have to be motherfucking retarded to pour liquor in your eye socket. That's got to be one of the worst ideas in the history of drinking. It's right up there with picking up women after you're drunk. It's just a bad idea.