new ways to hide the smell of smoking weed


New Member
Hi, I'm new to this site, and would like to say a big hello to y'all from the UK. There's some great advice on here, so I thought I might share as well.

After years of trying EVERY way of disguising and removing smells, (citrus magic - too citrussy and attacks paint/rubber, onagel - smells like a toilet, incense - smells like you're trying to hide the smell of weed, ozone machines - health issues and coughing, vapourizers - feel like an idiot sucking on a bag and not getting high at the end of it, blowing the smoke through a kitchen roll tube stuffed with tumble dryer freshener sheets - works crap and doesn't deal with smoke coming off the joint etc etc ), I have finally found the solution.

I bought an air purifier from IQ air. This is no ordinary purifier, it has 4 huge carbon filters with socks on plus pre filters and HEPA filters, it's Hospital grade. Its designed for smoke, particles and fumes. You can spray perfume in a room and put the machine on, in less than half an hour, you just cannot smell a thing, and it's perfect for weed and smoke. Its a bit big standing at 76cm high and 40cm wide, but you need the space for the massive filters.
It's not cheap either - around £1000 or $1000 in the US, but it's the best investment I have made, hopefully money well spent to avoid getting busted. I live in a well built up neighbourhood, plus I don't want the kids affected, and this is a perfect solution. These are even better than the air purifiers that allergy sufferers use, so that would make a good excuse to use if people ask. For a small room, you could get away with something slightly smaller, but it's all about how much air the fan can move in a certain time, and of course carbon and HEPA filters to catch all the particles. There are only about 4-5 companies that make adequate smoke particle removers 99% of air purifiers wont do the job, and IQ air is the best and most expensive. You could make one easily though. just attach a variable speed inline fan to a big carbon filter and hey presto. For stealth, you could even mount it all in a a fake bedside cabinet. I dunno why I didn't think of that before shelling out a grand!
Anyway if anyone has any good, and cheaper ways to completely eliminate smoke smells, let us know!
Best wishes everyone!


Active Member
are you trying to mask the smell of a grow, or the smell of smoking? either way, $1k for a carbon filter rig sounds mighty expensive


Well-Known Member
fuck all that shit. cook up some black pepper and garlic powder on the stove boil it , . before company arrives and they smell nothing . or when your harvesting light the incents, I cook this when grand mom is arriving ! lol never know what is in the house ,


Active Member
Pay me $900 and I'll stand there with a can of Lysol and a can of Fabreeze.
*psssssssssst* *psst*


New Member
so I hope you all had a good laugh. Think about it, I live in an area where getting busted means a lot. Career down the tube, you lose EVERYTHING. Plus I don't want my kids breathing in stale smoke, no matter how low a concentration... it leads to ADD etc. SO a grand is cheap in my eyes. If you have the cash, it works for me. Maybe you lot don't have as much to lose, or you're so selfish, you don't care about your kids. Carry on spraying shit into the air and breathing that in as well. Remember this thread when you are getting a big load from Bubba in jail with your son in the cell next door. That's your choice losers!


Well-Known Member
calm down bro we all talk alot of shit round here. question, do u smoke for a medicinal purpose? if so then screw what we think, u obviously found a way to handle the issue so do what ya gotta do. if not, why dont ya just not smoke indoors?? alot cheaper than $1000.

just sayn


Active Member
so I hope you all had a good laugh. Think about it, I live in an area where getting busted means a lot. Career down the tube, you lose EVERYTHING. Plus I don't want my kids breathing in stale smoke, no matter how low a concentration... it leads to ADD etc. SO a grand is cheap in my eyes. If you have the cash, it works for me. Maybe you lot don't have as much to lose, or you're so selfish, you don't care about your kids. Carry on spraying shit into the air and breathing that in as well. Remember this thread when you are getting a big load from Bubba in jail with your son in the cell next door. That's your choice losers!
Any proof to these claims or you just spouting out nonsense. Again are you growing or just smoking if its just smoking im on board with your a bit crazy if your growing then im all about your decision. If your just smoking there are soo many more dangers than being caught smoking in your own home. Drug tests at work (many diff reasons random or hurt), pulled over driving (most likely). just saying worrying about a lil skunk smell from your pipe aint gonna get you caught.


Active Member
so I hope you all had a good laugh. Think about it, I live in an area where getting busted means a lot. Career down the tube, you lose EVERYTHING. Plus I don't want my kids breathing in stale smoke, no matter how low a concentration... it leads to ADD etc. SO a grand is cheap in my eyes. If you have the cash, it works for me. Maybe you lot don't have as much to lose, or you're so selfish, you don't care about your kids. Carry on spraying shit into the air and breathing that in as well. Remember this thread when you are getting a big load from Bubba in jail with your son in the cell next door. That's your choice losers!
Well alright then...

"So, Bubba, I'll spray a can of Lysol and a can of Fabreeze for nine cigarettes, while you give me a warm hotdog proctology exam. But I gotta see the cigarettes first. "


New Member
no mate, there's plenty of proof out there. A quick scout through psychology research papers will give some evidence. Anyway, in my eyes prevention is better than cure. The problem in my country, if you're a professional (Lawyer, Medic, Accountant, Teacher, etc) you will lose your fitness to practice, even if caught with one spliff. You may not go to jail, but your professional body will screw you. I don't grow, but if I did, I would do the same. What I tried to point out in my original thread, is that you can make a home made smoke extractor that will completely rid your home of smoke smells, using an inline fan and carbon filter. I spent a grand, but I was hoping you lot could save big bucks by making one, and I was just passing the information on. Peace to all, thanks for the positives!!!

Rastafari InI

Active Member
hmmmm....first of how do you figure that inhaling stale smoke leads to ADHD I'm sorry but you do NOT know what your talking about.

plus how on earth do you come to the conclusion that vaporizing doesnt get you high, haha i have a stupidly high tolerance i have probably been using cannabis before your were born and vaporizing is the only thing i do because smoking weed is a huge waste of my stash.
There is a colossal amount of proof about how vaporizing is more effective than smoking.
you have NEVER used a proper vaporiser or didnt use it properly at all as you are very wrong in saying vaporizing is a waste of weed.
IT IS WAY more efficient than smoking.

Now some people dont like vaping and dont like the different IMO more pure high you get which is understandable but if you want most for your money cook or vape your weed kid it will go a much longer way, mind watch out cause when you do cook or vape properly you'll be stoned the whole day, smoking a fair amount even nice weed will never ever ever ever last the whole day usually about 2-3hours at most

Now ON TOPIC If you ACTUALLY want to smoke WITHOUT SMELL, WITHOUT WASTING $1000 buy one of these its a handheld minature carbon filter and it wont smell after you blow smoke through it, you dont need any fans and its portable. dont be a moron and spend $1000 on something you don't need.

This product i listed was made for this exact thing smoking anywhere without smell i have heard of people using in there offices at work and smoking huge bong rips with no smell, plus the product is very small fits in a pocket and doesnt look suspicious

Also do you not have any windows in your house if you dont want kid inhaling your 'ADHD' smoke then blow it out the bloody window!
If you live somewhere busy any have people right outside or close to your windows then buy a smoke buddy and blow it out the window. problem solved

but still make sure you dont blow smoke too close to people as you might infect the whole world with ADHD. lol


New Member
I had a look at the smoke buddy, and it looks ok, but how do you deal with the smoke that comes off your joint between tokes? Sure if you bong, there's less, but I'm talking joints and blunts. What if there's a few of you all smoking? Or if you want a couple of smokes? The room fills up with smoke and no other device or spray completely removes it. Open the window, and PC Plod or the neighbours get wind of it. If you're in an apartment? OK I spent a grand, but my local hydro shop does a fan and filter for £100 or about $70. It's up to you what you wanna do, but I was just suggesting a way to hide the smell of smoking as was requested by the initiator of this thread. I used a herbalaire, and it just didn't hit the spot. For the same amount of weed, I could roll a joint and get more stoned, that's just me. Plus have you ever seen 5+ people sitting in a room vapeing from plastic bags? They look like a bunch of gluesniffers! Oh, I've been smoking for 30 years. And there's no need to get insulting and call people morons for spending their own money how they like. It works for me and I'm happy. Finally, I'm a Medical professional.... there's some evidence, but not conclusive.... I'm not taking the chance with my Kids, you do what you like. Remember Bubba!


Active Member
I had a look at the smoke buddy, and it looks ok, but how do you deal with the smoke that comes off your joint between tokes? Sure if you bong, there's less, but I'm talking joints and blunts. What if there's a few of you all smoking? Or if you want a couple of smokes? The room fills up with smoke and no other device or spray completely removes it. Open the window, and PC Plod or the neighbours get wind of it. If you're in an apartment? OK I spent a grand, but my local hydro shop does a fan and filter for £100 or about $70. It's up to you what you wanna do, but I was just suggesting a way to hide the smell of smoking as was requested by the initiator of this thread. I used a herbalaire, and it just didn't hit the spot. For the same amount of weed, I could roll a joint and get more stoned, that's just me. Plus have you ever seen 5+ people sitting in a room vapeing from plastic bags? They look like a bunch of gluesniffers! Oh, I've been smoking for 30 years. And there's no need to get insulting and call people morons for spending their own money how they like. It works for me and I'm happy. Finally, I'm a Medical professional.... there's some evidence, but not conclusive.... I'm not taking the chance with my Kids, you do what you like. Remember Bubba!
you better be a major anti pollution advocate cause your kids lives are in danger every time they leave the house and breath the air or in a restaurant or pub filled with tobacco smoke. Also there is absolutely no scientific evidence THC or any other cannabinoid causes ADD or anything other than hungry happy sleepy so when u can post YOUR proof for YOUR argument ill listen more but this is what i meant by Nonsense.


Active Member
al right, all right.. I think the moral of this story is to carbon filter/fan a dedicated smoking room if you are trying to have blunt sessions in your apartment. Also, this can be achieved for a fraction of a grand.