New World Order Quotes

Beardo is peddling the same bogus crap as the OP.

I think conspiracy theories are a pathology of underachieving slackers who want an excuse for why they don't have shit and can't be bothered to try (because the NWO fixes the game, no use competing, boohoo). They are no different from the apocalyptic, Mayan calendar fools, who similarly can't be bothered to learn anything real when there's all that cool fake shit on the internet that says the world is going to end. And then there's the 9/11 group, who are pretty much the same people as the NWO group. If any of those conspiracies really exist, the genius of them is that anyone who believes in them pretty much drops out of the real world. They don't vote (well, maybe for Ron Paul once, but that's all in the past now), they don't produce or create in a societally meaningful way (yes, you can't just be your glorious individual self), why it's as if they were subtracted from the population! :)

very well said. all these conspiracy nuts should see my thread..."inside conspiracism"

as far as the empirical evidence around 9/11, it is not sufficient to prove a conspiracy. it can all be explained with invoking a nefarious kabal, although i will agree that the 'official story' released by our government is anything but official.
Beardo, Whatever. I guess if you feel useless, and have to eat subsidized food and just sit around polluting and consuming, that sounds like a bad case of low self-esteem to me.

Seems to me rather than set up a senseless conspiratorial dichotomy between a shadowy elite that has everything and EVERYONE ELSE, mightn't it be better to strive to rise as high within the 'conspiracy' i.e. the real world, rather than set yourself up for failure by living according to a model of predestined losing to the shadowy elite?

Nothing is as powerless as powerlessness. Leave that ideology and go out and get some.
most of the food YOU eat is subsidised but I guess you dont know that. you aparently dont know much about government or banks or the military either. do you know history read some check out eugenics you'll be amazed or find out what flouride is and what it is made from and what its affects are maybe your intrested in HAARP-that should keep you busy for awhile oh if you finish check out prescott bush. I will get up tomorrow and have a great day and work and love life that doesn't meen I should be unaware of what is going on in the world.[youtube]ojyBTAuv8Uc[/youtube]
I will get up tomorrow and have a great day and work and love life that doesn't meen I should be unaware of what is going on in the world.

This right here.

Since all that's going on right now is name-calling and empty sentences with no backup (on both sides right now), can someone explain to me what these people are talking about in the quotes that I've posted? They're not nobodies; they're all big names, so what are they referring to when they say new world order, one world government, international bankers, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, etc.?
Noooo, I didn't know that. No, I know nothing at all. Eugenics? Really? wowowow. My mind is blossoming like a flower. governments and banks and militariy, oh, my!
Since the topic of eugenics is a whole other arena on it's own, I posted a new thread on it. We can move all discussion dealing with eugenics to that one. As for the military industrial complex, I can start a new thread on that if necessary - as well as international banking.
Since the topic of eugenics is a whole other arena on it's own, I posted a new thread on it. We can move all discussion dealing with eugenics to that one. As for the military industrial complex, I can start a new thread on that if necessary - as well as international banking.
My eyes are allready open i just choose not to spend much time thinking about it I have other prioritys. I have decided to just go with the flow it's just weird that so many can deny the flow even exists....I have seen the presidents speech about the military industrial complex. I know they rounded people up and sterilized them in america. I know we brought nazi scientists here to work for us I know bayre asprin co knowingly sold vaccines containing hiv I have even poasted you know what the weirdest thing of all is NO ONE CARES they either say it isn't true even if it is documented fact or they will just tell you they dont care it doesnt affect them. [youtube]XWyL9dg8la8[/youtube][youtube]WUJMR3BUm2s[/youtube]
i just want to know what your solution is to prevent my future children form being depopulated.

please, 2/3 of my future children depend on your collective wisdom.

please do enlighten me.
Actually, I don't read and listen to Alex Jones. He is an agent of disinformation himself, but that's deeper into the equation (refer to Knights of Malta).

how nice that you already have labels worked out for the non-believers.

please do tell, what do you charge for admission to your all-knowing cult?
how nice that you already have labels worked out for the non-believers.

please do tell, what do you charge for admission to your all-knowing cult?

What label?

Nowhere in any of my posts have I tried to push my views on anyone else. Every time I've made clear I'm simply presenting an alternative point of view that can be backed up with evidence in hopes to start a conversation or rekindle curiosity.

What's with the chip on the shoulder?
What label?

Nowhere in any of my posts have I tried to push my views on anyone else. Every time I've made clear I'm simply presenting an alternative point of view that can be backed up with evidence in hopes to start a conversation or rekindle curiosity.

What's with the chip on the shoulder?

what chip on my shoulder?

you LABELED alex jones as 'an agent of disinformation'.

what is your label for me?
i just want to know what your solution is to prevent my future children form being depopulated.

please, 2/3 of my future children depend on your collective wisdom.

please do enlighten me.
short answer is you cant- even your computer and cell phone are doing it to you right now with their radiation and radio waves but you can try to avoid plastics food additives research vaccines before making desision to get them get rid of your couch the foam has pcb's or some estrogen hormone same as water bottles i think dont brush your teeth dont use antipersperant you dont want to use antibacterial soap dont take pescription drugs dont work with hazardous materals
what chip on my shoulder?

you LABELED alex jones as 'an agent of disinformation'.

what is your label for me?

Alex Jones' work does not go in depth nor does he make any mention of certain figures. I would go in depth but I'm afraid it may be too long for you to read.

What chip on your shoulder? You post in all of my threads with terse, sarcastic and patronizing replies and you fail to read any of my posts. I'm asking you why.

I have not indicated anywhere in my posts that I shun those who do not "believe" in what I believe, nor have I tried to push my view on others. If we can't have a civilized, rational discussion/debate on these topics, that's fine. Posting in the Toke and Talk forum is just as fun.
short answer is you cant

then why the fuck even bother posting bullshit all over the interwebz?

sorry, i am not going to stop brushing my teeth and using deodorant. i don't want to end up like you. i mean that in the nicest possible way.
What chip on your shoulder? You post in all of my threads with terse, sarcastic and patronizing replies and you fail to read any of my posts. I'm asking you why.

i just took a glance in the mirror. no chip near or around my shoulder.

if i seem terse, sarcasting, or patronizing, it is simply because i am mocking you. nothing more or less. i find you comical.
then why the fuck even bother posting bullshit all over the interwebz?

sorry, i am not going to stop brushing my teeth and using deodorant. i don't want to end up like you. i mean that in the nicest possible way.
I have kind of come to that conclusion also and hav'nt been doing the nwo threads . poon is new and posting these threads I figuered i would see if he had any thoughts or just copy n paste. I used to start these consperiacy threads more often then someone--Remember ANZNS or something he poasted a million consperiacy threads and i realised how pointless it is to try and convince some one something that understanding probably wouldnt help them anyways. I was on your inside conspericisim thread. Ive watched a lot of conspericy stuff a lot of it is true but all it does is stress you out to dwell on it although i do like to stay informed and think and debate i've moved on. . Now ive been spending my time arguing against prop 19.-
Yeah, I am new to the forums. I'm not stressed out at all by this. I was just trying to start a discussion and see what happens. I'm at work, the markets are slow and I have no positions open. RIU has become pretty addictive for me at work. I am copying and pasting but they are from my own library. My other threads are debates I've had and everything I've posted is what I've written, granted it was written months or years ago. I don't start these threads to convince people. This is a forum and to be honest, I couldn't give a fuck what you believe or what you do - I don't know any of you and none of you have an effect on my life. I started these threads to start up discussions and debates, without name calling or dogmatic phrases or what some of you may call posts. It's all in good fun and it helps kill time when I'm looking for trades or the markets quiet.

You find me comical and you mock me. Okay.
Hey currency trader, I noticed none of your very interesting quotes in the OP are from any Chinese leaders. As current pretenders to the economic kingpin title, how exactly are they down with the NWO? Not very much I imagine, unless they are going to be the 1/3 of population that survives. They've been trying to reduce their population for years without success. You'd think with all the hazardous materials and toothpaste they have, they could make short work of it, eh?

And Beardo, Bill Gates???? c'mon. I watched those vids and we see them completely differently. But without your secret wisdom that you got from a FTP site in Moldova run by the heir to the crown of Daghestan, we have no hope of learning the truth. Oh, help us, Beardo, help us.

Like Unclebuck, I guess I'm here to mock your foolishness. I made a post that was worthy of debate, but you just labeled me a hater. So, mockery is all I have left until the antibacterial soap makes me into a zombie.
Hey currency trader, I noticed none of your very interesting quotes in the OP are from any Chinese leaders. As current pretenders to the economic kingpin title, how exactly are they down with the NWO? Not very much I imagine, unless they are going to be the 1/3 of population that survives. They've been trying to reduce their population for years without success. You'd think with all the hazardous materials and toothpaste they have, they could make short work of it, eh?

The Chinese are not linked with the inner councils of the new world order. China's social and political model under Mao Tse Tung is one that the NWO wants to impliment on a global scale, obviously with some modifications.

"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Maos leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history." David Rockefeller, statement in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 8-10-73)

"He [President Nixon] spoke of the talks as a beginning, saying nothing more about the prospects for future contacts and merely reiterating the belief he brought to China that both nations share an interest in peace and building a new world order." Excerpt from an article in The New York Times (February 1972)

The idea of a new world order is an Anglo-Saxon ideal, Anglo Saxon Order is you will. The next large wave of population reduction will come through war on a global scale, where millions of people, indiscriminate of race, will die.

The effects of fluoride and other chemicals in toothpaste have long term effects, like the SV-40 used in vaccinations a few decades ago and cancer.

Can you explain what you mean by "pretenders of the economic kingpin title"? Also can you explain to me what you believe the people who made those quotes are referring to when they speak of new world order, one world government, international bankers, conspiracy, etc.?
Like Unclebuck, I guess I'm here to mock your foolishness. I made a post that was worthy of debate, but you just labeled me a hater. So, mockery is all I have left until the antibacterial soap makes me into a zombie.

Where have I presented any foolishness? I replied to your post that was "worthy of debate", but you replied with a joke. Mockery takes one nowhere. One should not try to mock the opposition but try to understand them.

Continue the discussion/debate in this thread or any of my other threads.

And Uncle Buck, reply to my Global Warming thread.
I will not debate because that only assists you in spreading falsehoods. Besides, I'm busy growing kind bud.

A big problem with all your quotes is that most of them can only be sourced (online, anyway) back to one world order webholes. Kind of makes them not worthy of debate. Sure, some are accurate, but not germane or linked in any way to the others (like the FDR one, for example). But the you've got others like the "Kissinger speech at Bilderberg" "secretly taped by a what, 'swiss diplomat'? LOLOLOL It doesn't even read like him. So fake.

Your quotations are out of context, in no particular chronological order, but you string them together like pearls of putrid insinuation. Plus, the exact same string of pearls is posted alllllll over the internet in more or less the same form. 'ten hours a day in the library'. Although how all your researches into vitamin b and flouride and templars and vaccines ever qualified you to be a international currency trader and, what, director of a Korean aluminum firm, while you study Chinese and work with orphans on the weekend, all at the age of 23? How do you have so much time to spread so much drivel? Your Chinese will never be any good if you don't study harder.:dunce: Don't shame family!

I love how you roll in other threads:

ayo so this that n the other thing..round the block b be trippin on some neck shit na mean...rockin them v's to the c's dem bomba clottas be trippin f'real ...apples to oranges the show dont stop ..rackin em up for the bodega owners na mean...dont nobody get it twisted we straight, dun be quackin for that smackin..but aint nobody gonn do shit for them because bananas got the broooms on check, you smell me? movin through night to stomp those umbrellas upside down..we git down to business. sometimes they dont knwo that we knwo that they dont know that we know that they know but we know that they might know that we know that they might not know what they really know that we think they know y'naa mean?!?! something something N*GGER!



International currency trader hiphop gangsta korean orphanage worker,


Everything you present is foolish. You are foolish.

If you are the opposition, I understand you quite well enough, 'currency trader'.