New World Order Quotes

I will not debate because that only assists you in spreading falsehoods. Besides, I'm busy growing kind bud.

Why would debate assist in spreading falsehood? Granted, you believe that my point of view is false; however, that does not mean it cannot be debated. In order to prove point A to be false, one would have to prove it false and present point B that would reject point A. Obviously, I understand everyone is busy living their life, but an online forum is no one's "life". Posting on a forum will not interfere with one living their life - though sometimes forums can become addicting (i.e. Rollitup lol). Once again, I'm not here to force my ideas on anyone or to "convert" anyone. I'm only posting controversial threads to spark discussion, one of the main purposes of an online forum. If my point of view is so vilely crooked and wrong in your point of view, that is fine. We can take that a step further and discuss and debate; or we can just agree to have differing opinions. That's obviously up to both parties, not just one. I have no problem with agreeing to disagree, but if that's the case, why bother posting in this specific thread? You've made your point that you strongly disagree, even ridicule, the idea of a "new world order". That's fine. I know many people who do; some even mock and ridicule the notion. That's completely fine, too.

A big problem with all your quotes is that most of them can only be sourced (online, anyway) back to one world order webholes. Kind of makes them not worthy of debate.
This is a valid point. Though only a cursory google search would lead to this situation. A more in-depth search for the quotes will lead to primary sources. However, your point does mean make them unworthy of debate. In fact, it makes it all the more debatable. Why? We both have differing "opinions". The is the rudimentary foundation of what a discussion and debate is. For example: on this point, I believe the quotes can be sourced back to primary sources, you believe they link back only to conspiracy theorist websites. This right here is enough to warrant a debate on the issue.

Since you have raised one valid point, I will address it. Perhaps, to continue the discussion and bring it back to topic. We can begin to dissect each quote that I've posted (since the conversation seems to be going nowhere). We can start from the first quote and work our way down. I don't want to do it all at once because I don't have the time, also we can get other members involved.

The first quote is by David Rockefeller in his autobiography, Memoirs:

[FONT=&quot]"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
-David Rockefeller, from his own book, Memoirs.
[/FONT] This quote is found on page 405 of his book.

In 2002 Rockefeller authored his autobiography “Memoirs” wherein, on page 405, Mr. Rockefeller writes: “For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

Rockefeller maintains that, although Bilderberg's role is not to resolve disputes, because of the wide-ranging experience of the various attendees participants are 'free to report on what they have heard' to their respective heads of government.[37]

This quote by David Rockefeller explains that the "new world order conspiracy" has been known for more than a century. People have been fighting against it and trying to expose it. He then goes on to state that if that is the case, he stands guilty and is proud of it. What is the case he is referring to?

"[FONT=&quot]...we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring ... to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world... If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."[/FONT]

So what exactly does this quote mean?

It is not the first time David Rockefeller refers to this. Refer to:

"[Rockefeller] told his listeners: 'We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years....It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during these years....The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers ... is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in the past centuries.'"
- David Rockefeller, 1991

It is no mystery that Rockefeller does fund and help direct political shifts toward a more integrated world. For example, NAFTA and consequently the North American Union through the Security and Prosperity Partnership Act of 2005:

Sure, some are accurate, but not germane or linked in any way to the others (like the FDR one, for example).
Agreed, some are accurate. What are you specifically referring to when you say "not germane or linked in any way to the others" and using FDR as an example?

But the you've got others like the "Kissinger speech at Bilderberg" "secretly taped by a what, 'swiss diplomat'? LOLOLOL It doesn't even read like him. So fake.
There are no cameras of any kind allowed into Bilderberg conferences. That quote was transcribed from a tape recorded by a Swiss delegate. It is true that Kissinger is an annual attendee of the Bilderberg conference. The quote falls in line with Kissinger's views and actions - though this does not automatically mean the quote being Kissinger's words is true.

He remains a regular participant in meetings of the annual invitation-only Bilderberg Group.[3]
From Wikipedia:

Kissinger at one of the Bilderberg meetings (2010):

Your quotations are out of context, in no particular chronological order, but you string them together like pearls of putrid insinuation. Plus, the exact same string of pearls is posted alllllll over the internet in more or less the same form.
True, they are in no particular order and they are isolated quotations (though this does not automatically mean they are "taken out of context"); however, I started the thread with quotations, not because they are empirical evidence that a new world order conspiracy exists, but because it is always a good way to start a discussion and debate. I have no "strung them together like perals of putrid insinuation". Nowhere in my posts have I implied that. Like I said, I posted them to spark a discussion that can lead to more in depth information. And it's not the "exact same string of pearls" all over the internet. That list of quotes is from my personal file that I've put together and not all were taken from the internet - of course, all can be found on the internet though.

'ten hours a day in the library'. Although how all your researches into vitamin b and flouride and templars and vaccines ever qualified you to be a international currency trader and, what, director of a Korean aluminum firm, while you study Chinese and work with orphans on the weekend, all at the age of 23?
To be honest, if I read someone else on a forum wrote what I wrote I would have the same reaction as you. I would scream bullshit the second I saw the post. There is no need for me prove what I said and no desire for me to either - especially on a Marijuana growing forum. I don't see how my background is so important in a discussion like this but it's fine that you don't believe anything I said. I am not going to prove it, though I can, with my financial records, real estate, account at the Perth Mint, etc.

I was also interested in the Forex markets, being that it is the biggest market in the world, since high school. I studied forex trading on the side and opened a micro-account when I was 18. It's not called an "international currency trader" - it is redundant, being that currency trading can only be international. Currencies are grouped in pairs because you must buy one currency to sell another and vice versa. You can read about some of my minor trades that I post on my blog at . I don't post larger trades and all the trades that are on my blog are within 50 pip profit totals. I also don't post swing trades on my blog (only day trades), nor do I give investment advice.

I am a director at one of the biggest Korean aluminum corporations because I've been studying aluminum all my life. It is my family's corporation and was started by my great-grandfather. It's a public company and is listed on the KOSPI. I am a shareholder and my family holds majority shares (broken up between my grandfather and father mostly - CEO and president).

I spent 10 hours a day in a library for a year 3 years ago. I obviously don't have that kind of time today. But I do wish I could continue studying as much as there is a wealth of information out there and so much I want to learn.

I go to work at 7AM to open up my charts and get ready for the Asian session (at the aluminum company, I check aluminum prices at the LME and watch the Korean Won (KRW/USD) and make summary reports on price expectations. I work until the market closes and leave at around 4 to 4:30. I go to the gym and sauna for a quick workout and then I go to Chinese class at 5:30 (the Beijing Academy in Daegu).

Once a week, on Saturday's, I help at a Korean orphanage in Seoul. The orphanage is located in Gae Hwa, Seoul, Korea. The orphanage is called "Ge-on" Orphanage. Here is a link to their site, but it's in Korean. Click on the left leaf of the plant and that will take you to the orphanage's website:

How do you have so much time to spread so much drivel?
I'm not spreading drivel. I'm trying to spark discussion while I look at my charts. If you're aware of how trading works (trading through technical analysis; fundamental analysis may take more or less time depending on how you work), you'd understand that there's a lot of free time while looking at charts. One does not need to have their eyes glued to the charts because prices don't move dramatically within seconds - unless there is news coming out, but I do not trade the news so I basically don't even look at my monitor 30 min before or after a press release.

Your Chinese will never be any good if you don't study harder.:dunce: Don't shame family!
While this comment was unnecessary, I will still respond. I am studying Chinese on my own will. I am Korean and I don't need to know Chinese; however, I decided to move to Asia from New York on my own will. I wanted to move to Shanghai because I want to start up my own fund by the time I'm 30-35 and I wanted to open the first office in China. I decided that learning Chinese is a great plus for my resume and will help me get more connections in China.

I love how you roll in other threads
International currency trader hiphop gangsta korean orphanage worker,


Yes, I am a currency trader. Yes, I enjoy hip hop music. No, I am not a gangster. Yes, I am Korean and I help at an orphanage every Saturday. I am not a full time employee at Ge-on. Yes, I am quite a player ;)

You speak of using quotes out of context, but it seems you are the one who is doing just that. If you read the full thread, you'd see what was going on. Here is the one quote you've copied of mine:

ayo so this that n the other thing..round the block b be trippin on some neck shit na mean...rockin them v's to the c's dem bomba clottas be trippin f'real ...apples to oranges the show dont stop ..rackin em up for the bodega owners na mean...dont nobody get it twisted we straight, dun be quackin for that smackin..but aint nobody gonn do shit for them because bananas got the broooms on check, you smell me? movin through night to stomp those umbrellas upside down..we git down to business. sometimes they dont knwo that we knwo that they dont know that we know that they know but we know that they might know that we know that they might not know what they really know that we think they know y'naa mean?!?! something something N*GGER!

Here is the quote in context with the thread:

hahaha you guys are fucking great, thanks sno appreciate that, yea im not talking pussy shit fuck that i mean onions that you would see in an expensive grocery store that has the name to vouch for it. And dudes common im asking as in a new kind of place where i can destroy my name or atleast be known by only my first. Im no dumbass im just looking for proffesional help cause an amatuer like me knows that my boy that ive grown up with just has to big of a mouth to his girl and close people to him which i personally see as a weakness so in this new city im def gonna sit down for 2 3 months mayb see whos who im just looking for advice on things to look for and out for and when to know that i need to cut niggers off

Dude, WHAT THE FUCK did you just attempt to communicate to us?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I was just thinking that......

lol i read that twice and i still have NO idea what he's saying

same i don't speak moron but i did understand from the post that he is racist. good job buddy

onions start with o , high priced grocery stores such as a whole foods only carry high quality product, as a person who has dipped there feet in the water im looking for advice from the ones who can swim with the sharks. You guys get it better???? no snobbyness just want to make sure you guys get it lol, abud thats what im thinking but i dont like how some close friends think its cool to open there mouths with dumb bitches and faggot snitches ya know, but i def see where your going im just trying to think how its done successfully when your on your own

You can see, if you read the thread in full, I was making fun of his posts that made absolutely no sense and had a racist term at the end of it.

Everything you present is foolish. You are foolish.
You have done nothing to add to the conversation and have only come out to attack me. I have responded to every post without attacking your character or responding to hostility. I've done the same in the global warming thread and the vaccinations thread. In my opinion, I believe one who will not look into opposing ideals to further their understanding of the subject and broaden the horizons of their knowledge, is foolish. That's just my opinion and we can agree to disagree. It's unfortunate you think I'm foolish and wouldn't bother reading anything I write because I think I have a lot to offer - but if you don't want to discuss anything on the topics I've posted, that's completely fine with me. No beef, no problems and no hate. We are, after all, on a weed forum :weed:

If you are the opposition, I understand you quite well enough, 'currency trader'.
You believe you understand me or you believe that your current "understanding" of me is well enough. I would have to disagree, considering what you've written in your posts. And do you have currency trader quoted because you do not believe I am an actual currency trader?
I dont see how people can deny this is true. You think everything is as it seems? our president is behind his desk working his ass off for the people?? we're fighting wars killing thousands to protect americans from terrorist? cops arent racist and corrupt?..
I dont see how people can deny this is true. You think everything is as it seems? our president is behind his desk working his ass off for the people?? we're fighting wars killing thousands to protect americans from terrorist? cops arent racist and corrupt?..

you see, it is not that cops aren't corrupt (many are) and racist (some are). it is not that these wars protect us from terrorism (they probably recruit more terrorists) while thousands of innocent civilians die. it is not that the president is working hard for you and me (but rather to be re-elected). all of these things we agree on, but yet we reach a different conclusion.

you seem to agree with poonjoon that all this is happening in an orchestrated effort by thousands of individuals who all wake up in the morning with the goal of furthering dictatorial world domination and 66.666% population reduction.

humans are shitty enough to each other to explain the sad state of affairs we are in without invoking such ridiculous conspiracy.

all this conspiracy talk reminds me of that one dude who was telling how the zionists controlled the world. he never told me why i wasn't part of those elites who controlled hollywood and the banks. damn tease!
"humans are shitty enough to each other to explain the sad state of affairs we are in without invoking such ridiculous conspiracy." fully agree..and if there is a small group of people working towards world domination isnt really important. the only thing that can change the fucked up way we live is us. I guess poon is trying to "wake people up". there are more subtle ways of doing this i guess and most people are starting to learn for themselves. I seen a poll where 65 percent of americans dont trust their governments it was on cnn. If THAT many people really believe the gov is corrupt why isnt there more being done though. I guess they seen the videos of people PEACEFULLY protesting in america and getting fucked up by the police. or some feel helpless. idk.
many of those quotes are bona fide, of course some aren't going to be verifiable because it has been so long ago. People now a days won't believe anything if there isn't video and audio to go with it and several links to a Youtube video.

It is my belief that the Bankers want to rule the world, they could care less about dollars, if they need a few billion they can just create it and therefore have a near limitless supply of currency. No, they do not care about pieces of paper what they want is Power over us. A banks main purpose is to create debt, unpayable debt that must be serviced by the poor man toiling away year after year powerless to improve his situation. Chained like a dog to his debt, never getting any further in life.
