New York Power Diesel - 1000W MH veg - 1000W HPS Flower - First Grow....


Active Member

Great job on the NYPD. You showed me a lot since I am a week behind. It's like a preview, on a larger scale:clap::clap::clap: . Thank you and keep up the good work.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
nice man im subd lots of nice pics in here. So what exactly are you using the blackstars for just veg or suplemental flower or you doing a run of straight led im sorry im too interested in all the pics to go back and read exactly whats goin on right now kinda medicated o_O


Well-Known Member
When I started I received a 1000W HPS (flower) and a 1000W MH (veg) for a combined 325 bucks. So I thought it was all good. As I came closer to flower I realized that I would need side lighting and UV for the HPS and looked at a bunch of options. I wanted to get more light for less watts and decided to purchase a 500W blackstar to start out some jock horrors and wonder woman in a seperate grow area. The main problem was that I have too cool of a grow space (partially under ground old OLD basement) and the LED wasn't giving the little girls the heat needed, which the HID was. I was looking for alternate heating methods and all of them either were too dangerous or cost too many watts. So I ditched the seperate grow, tossed them under the Metal Halide, and used the 500W as side lighting for my flower room (as well as a good source of UV). I rotate the plants (6 currently) on a two day schedule in front of the blackstar and under the HPS. The result is phenominal. Now, as time goes on I am going to toss the HPS and MH, and set up my rooms with (each) two 250W MH and two 240 Black stars for a grand total of 2000 watts. 1000W of LED 1000W of HID. The HID will act as a heat source and fill in the spectrum (more over MH's give off plenty of UV), the LEDs will fill in the necessary red spectums and provide additional UV. This will allow me to keep my current plant count (15) and save 740W of operating electricity. I may keep my plant count lower, and (5 in each room) and put them in 10 gallon tubs and try to grow monsters instead of dealing with that many plants. Im hoping that will keep the yeild about the same (200W per plant should do nicely 50/50 HID LED).

Right now I have some snow white under a 240W blackstar, things are going really good, just really slow seeing as how the highest temp they see is 68 degrees. When I harvest that NYPD (around the 27th) I will toss them under the MH and keep the LED with it.

So long story almost short, there it is. If I had a warmer grow room, the HIDs would be gone, but instead of spending 1500W on a heater, I might as well get some light with the heat too...Thats the whole rationale

nice man im subd lots of nice pics in here. So what exactly are you using the blackstars for just veg or suplemental flower or you doing a run of straight led im sorry im too interested in all the pics to go back and read exactly whats goin on right now kinda medicated o_O


Well-Known Member
Alright, its about time to harvest these MFers...Trichs are cloudy, calyxes are plumping, saw two male flowers on two different plants in main colas areas...tossed them in the dark for 48 (last night) will harvest tomorrow...picked some wet bud to vaporize from the bottom of the plant and couldn't believe how good it was. Pretty happy with the quality...
Last pics for NYPD while alive:


Well-Known Member
I know its late but im subbed went trough you journal and I love your grow specialy that I was thinking about using a blackstar 240 my self. I'm impressed with your results.


Well-Known Member
Cool man thanks, there are several more grows right behind this one that will be on this thread...(jock horror, wonder woman, snow white, and about to germ white widow in a couple of weeks).

I know is late but im subbed went trough you journal and I love your grow specialy that I was thinking about using a blackstar 240 my self. I'm impressed with your results.


Well-Known Member

Heres the wet yield (will not weigh until dried and off of stem):
The harvest was both what is hanging and what is in the pan (16" pizza pan):
budz5.jpgbudz4.jpg That is 4 NYPD plants. I was expecting 1 zip per plant, looks like a bit more. We got a TON of trichrome covered clippings and small bud that yielded about 8 sticks of canna butter, and also got just over a g of finger/scissor hash...Drying has begun (I am not drying in that closet, that is just a staging area to hold everything until later on tonight)


Well-Known Member
Two more pics of the entire harvest (gotta put them both together, I forgot to take a pic of the big pile before I started to hang them, I was in a hurry to get it done before my daughter came home):

A close up of the bud:
