Dude, Where's My Trucks? Uncle Budd NYC Still Searching For 12 Confiscated Cannabis Trucks
As New York’s legal cannabis program limps toward its most important goal of actually allowing the sale of weed in retail shops, NYC residents have options as they wait for the state bureaucracy to catch up. If you happen to live in the Big Apple, you’ve probably seen colorful cannabis trucks...www.yahoo.com
Bmillz still has 8 brick and mortar “decal” stores still going in Upstate NY.That donation shit is what they did in Cally, trying to find loopholes. Cops will still be dicks and find a loophole to stop them... sad
And this, wtf NY?
Local Cannabis Stores Hit With Cease and Desist Letters
52 illicit cannabis stores identified by the state have been sent cease and desist letters directing them to s...www.fingerlakesdailynews.com
Right? Why should a convicted man in Michigan not be given licences to operates Marijuana dispensaries in NY over people IN NY... wonder why this shit is even allowed on the news(that's rhetorical)Judge blocks NY's ability to issue pot licenses in five regions (msn.com)
Anyone know what this is about?
Sounds like quite the mess out there. My niece tells me it's a real cluster going on. Looks like a couple more years at least before it will technically be legal to grow recreational.
This could also turn into some type of court battle.