New Zealand outdoor thread 2013/14 (all kiwis post!)


hey bro yeah been awhile most of mine havent got much taller just thickening up reali. id say there about 6.5ft ish its a mish getting fotos of them from them lol fukn cutty grass sharp as haha. my blue dreams r bigger but they dont look half as at home as these ones and yup all mine are probably a week or so into flower developing heads and showing quiet a few hairs. dont reali no when to start counting it as flowering or pre flowering tho lol i usually just count it when u start seeing sum buds. any updates on the malawis bro? .haha there must b heaps around if u keep finding them! good ol bop alright


Oh yeah bro i cut it that it started growing sum hermie male pod things got bang on 28grams when dried smoked half and swaped the other to my bro for a 600wat hps fan and a cuple bulbs lol. Got us high as but probabli wouldnt do it again outdoor that thing did wat it wanted didnt care about light hours.. Started budding on our longest day lol dont reali bo were to begin with that thing. Cud b algud indoor i dno


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah bro i cut it that it started growing sum hermie male pod things got bang on 28grams when dried smoked half and swaped the other to my bro for a 600wat hps fan and a cuple bulbs lol. Got us high as but probabli wouldnt do it again outdoor that thing did wat it wanted didnt care about light hours.. Started budding on our longest day lol dont reali bo were to begin with that thing. Cud b algud indoor i dno
Sucks that it hermied bro haha Oh well atleast you got some smoke out of it and you got plenty more mad as plants :bigjoint: Might go better indoor.

aussie originals

Active Member
hey aussie that stuff looks nice, nothing beats a good cured nug. something that I think lacks here in nz, especially the bush stuff dosent get a descent cure just dry dry dry then bag it, mostly cos muppets will still pay the same $$ for cured or uncured.

CK, im getting amped up waitin fr he roar, we'll have to see who gets a descent wapiti lol. I squeeze in a red roar trip between fiordland and duckshooting if im lucky.
Yeah man so keen to get the adrenaline going, I'm sure there's some Massive heads up in the Ruahines.
I dream of hunting in Fiordland one day, do you live close to there?. Bottom of the south island grows are ruthless lol, Imagine weed growing in Fiordland! I wonder if it's possible?.
It's always a struggle juggling the roar and harvest hah.


Yeah na mate definitely don't want to get caught up with mates and growing, I've had betrayal over Ganja like you wouldn't believe lol.

The weed market is so dry at the moment, everyone's smoking 1-2 year old outdoor bush down here. People are selling 12 gram half Oz's too.
Opportunist could make a fortune this time of year, oz's go for 500+ in Auckland. Top quality though.

Found some more guerilla plants too. I vote they get eaten by the roos or possums.
View attachment 2992976View attachment 2992990View attachment 2992991View attachment 2992992late planters but still all good
stash away an elbow for this time next year and youll be laughing all the way to the bank
harvest day is planned for 12 days from now, but im getting anxious and wanting to take it down in 8 or 9 days on the friday or sat. I think by then atleast half of the hairs will be brown and receeded and the rest will turn as it dries. Gave it pure water with no nutes today and will do a couple more times.90.jpg91.jpg92.jpg the kushberry had a branch snap off today so I just took off the one opposite on the other side too, hope it survives without more damage now. I really wana smoke it


Well-Known Member
harvest day is planned for 12 days from now, but im getting anxious and wanting to take it down in 8 or 9 days on the friday or sat. I think by then atleast half of the hairs will be brown and receeded and the rest will turn as it dries. Gave it pure water with no nutes today and will do a couple more times.View attachment 2993075View attachment 2993076View attachment 2993083 the kushberry had a branch snap off today so I just took off the one opposite on the other side too, hope it survives without more damage now. I really wana smoke it
Damn that's looking nice and frosty! Which strain was that one again ive forgotten lol I reckon its still got a bit to go though
letstrip - strain is frisian dew

aussie originals - wow really? its meant to be a 7 or 8 week strain and im pretty sure its atleats 7 weeks now, but i guess the advertised flower time is way off. Im thinking it will be done in 2 weeks but im definately not an expert. I hope it wont take longer than that. Just worried that someone might find it I guess :/ but I should let it finish properly

aussie originals

Active Member
I dont know maybe see what all the outdoor proffesionals think. I do think you would be missing out on a lot of weight aroma and high if you picked now though.


Well-Known Member
Sounds out of it CK how come its so dry? Reckon they put those plants out late for stealth or were just late to it?
What do you mean dry?, it's pretty moist up there next to the river. it's on top of a river bank. They were probably late started early january of late december, not everyone knows when to put plants out lol.

JTW - I'd say another month at least depending on the weather, nice looking buds though. Might get some awesome colours, I hope the Malawis turn purple.


Well-Known Member
hey bro yeah been awhile most of mine havent got much taller just thickening up reali. id say there about 6.5ft ish its a mish getting fotos of them from them lol fukn cutty grass sharp as haha. my blue dreams r bigger but they dont look half as at home as these ones and yup all mine are probably a week or so into flower developing heads and showing quiet a few hairs. dont reali no when to start counting it as flowering or pre flowering tho lol i usually just count it when u start seeing sum buds. any updates on the malawis bro? .haha there must b heaps around if u keep finding them! good ol bop alright
6.5 ft is all good at the start of flowering. Cutty grass sucks man, especially when you're hunting through it.
I count flowering from the first sight of a hair or even a few days before I see one come through. Na no updates bro ha, rather not be around them for a while after that rain.
Some hot as days though, measuring 28 today under the shade. Yeah there's probably more, looks to be the same strains.

Weird how JTW's plant is fully into flower already. Most of my plants wont have buds til end of march.


Well-Known Member
What do you mean dry?, it's pretty moist up there next to the river. it's on top of a river bank. They were probably late started early january of late december, not everyone knows when to put plants out lol.

JTW - I'd say another month at least depending on the weather, nice looking buds though. Might get some awesome colours, I hope the Malawis turn purple.
Oh nah dry coz you said The weed market is so dry at the moment down your way? lol Id say its pretty dry down here aswell to be honest.


Hey janice looking good! my frisian has kinda done the same thing. it started flowering early but the buds have been takeng ages too develop Think its been flowering about 5-6weeks and looks no way near ready id agree with ck and aussie i reckon the frisians could do another month + . I think i red sumwere people wer finding they can take 10-11 weeks.. Looking awesome tho good work!.


Ck- oh tru yeah all of mine have had hairs showing for about a week now . Them hoppers have tripled gotto try keep on top of them just cant get there enough


Well-Known Member
Oh nah dry coz you said The weed market is so dry at the moment down your way? lol Id say its pretty dry down here aswell to be honest.
lol so hard to keep up with what I said to who. This time of year there's no semi decent weed around - half rotted ancient outdoor

cooper - Fuck man they're a nightmare, If I didn't use any confidor(pesticide) the Panamas would be pretty well gone. Once it was so bad the plant was leaning over on the top because of the life they had drained from it, Last time I went back they were better but still had heaps. I think they're resistant as fuck because of the spraying the do in the Te Puke orchards consistently.

I'm in the same boat as you, too risky going down there and spraying everyday. What sprays have you used before that are effective against them?.
The Malawis and Tashkent don't seem to be effected by them and there's not too much on them.


Yeah bro thatd b right too theyd b prity imune from orchard sprays. Iv used a couple of sprays i used that pyrethreum one in the green bottle u get from mitere 10 wich was probably the best organic iv used. I used that other eco smart one in the white bottle too but there both pritty average for hoppers and not cheap. I think itd b a case of having to do it every couple of days atleast. Those fly sprays worked good but im getting abit ify on useing them in flower..? There a fukn nightmare alright for the life me dno wat to do with them lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro thatd b right too theyd b prity imune from orchard sprays. Iv used a couple of sprays i used that pyrethreum one in the green bottle u get from mitere 10 wich was probably the best organic iv used. I used that other eco smart one in the white bottle too but there both pritty average for hoppers and not cheap. I think itd b a case of having to do it every couple of days atleast. Those fly sprays worked good but im getting abit ify on useing them in flower..? There a fukn nightmare alright for the life me dno wat to do with them lol
Yeah the pyrethreum is good for prevention but it's difficult to keep these under control.
I might use this, mix with some neem. I don't wanna be using pesticides in flower either.
I'm iffy about using fly spray at all.

Letstrip - na no indoors around, only personal indoors.