newb needs some help


Well-Known Member
curing helps make the bud smoke smooooother by slowly getting the water out of the bud heres a video that Jorge did:

heres another video to check when to harvest:

12/12 is if you want to go into flowering and i heard that you might want to turn the lights to 11/13 at the last week of flowering, but hey its your choice
ALSO get a real clean jar to cure in, if you find a jar laying around your house and you want to use get a pot of boiling water and boil the jar(s) for 30-60 minutes to clean out any funk and others. I cured in a jar that had a little bit of funk and i though it was alright, WRONG IDEA, i was like where was that great pot smell i was growing just a week ago. Good luck!


Active Member
thanks man....have u ever heard of switchinbg it to 6 and 18 ...some people have told me its good to do that for like the last week or two...but noone on this site thinks the same


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do that unless you have 2 or more plants and 2 different grow areas and try it on a plant to see the difference, but if you fell good about it try it out


Active Member
hopin to upload some new pics tonight, getting bigger but theres still so many new white hairs so check up tonight my buddy should ve bringin his camera over


Active Member
i have some little flys hangng around my soil ...they lkook like fruit flys... how can i get rid of them..or do i need to? please help


Active Member
cure for a month??? are you using air tight jars man....? you confuse the hell out of me. dont get me wrong, I am not saying you cant do what you do.....but I dry for 4 days, cure for two weeks. stem snaps and burns like a dream.

when you harvest your plant you can trim it or hang it upside down, it takes around 5-7 days of drying it then curing it will take another month or so, curing is placing bud into a jar and opening the jar a couple times a day for a minute or so to refresh the air inside the jar, sterilize the jar and i mean boil it in a pot of water for like a hour to clean out any funky smell, i had one with a weird smell and trust me it will not smell like the plant you were growing


Active Member
Buy mason jars, man. They are cheap, and garunteed to work....thats why grandma always had good preservs for the winter. Myself personally, I dont give a sweet fuck about youtube. I believe what I see, first hand. Savvy?


Well-Known Member
id say wait another three weeks, if u got a really good magnifying glass, zoom in to see the trichomes, when they go a milky color harvest em, even better if u get some red ones potent shit