Newb Q about sunlight


I currently have a couple seedlings indoor under CFL lights. They just sprouted a week or so ago.

The weather is warming up where I live and it's getting nice and sunny. Is it too soon to put my lil guys outside in the sun for the day and bring them in at dusk??

Any insight is much appreciated. Thank you for your help.


Shit I didnt even know about the bug thing. Whats the bug thing?

So much conflicting info out there. I got mine on 18/6 light cycle but now I'm seeing people do 24hr light for 1sr 2-3 weeks


Well-Known Member
Shit I didnt even know about the bug thing. Whats the bug thing?

So much conflicting info out there. I got mine on 18/6 light cycle but now I'm seeing people do 24hr light for 1sr 2-3 weeks
if your inside starting light cycle is 18/6........then after little while in veg you wanna flip to flower then you start 12/12 also remember to change out your cfls from a 6500k to a 2700k when you flip...


if your inside starting light cycle is 18/6........then after little while in veg you wanna flip to flower then you start 12/12 also remember to change out your cfls from a 6500k to a 2700k when you flip...
I am planning to plant them outside once they are strong enough.

Thanks dude.


Well-Known Member
Ya thats my plan. I'm just getting them started indoors because it's too cold up here in april/may.
cool, cool.......welp if you needed a plan B.....what i mentioned early is it......that if you wanted to stay indoors...


Ursus marijanus
I currently have a couple seedlings indoor under CFL lights. They just sprouted a week or so ago.

The weather is warming up where I live and it's getting nice and sunny. Is it too soon to put my lil guys outside in the sun for the day and bring them in at dusk??

Any insight is much appreciated. Thank you for your help.
Don’t listen to anything from Q.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member
Ease them into sunlight a little at a time...I like to wait a little after that first week then give them 15min at a time of direct sunlight to see how they respond and gradually build that up over the next two weeks until they can take a full day without taking a shit.

Adjust as you see fit...I was being extra cautious as I live in the desert.


Well-Known Member
If they're photoperiod plants you might want to supplement with artificial light a little while longer? I'm at 42 degrees north or so and ideally need to wait until about June 1st to go wholly outdoors or they'll start flowering and then revert.

ETA: But you could start hardening them off now (getting them used to the intensity of the sun).


Well-Known Member
When I have clones or old mothers I want to stick in the yard for the summer, I will reduce my veg light cycle from 18 down to 15 hours over the course of a few weeks. I do this because those plants are sexually mature and when I've put them out in early April, they will initiate flowering and then reveg as the day length increases. I think that if you can ease them down to around 15 hours, they shouldn't complain too much when you leave them outdoors.