Newb Question about DR120 tent


Hello all, i purchased the DR120 Secret Jarden tent today and am a little confused about intake and the vents on the sides. I was going to rely on pressure to bring air into the tent. If i were to leave those little flaps off on the sides wouldn't that allow light to come in? How can i bring in air without letting light leak in? Do i need to have a piece of duct that comes through the intake and curves up in a 90 degree angle?


Well-Known Member
I cup up a good ac filter a little bigger than the flaps and let the negative pressure hold it up, acts as a light block and keeps the dirty air out of my tent, works amazingly well




Well-Known Member
I run my fan cords out the round hole and close it up and only have 1 flap open because thats all I needed to get my temps and pressure right. You can use most any filter you want, take the cardboard frame off and cut to fit. The simple blue frameless cut to fit ones are the cheapest way to go, hepa filters keep the air cleaner, up to you. You will be amazed how much shit tries to come in those flaps.


Ok awesome. Are you 100% positive that zero light will leak through the filter and into my tent. I imagine that maybe some filters are not as light proof as others.

I run my fan cords out the round hole and close it up and only have 1 flap open because thats all I needed to get my temps and pressure right. You can use most any filter you want, take the cardboard frame off and cut to fit. The simple blue frameless cut to fit ones are the cheapest way to go, hepa filters keep the air cleaner, up to you. You will be amazed how much shit tries to come in those flaps.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt put a bulb next to it and expect it to be light proof no but thats the way I run mine and dont have ambient light getting in. Put it on, get in the tent and close it up for a minute. Position the tent so the least amount of light would have a chance to get in the flap first and the filter will take care of the rest