Newb question about Peat pellets and Rock wool cubes!!

Hello good people at Rollitup. I currently have 3 seedling in peat pellets that I started germinating on paper towel 11 days ago. The plants look nice and healthy but they have an extreme stretching problem I currently have them standing up straight on paperclips and I have a 6500 k Blue light about 4" above them.

1. My first question is how long does it take for plants to stop stretching?

2. I plan on setting them up on a aeroponic pvc system so whats the best grow medium to transplant them to? can I keep them in the peat pellets I have grodan Rock wool grow blocks but idk if that's all i need.

3. I also have 3 other seedlings in rockwool cubes that I began germinating 3 days ago I want to know how often should I water them and should I keep it at a 5.5 to 6.0 ph level?

4. when should i apply nutrients to the rock wool seedling when i start watering? I already mist the peat pellets with the proper amount of B1 THRIVE ALIVE


Active Member
you've got a bit more research to go yet mate id suggest you get reading. no nutes not yet not untill week 2-3 is a rule for me personally. how many watts is your lighting and what type are you using?
you've got a bit more research to go yet mate id suggest you get reading. no nutes not yet not untill week 2-3 is a rule for me personally. how many watts is your lighting and what type are you using?
Thanks for the advice. I'm using Feliz light (brandname) 125watts on a 18/6 cycle. anymore advice you can give me about these seedlings, i've done alot of research haven't really got too many answers.


Well-Known Member
1. plants will not stop stretching, it is stretching because you need to add more light. try moving your light closer. if that doesn't work your going to have to get another lamp.

2. DO NOT leave them in the peat soil. go to a hydro store and buy some hydroton. If you are on a budget the you can use pea gravel from a home supply store. simply wash as much peat of the roots as possible be gentle. fill you net pots up 1/4 of the way, place seedlings in and fill in around the stem.

3. that depends on how big the cubes are if they are just the starter cubes keep them in a humidity dome and dip the cubes in water every day. <<, this also depends on the plant size. bigger plants will drink the water much faster. if the seedling is still tiny id say every 2-3 days.My main point is just don't let the cubes dry out. = death. you want the cub es to feel moist but when you pick them up no water should drip off.

4. I start my rez with 1/4 strength of what the instructions say for seedlings, next water change i use 1/2 strength, next water change i use full strength. Ph for hydro should be between 5.4-5.9 its less than for growing in soil.
1. plants will not stop stretching, it is stretching because you need to add more light. try moving your light closer. if that doesn't work your going to have to get another lamp.

2. DO NOT leave them in the peat soil. go to a hydro store and buy some hydroton. If you are on a budget the you can use pea gravel from a home supply store. simply wash as much peat of the roots as possible be gentle. fill you net pots up 1/4 of the way, place seedlings in and fill in around the stem.

3. that depends on how big the cubes are if they are just the starter cubes keep them in a humidity dome and dip the cubes in water every day. <<, this also depends on the plant size. bigger plants will drink the water much faster. if the seedling is still tiny id say every 2-3 days.My main point is just don't let the cubes dry out. = death. you want the cub es to feel moist but when you pick them up no water should drip off.

4. I start my rez with 1/4 strength of what the instructions say for seedlings, next water change i use 1/2 strength, next water change i use full strength. Ph for hydro should be between 5.4-5.9 its less than for growing in soil.

Thanks for the advice bro I added reps.. So u suggest using either hydroton or pea gravel. is it possible to use "Grodan grow blocks" instead? cause im on a serious budget right now


Well-Known Member
Possible yes. but much more risky those things are giant sponges and cause root rot. if you have your sprayers going 24/7 it will simply keep your plants roots to wet. however i could see using net pots with maybe the bottom covered with hydroton and placing the blocks on top of that.


Active Member
Possible yes. but much more risky those things are giant sponges and cause root rot. if you have your sprayers going 24/7 it will simply keep your plants roots to wet. however i could see using net pots with maybe the bottom covered with hydroton and placing the blocks on top of that.
Yeah I use dwc system so I germinate in rockwool cubes then transfer them to my bubbler once they are about 2inches tall. I put an inch of hydroten in the bottom o the net pots then put the rockwool in the centre and gently fill with hydroten until the leaves are just above it.

Seems to work fine everytime as long as u pre soak the rockwool and hydroten in ph balanced water for 24 hours first to stop ph issues. Also if it using rockwool u need to shake the excess water off the blocks so there is plenty if air. NEVER squeeze the water out as this pushes the air out n will kill ur seedling.

Hope this helps a little