Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter


Well-Known Member
hmmm...... damn do i have to open another thread to get my answers? is asking about molass a dumb question?


Well-Known Member
ok so i added molasses and they r 4 weeks in flowering today ill post some more pic in a few days to compare with the ones i just took since those r only 2 days old to see how fat the buds get after a few days


Active Member
so wow man..spidermites uh..hope ya get that fixed..check it out on the net on here,plenty of info..keep it moist for a few days..and those are pretty small pots..did ya put them all in bigger bags?? anyways..looks nice..
hope to see phat buddies soon...
laterz man.


Well-Known Member
ya i hope its not spider mites i havent seen any just a web i guess they could be in the bud it self.speaking of buds when does the smell kick in? im 4 weeks in flowering and no smell i see the buds but not smelling it is this normal?


Well-Known Member
Usually with spider mites you can see them with the naked eye, look for either black dots(adult spider mites) or white dots(juvenile spider mites) usually on the undersides of the leaves. That may only be for the more common two spotted spider mites.If you actually look closely at the two spotted spider mite you can see the two spots on the mites. I don't know about some of the other species of mites, some say rust colored specks...

Often times actual spiders may try to make webs to trap insects that are attracted by your plants(at least in a few of my experiences)

I would say you are safe using the molasses, I've heard it is okay to use from the beginning of flowering up till the end including the normal water only cycles. I have heard it will not help to use it until a certain point into flowering(don't know how long though)but I don't believe molasses will harm your plant even if you started giving it to the plant during veg.

Smell depends on the strain, some are strong, and some are not, I didn't think my last plant smelled very much at all, but it was the first thing anyone who walked into my garage smelled...It could be that you are used to its smell...But could still be a little early to be giving off much smell from the buds.

I would have replied earlier, but I've been having a few problems, one of the clones I got from a friend had spider mites, which spread to my other 3 plants...I tried insecticidal soaps, misting, and finally I let 1500 ladybugs loose in my grow room...There was no sign of the mites until most of the lady bugs died off.(the mite eggs must have outlasted the ladybugs life span). Anyway, I got rid of those plants...cleaned the room out and am starting again...I have a white widow clone, a red dragon clone, and an afghani diesel clone that I plan to use as mothers for my indoor growing(which I am trying my first attempt at hydro) and 4 bagseed that I will be leaving outdoors.(I will probably plant a few more outside when I get some more soil)

Have you transplanted?


Well-Known Member
sup all been a lil busy these last 2 weeks i have transplanted all my plants to 3 gallon bags and my clones died so busy i wasnt spending much time with them and my other plants so... i got a few problem with 2 of my 5 ladies 1 i think is heat/light stress the other is a nute issue i think gonna read up on it the 1 i think is heat/light has a few yellow leaves on the top that is green in the middle the 1 i think is a nute issue has curling upward leaves looking burned/rusty and r craspy. i missed the 5 week updat pic but ill have pic some time this week


Well-Known Member
think it was just a spider web the web did reappear 1 time after after i knock it off but i havent seen it in like a week


Active Member
pics? i like ur avatr! and your grow! i used to know a buddy of mine on a legal high forum that had that same avtr. good luck and lets see sum pics!


Well-Known Member
ok so the plants r near 7 weeks in flower. The buds arent as big as i hope:roll: im seeing about 50% brown hairs and i dont have a scope yet gonna pick 1 up this weekend. Should i start just water and stop feeding. How much longer do yall think i got left? these r picture of my oldest and tallest 3 plants:bigjoint:Let me know what yall think



Well-Known Member
is it a good idea to cut some fan leafs off at this stage about 7 weeks in flowering ? Cause the bottom buds arent getting enough light.


Well-Known Member
Sup jester. Nice grow man. I would say about a another week or 2. Pic 2 has a fat ass bud. Do you think the mollasses did anything? just wondering because im thinking about doin it for my grow. but i dont know much about using that stuff. But ya if you are gonna start another grow after this i definatly follow because i have a lot to learn. so i like to follow these grow journals.


Well-Known Member
i think the molasses help but this is my frist grow so nothing to compare it to and i to have alot learn. i was guessing 2 weeks left also so im gonna flush them this week and start on just water and molasses and pic 2 was my best plant picture 2 and 4 r the same plant


Well-Known Member
ya i could tell. pic 2 and 4 looked like it could go for about a couple of weeks and on the other ones maybe a week because the hairs were starting to turn already. but good luck. im currently using a 250w hps and my leaves are all droopy. do you know if this is overwatering or maybe heat stress. just thought i'd ask.


Well-Known Member
ok so i flush my 3 oldest plants today i plan on cutting 2 of them down in the next week or 2. this is my 1st flush ever do i need to flush agin before i cut r is 1 flush good enough?