Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter


Well-Known Member
Sup peeps update time. So i got 3 females out 7 of my frist plants toss the males out and toss 3 other plants same age as the rest in flowering. After about 5-6 days looks like i have another female still kinda early to tell.I took clones off the frist 3 females toss them in superthive & water about a week ago.The stems of the clones r turing purple is this normal? the stem of the clones thats under water is fatter then the rest of the stem is that normal? Frist time cloner ill have picture later forgot to take some.

my frist 3 females r just over 2 feet now they r gettin to big for my tent. might have to invest some reading time in LST soon or topping any idea's to slow there grow? I got about 9 more inch before they hit my light.
hmm might be forgetting something hmmm.
oh well heres some crapy pictures sorry those freakin 3 gallon bags r heavy didnt feel like takeing them out agin ill have some better ones next time i feed them



Active Member
Hi Ya' Jester ..

I'm new to the site .. I've been reading your Whole Journal and I'm tuned in on ya' Haha

Your withering problem was water !! I've seen 'em dry wither and recover like that .. exactly the way u described !


Active Member
How did your roots look when you repotted your "withered one ?" I f that was bound up then your other one's .. (same age, size, etc .. ) you should be ok w/ one gal pots ..


Active Member
I would avoid using "old ? pre-used soil .. soil is cheap .. u will probably eventually find your own "special" soil blend and why risk getting "bugs/probs " with used soil get a small compost heap going and u won't have o BUY soil at all ..

so far ur plants look really good .. sure ... TOP 'em ....... check Uncle Ben's thread .. " GET 2 or 4 main Cola's "........... u sound really sincere and intelligent keep learning !!


Active Member
Ph 6.5 - 6.8 is perfect !

FC has some nice looking plants too and also seems quite knowledgeable !

Lazy 88 has made made some good comments too ! Lazy 88 .. your plant looks like a long lanky nice sativa with all the lower branches and foliage missing ... that MIGHT BE some super bud !! .. I'd say prop it up if u need to and try to get alittle foliage back .. I don't think u should top it right now ..


Active Member
these two are by themselves..had problems with them ever since the get go..figured id grow them for the hell of it..
vegged for 1 1/2 months..15inchs before bubbleponics/the other soil. had problem after problem with these,ph,etc....its like they diddnt like anything i did to them.and i lollipopped one after trying to take clones from it.that diddnt, and shes topped..Notice the giant Y..and the part that is to close to the light one day.but ya i went to take pics the other day..turned the over-head light on for better pics..stoned..
and left that light on..(damn it) hope it dont fuck them up even more..since they are on 12/12...extra 4 hours of light...?
whatever if it does..theres more..ha
here they both are uptodate..oh and a link on water cloning... where near as nice as yours bro..

Looking at the pot it's in .. I'd say .. it's rootbound !!


Active Member
Ph 6.5 - 6.8 is perfect !

FC has some nice looking plants too and also seems quite knowledgeable !

Lazy 88 has made made some good comments too ! Lazy 88 .. your plant looks like a long lanky nice sativa with all the lower branches and foliage missing ... that MIGHT BE some super bud !! .. I'd say prop it up if u need to and try to get alittle foliage back .. I don't think u should top it right now ..
Thanks for the input,
but those plants were males...tossed out the window...and since you diddnt notice the BIGG ASS Y SHAPE AT THE was already topped.
and to jester i was just wondering how yours was doing!! ya uncle bens topping is just bend her over,be very careful not to break the stem tho..when shes dry she'll bend better,as far as clones go..i couldnt tell ya man...My clones in water are the same way tho...ima wait another two weeks and flower the mother regardless if the clones take or not...been veggin 2 months already.


Active Member
Looking at the pot it's in .. I'd say .. it's rootbound !!
Fuck what u say!!
u should think before u speak..
specially when you dont even know whats going on!!!
those were NOT ROOTBOUND!!!...
u can get a oz outta a one gallon pot easy.
its nice you like the advice people give.but do you really have to quote everyone thats been on the journey with jester!!???

wheres your thread..u seem to have alot to say,id like to see what you got?


Well-Known Member
Thx for the input roland and thx for reading my thread bro and every 1 else.

Ok to my problem so i check up on my plants today glad to say i have 5 females out of 10 great still have a runt in veggie.I also notice on my bushy plant has white hairs every where and :cry: a ball on its stem but the ball doesnt look like the males i chop down a week ago.It just 1 ball i have a picture of what it looks like but the picture isnt of my plants when i logged on today i happen to see a picture some 1 post of there plant looks alot like my plant but i only have 1 ball not 2 plz share ur input and let me know what yall think is it a hermie?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:



Well-Known Member
And if it is a hermie i cant keep it with the other females cuase it will pollenate the other plants right? And i dont wanna cut it down its my best plant out of all of them. damn i hope its not hermie


Well-Known Member
ok so i double check my plant and it does have 2 balls just like the picture hermie or not? it has hair every where these balls looks like preflower they r bigger then the balls my males had plus its only 1 on each side of the stem unlike the males i had there were like 3-5 tiny balls like grape.
i only see these 2 balls about the middle of the main stem

So what yall think?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: hermie or preflower:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


Active Member
looks hermi to me man:cry:
do you have any females left?
and im not real sure if you can top when flowering..i do know you prolly shouldnt cut off any bud sites tho..or i wouldnt.
look into pinchin,and bending her over..pinch the top of her or the tops...and pinch and twist it slowly,enough to bend her completely over,then stake her will try and work its way back towards the light as it does naturaly
but just keep her sideways like that.more light will go to the bud sites get me? and u can bend,twist,fold the fan leaves in half or whatever as well, just dont break the stalks is the biggest it slowly and carefule
im pretty sure there are a few threads..and utube as got a good video on it..i dont have the link at the moment.
u should be just fine..
its so sad uh to find males and hermies after looking after them like a 2month of
hope i helped.
peace homie


Well-Known Member
i woke up today to find more little balls on some of the branches and more big balls on the stem that kinda look like seed pods damnit it had to be my best plant:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss:
why ganja god?

and i dont wanna cut her/him down its ful of hairs and growth.
i heard something intresting about hermie i heard if u have a hermie and if the hermie pollenate a female plant u get femalize seeds any 1 knows if this is a fact or any truth to this?
if it is true since this is my frist grow i think i rather have high thc buds rather then seeds in them.I gonna keep the hermie alive think im gonna toss it outside i still have 4 females left damn this sucks:wall: a hermie still produces buds right? just wit seeds and less thc


Well-Known Member
so i sat the plant outside to stay and take pictures and after looking at her i couldnt leave her she look to good to leave. I guess frist time growing its harder to cut something u raise from a baby seed so shes staying inside for another week or so hope another plant will get as big as this 1 and maybe it will be easier to toss her out

plus i heard if a hermie pollenates a female u get femalize seeds and i thought about that hmmm femalize isnt that bad for the long run but im still leaning towards seedless bud.

heres the picture of hmm female in question


Active Member
as for hermie .. wait and see .. flowers will fully develop b4 it ever releases the pollen .. cannabis tends to release nearly all it's pollen at once ..

didn't mean to step on ur toes Lazy88 .. just thrown' an opinion in ..

it's ok to top a plant ..other shoots will take over and all that energy will go into makin you some nice cola's .. you are still early in flowerig stage .. right ?
I just topped one o' mine last night and another 5 or six days ago .. after three weeks or so it will stop stretching out