Newbie Growing Clones with CFL'S. Input Encouraged!

Okay....... So I got some clones from a buddy of mine exactly 6days ago. Before that they were rooting in a humid dome with flou lights for approx 11 days. I brought them home and transplanted them from dixie cups to 1 gallon plastic pots with miracle grow organic choice soil. I flushed the soil with water twice before I transplanted the clones. Now that there planted, I set them under ( 4-23watt CFL's) approx 2 inches from the clones. I water them every 2 days or so unless the soil seems dry, with tap water that I set outside for 2 or 3 days or so. So far everything seems to be going very well they look very healthy. I have them getting light 24hrs a day havent turned them off yet. I recently added another set of light to the space ( 2-26watt CFL's) so that made a total of 6 CFL's for 3 plants which in my opinion is plenty. But.... I added a thermometer and noticed with 6 lights, The temp went up quite a bit. There for I turned the 2 new lights off. So now were back to 4. Anyhow being that Im a newbie I basically want all of your inputs as I am a new grower and am really taking it day by day. Your Inputs will be greatly appriciated. Here are some pics of whats going on.......


Well-Known Member
looking good so far I' say:clap: Just one thing i would do is get rid of that stem thats on pick two , it doesn't look like anything is growing on it... just trim it down to were there is growth.

Illegal Smile

So you are using about 100w of cfls for 3 plants. That isn't plenty it is marginal. You should double it for veg and triple it for flower, getting a spectrum mix too.


Well-Known Member
Doing nice. I'd save my money, keep them trained down tight to the container, and have a HPS on hand when you are ready to flip the switch to 12/12. If its just the three plants you intend on having, you might could get away with a 250w.


Well-Known Member
i have used red CFL's in veg and it worked for my strains....your really not suppose to do this but i was short on cash at the time.. Get some blue colored CFL's like the one you have. ( blue=veg) (red=flower):blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
looks good...the light you have should be fine as long as you dont grow them to big and you hav them positioned correctly
Thanks for the input guys! What would you recommend not to big. Basically how long should I veg for? I am on day 9 of 24/7 lighting . I would like to produce a pretty descent yield. Also I heard that Im not supposed to give nutes for atleast 2 weeks and say I wanted to flower at 2 or 3 weeks, Do I still give the plants a hi Nitrogen fertalizer for a lil period of time or should I jump into flowering nutes????