Newbie here


New Member
I'm trying to get my first grow going and I have everything but seeds. Where can I get good beans from in the US that don't cost so much.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU

Use the search feature and search "seedbank us" or other keywords and you'll see a bunch of threads.

Just to throw a few out there to support buying breeder direct from a small biz with good prices on good stuff

Has discount codes posted on his site. Very good prices on some of the options.

Very low prices on the untested gear

Very low prices and discount code on breeder mix packs

I've ordered from all three successfully. I've only popped the beans from Sun Grown. The price is low enough that it's worth a shot.

Good luck! Peace :peace:


Well-Known Member
The best price for what I need is from Pacific seed bank. I'd recommend joining square one genetics and waiting for their seeds to drop. Last I looked it's still several weeks off. Robin hood seeds should be coming within a week or two can't remember. Anyways most seed banks make you spend a hundred bucks for like 10 seeds. Personally I don't need 5 seeds if the same strain which is why I have been buying from Pacific seed bank for four years. They have over 500 strains when you combine autos and photos. 3 seeds for 30$ I'll plant two then use tiresias mist on that last one and get more seeds. I'll only buy a strain one time. Unless I really like it and that last seed don't pop.


Well-Known Member
In the seed and strain review section, they have a seedbank review area why not check that out.

Dank Bongula

Well-Known Member

There is a forum discount as well. Fast shipping and great communication.