Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

About your lite height .....just hold your hand at top of plant....if the light is too hot for your hand, it will be too hot for the plant.....your plants look too wet to me...don't be afraid to let them dry out a bit......get an inexpensive moisture tester and use it....will save a lot of guessing/overwatering. Until then, just dig down with a fingertip two inches or so. If you feel moisture, hold the water. Just use your common sense.....from the look of your tomato plants, you shouldn't have any trouble with weeds as they are similar in their needs and behavior relative to water. (By the way, I'm 74)
First off, let me say thanks to all of you who have given advice and shared your knowledge to help
me get to this stage!! Hoorah!!
I am dissapointed that I ended up with 1 Boy. But I can't complain as the 2 seeds were a gift.
I am going to post a couple pics. that I just took today. Both plants.
I know as someone pointed out,"There just weeds", but like sex the first time you have a ton of
questions and you guys have kept me on the straight and narrow.
I am tooooo old for failure and I really need the med. so I can hopefully get off the Oxy or at least
cut it way back.
You know guys I really don't like some of this tech. shit but without it we wouldn't be able to do things
like this.
Again please keep all your advise comming, from what I have been told I am maybe 6/7 wks. away
from the finish line..
I am sure I am going to need some help/advise when I get closer to that day, Chop Chop!
I only got a couple pics. of the girl as she is outside today and there's a little wind today. I put her outside
during the day for 12 hrs if I am here, otherwise she is in her little corner of my shop with all her lights on.
The girl is about 4' tall but the boy is 5+' big. He is a tough rough looking guy and it kills me to chop him. Do
you guys save the pot soil or ditch it once the plant is out?
I may still try to get some pollen and save it, I have got to reread all these posts and see if I think I pull it off.
Did someone suggest that I pollenate my girl plant? I am not sure if I understood that right.
I will keep posting as thing progress.
Thanks a TON!!!
I just checked and some of the pics. don't seem to be working just right, may have to do the pics. again Doesn't seem as though any of the pics. are working, at least not from my end. I checked the pics. and they are Ok. Work on it later.


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About your lite height .....just hold your hand at top of plant....if the light is too hot for your hand, it will be too hot for the plant.....your plants look too wet to me...don't be afraid to let them dry out a bit......get an inexpensive moisture tester and use it....will save a lot of guessing/overwatering. Until then, just dig down with a fingertip two inches or so. If you feel moisture, hold the water. Just use your common sense.....from the look of your tomato plants, you shouldn't have any trouble with weeds as they are similar in their needs and behavior relative to water. (By the way, I'm 74)

I thought I was probably the oldest person on here, it is nice to know that I am not. My respect to you, I was taught
as a young kid to allways have respect for my elders. Allthough you were only 3 when I was hatched.
I think you may be right about the moisture thing. I now have a good soil moisture tester, just came in the mail today
As a kid we had a garden that was a 1/2 acre in the Midwest, so we learned a lot, whether we liked it or not!
Where I am at,Southern Az., you can't grow year round with out a climate controlled greenhouse.
Kudos to you my friend!!
PS: Check out the pics. I posted.
Good to hear you can grow all year round even without a greenhouse, in that case you should order some seeds online soon.
I highly, highly recommend Ace seeds or Cannabiogen. Have a look at their websites and
If you want some really powerful medicine look into their Malawi,Golden Tiger,Zamaldelica,Panama 100% sativas or Taskenti(love this strain) for a powerful indica, stay away from Dutch hybrids if you want to experience completely different highs.

Plants are looking good, the female might be 6 weeks away from harvest although it could be shorter or longer than that depending on the genetics.
Sorry the linking didn't work properly. Click on these and have a browse through which ones look good and I'll get some more info for each strain if you want. they have sativas from back in your time(50s-70s), ever smoke back in the day?.


What I meant to say is that you Need a cooled greenhouse to grow here in the summer.
It gets way to hot and the sun is scorching. Thanks for your recomendations on
the meds.. I am hoping for a Happy 4th of July, that's about 6 weeks away.
I see, what are your temps in summer?.

Did you ever smoke anything over in Vietnam? I'm growing a hybrid at the moment that has Chinese and Vietnamese genetics and won 2nd place in the Arizona cup. They said they gave it to an old war vet without telling him what it was and he instantly knew it was from Vietnam.
Temps runn 105/115 during June July August.Where are you located? Kiwi??
I never did any during Nam. I was on a carrier launching aircraft everyday for a year.
Never heard much about it untill I got home in late 67.
Where is the Az cup held? I live in Az! Tell me a little about it.
Starting 4th week of flower. Couple pics. Does it look ok?
I noticed the Fan? leaves don't seem as deep green as the
other leaves. My first time so I have a lot to learn yet.
What you guys think, is it ok?


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Here is what I am feeding;
Water with Morbloom
Organic Tea that I brew.
What else if anything should I be giving her?
Here is what I am feeding;
Water with Morbloom
Organic Tea that I brew.
What else if anything should I be giving her?

Morbloom is NPK 0.10.10 right? I think the plants need a bit of N for the first few weeks of flower and then they're fine so possibly a hit of N although I thought the tea would do it justice.
Yes you are right, Morbloom is 0.10.10. What should I give her to put a little Nitrogen in?
Should I check the soil ph?
I threw a small handfull of chicken compost into my last batch of tea. Do you think that might correct the Nitrogen problem. I just fed it to her yesterday.
Old Goat
Hey guys ,I am dialing 911!! I really need some Advise.
I said I had added a small handful of chicken manure/compost
to my last tea brew, I gave my girl some yesterday, about 24 hrs. ago
and thankfully I went out to check today. Here are pictures of what I saw.
I really didn't know what to do but I figured it must be the tea I gave her yesterday.
The reason I had put the chicken in the brew was because I thought the plant
needed a little Nitrogen because some of the of the big leaves were lighter green
I guess(know) I was wrong!
What I did was flush the plant twice with some tap water.
Please, I really need some of that knowledge out there.
What can I do? I have so save my girl, I was hoping to harvest this girl around
July 4th and now I be burying her soon!!!
OLD Goat:(:spew:


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Top dress with ewc mix it in to the top of your soil and water with 1 tablespoon fish hydrolysate per gallon. Feed with a simple compost tea, I would say. No need to flush organic soil. I'm not faimiar with chicken shit yet. How much did you use? It looks like the k deficiency I had. Just gotta be nice and easy on her and ride it out. Don't try too many things to try and correct it as you can't. The damage is done to those leaves. How long did you bubble your tea for? Relax Gman you'll get through this.
Here's sme pics of my issue. It looks like you've got issues with both N and K def to me. The ewc and fish hydrollysate will keep her going. Someone smarter than me will come along soon. Her flowers look lovely btw.


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Now I am really going to prove how much I don't know.
What does ewc stand for? and is fish hydrollysate a
liquid fertilizer/nute?
Yea could be K aswell. I would foiler feed her daily something with high N and maybe a seprate solution with K but I dunno. Foiler feeding could be your best bet until she gets better.

Youl be fine youl get through this goat :mrgreen: