Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

I would keep it simple. Just top dress and feed the ewc tea with the fish sauce once a week or so. Epsom with plain watering. Your good on P and K so we want to replace the N and address the possible and common mg def.
Heh guys,
I have been down with my back and other problems for over 3 weeks.
I have been dragging my butt out of bed every 3 days to feed and water her.
To be honest I think she is about ready to chop!
I will post a couple pics. tomorrow and I sure need some advise on what
I should be doing now.
If you get a chance I would appreciate some advise on what I should be doing, I am sure
you will be able to tell me once you see it.
Pics. for sure tomorrow.
From everything I have read I think maybe it is time to chop her.
It has been about 8 weeks into flower. She looks like a skinny stripper
with her clothes off!! Started dropping her leaves a couple weeks ago
or more.
The buds look pretty nice, but what do I know, being a Virgin grower>
I am very interested in what you think! Chop it or let her go a while more.

The old goat needs some good advise.

I attached a few pics.


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She looks damn good nice job goat! Nice fat cola on top. You could chop her now if you wanted to but id let her go maybe another week or two and see. It looks like shes swelling up nicely. Lots of those pistils are still white but it all comes down to whether the trichomes are cloudy or still clear. If you get a loupe or can view the trichomes closely with something youl be able to see. Im not overly experienced so wel have to see what others say. You could take a sample of it and try her out maybe?
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Thanks bud.I have reached this point with all of you guys great advise!
It, the plant, looks pretty sick to me but then I really didn't know exactly what to expect!
To me this is the most difficult time for a first timer! Not knowing exactly when to chop it
and then when I do, what next? I can hang it upside down in my little growing booth for
how long? and then I am not sure how to dry it and can it.
there won't be a whole lot but I will be Poppa Proud of every little bit!!!

I just bought one of thoses circular drying racks but I have no idea how long to keep it in there
My temps in the grow booth is about 77 to 80 degrees and 20% humidity.
I bought the bigger rack because I hope to need it in the future.

It is Hotter than hell here now during the day 105/110/ with10 to 15% humidity outside daytime
but with my Swamp Cooled workshop I can keep it 75 to 80 all the time in there with-20/25 % humidity
I cooled it when I built it, the workshop, so I could be in there during the 5 month summer

It is, i think, a good place to grow, a shower curtain and I built a PVC fixture to hang it from,
just slide it open and take care of business.
I also made a cardboard standup covered with mylar to reflectall that light back onto the plant
2 /300 watt leds above and 3/ 200 watt CFL's around the middle outside of the plant.
It now has been turned into a Mult-purpose shop!

One very grateful Old man. Waiting for some"where do I go from here advise"


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Thanks bud.I have reached this point with all of you guys great advise!
It, the plant, looks pretty sick to me but then I really didn't know exactly what to expect!
To me this is the most difficult time for a first timer! Not knowing exactly when to chop it
and then when I do, what next? I can hang it upside down in my little growing booth for
how long? and then I am not sure how to dry it and can it.
there won't be a whole lot but I will be Poppa Proud of every little bit!!!

I just bought one of thoses circular drying racks but I have no idea how long to keep it in there
My temps in the grow booth is about 77 to 80 degrees and 20% humidity.
I bought the bigger rack because I hope to need it in the future.

It is Hotter than hell here now during the day 105/110/ with10 to 15% humidity outside daytime
but with my Swamp Cooled workshop I can keep it 75 to 80 all the time in there with-20/25 % humidity
I cooled it when I built it, the workshop, so I could be in there during the 5 month summer

It is, i think, a good place to grow, a shower curtain and I built a PVC fixture to hang it from,
just slide it open and take care of business.
I also made a cardboard standup covered with mylar to reflectall that light back onto the plant
2 /300 watt leds above and 3/ 200 watt CFL's around the middle outside of the plant.
It now has been turned into a Mult-purpose shop!

One very grateful Old man. Waiting for some"where do I go from here advise"

It does look a little sick but she should be fine for another 1 - 2 weeks.
The rack will be perfect for drying you crop in and it could take 5-14 day’s with around 85f is good apparently. A general rule of thumb is when the stems snap on the buds then its ready to cure.
You've got a good set up mate I hope you do some more grows in the future with maybe a few plants and it will defiantly be better then you first.
Your humidly will be fine, if its to humid you bud can rot but youl be fine with 20%.

After its all dry you can smoke it but its better to cure it for more potency, taste and better quality smoke. It basically just involves jarring it up in mason jars and letting the lit of for awhile each day.
These were the two best links I could find with all the info on drying and curing, theyl be a bit of a read but its worth it.

You can also probably stop feeding her now and give her just plain water

EDIT: Also I forgot to mention that when you harvest her, trim all the excess leaves and leaves growing around the buds of and then put it in the drying rack.
Good job on your grow Gman. I think you'll be really surprised on your next grow with known genetics. Get your soil in order and have some cal/mg on hand and it'll be fun. I got a test kit like you did (thanks for the advise I didn't know they had those) and my soil didn't register any P.

In your conditions I think you'll have to start the curing after a couple days of drying. There will be a lot of moisture deep in the buds but the outside will start to crumble if left to dry too long. Just jar them up and check on them (air them out and turn the flowers if need be) a couple times a day.
hey buddy, looks like you found quite a bit of help here, I just wanted to say, congratulations on making the change, I too have dealt with opiate addiction and turned to mj as an alternative, and I commend you sir. very had task to accomplish, and I love hearing about ppl etting out of the shit cycle opiates bring. keep it up and goodluck with yr plants mr.
I'd try to get it to go another week if you can, looks like this AZ heat is taking a toll on her though. You could chop it now but she's not fully mature.
I hope you can get an idea of where they are at. The trichomes?? are still pretty clear. The little
clear balls. Shit, i know that I am giving away the fact that I still don't know much!
Should I be chopping this little girl yet?
Thanks to all of you for your replies and tonnns of advise.
Sure could use some MJ meds soon as possible. My goal, when I started with this project was to be able
to harvest it on the 4th of July from every thing that I had learned up to that point.
Waiting to hear your thoughts.
Most of the fan leaves have fallen off but the leaves near the buds are still pretty gereen.
When I trim the buds off should I keep the other leaves and put them in a brown paper bag like I read somewhere?
When they dry out can you crumble them up and put them in a pipe???????????

Old Man-- Goat


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Old Goat from one to another. Im 66 and followed your weed grow oddesy with great interest. Im in my first grow and just as you had to, im working through the challenges our girls throw at us. Just 2 things I hope will help you with your adventure. I remember years ago someone told me chicken shit was a super fertilizer but it had to age a couple of years or it would burn up the plants. How old was your shit...I mean your chickens :)

More importantly you MUST check out Bad Kitty Smiles on you tube. She is awsome in helping people who have medical conditions medicate with weed and really opened my eyes about how to maximize the effectiveness of the medication through eddibles made with weed extracts butter and oils. Im waiting on my first harvest to put her knowledge to use as Ive tried eddibles and they are much more potent than smoking..

This has been an excellent thread and really added to my knowledge. I thank you for starting it and thank all those who are contributing to it.

How those seeds coming?
View attachment 3194762
I hope you can get an idea of where they are at. The trichomes?? are still pretty clear. The little
clear balls. Shit, i know that I am giving away the fact that I still don't know much!
Should I be chopping this little girl yet?
Thanks to all of you for your replies and tonnns of advise.
Sure could use some MJ meds soon as possible. My goal, when I started with this project was to be able
to harvest it on the 4th of July from every thing that I had learned up to that point.
Waiting to hear your thoughts.
Most of the fan leaves have fallen off but the leaves near the buds are still pretty gereen.
When I trim the buds off should I keep the other leaves and put them in a brown paper bag like I read somewhere?
When they dry out can you crumble them up and put them in a pipe???????????

Old Man-- Goat

If the trichomes are still clear then let her go longer, maybe another week, however if you really need the mj meds you can chop her now. The bud will still be good or you could just cut a few buds of and dry them and make them last until you chop the rest. Yes keep the trim and leaves so you can make edibles with it. Maybe make some canna butter which will be great medicine!
Also yes you can crumble the bud into your pipe when its dry but it just wont taste as good as if youd cured it and store the rest that your not smoking in a mason jar and open the lid for awhile every day for the first couple of weeks.

Once you've chopped here you should order or sort out some more seeds and do a few plants for your next lot of meds. Get some seeds that are good for pain or whatever you need the meds for.
You can get really good fem seeds online, the seeds are made so theyl only be females and their will be no males so look out for feminized seeds.
If you can get a macro close up picture of those trichomes thatd be good. Also it looks like your bud is swelling up real nice since the last pictures!
Old Goat from one to another. Im 66 and followed your weed grow oddesy with great interest. Im in my first grow and just as you had to, im working through the challenges our girls throw at us. Just 2 things I hope will help you with your adventure. I remember years ago someone told me chicken shit was a super fertilizer but it had to age a couple of years or it would burn up the plants. How old was your shit...I mean your chickens :)

More importantly you MUST check out Bad Kitty Smiles on you tube. She is awsome in helping people who have medical conditions medicate with weed and really opened my eyes about how to maximize the effectiveness of the medication through eddibles made with weed extracts butter and oils. Im waiting on my first harvest to put her knowledge to use as Ive tried eddibles and they are much more potent than smoking..

This has been an excellent thread and really added to my knowledge. I thank you for starting it and thank all those who are contributing to it.

How those seeds coming?

Heh Stealthking, thanks for your Bad Kitty Smiles tip! I will be watching her videos ASAP.
Just to let you know, I grew up on a farm where we had a 1/2 acre garden every year, so all of us kids got a lot of
growing experience with all types of vegetables', but of course No canibas.

The chicken compost I have was supposedly aged 4 yrs. so It should be good!

I have some fem seeds that i bought a couple months ago that I will be getting started as soon as I get my girl harvested.

It is because of people like yourself that I have been able to get to this point with my baby girl!

Thanks again,
If you can get a macro close up picture of those trichomes thatd be good. Also it looks like your bud is swelling up real nice since the last pictures!

Heh Letstrip and anyone else,

I looked at the trichomes last night, I finally got me a 60 power loupe/microscope and was able to see that the
trichomes are still clear so I will keep an eye on her every day and like you suggested I am going to let her live another week
at least untill they start to get cloudy. I did cut a lower stem with 3 buds on it so I could put it on my desk and really get a good
look at it. I have it hanging/drying for a few days and then I think I am going to give it a try.

I have a little digital scale that I put those 3 buds on to get an idea of their weight, well I know that sounds a bit goofy, Blame it on the age but I estimated the amount of buds on the whole girl and am trying to get an idea of how much I will have when I am finished, allowing about 30% weight loss?? when it is dried!! I know, it sounds like I have toooo much free time, ok just my educated?? guess,
I think there will be at least 2+ ounces when all done, does that sound somewhere in the ballpark to you guys? Allthough there is one Huge bud on top that maybe could be 1/2 ounce or so!

I have some fem seeds that i bought a couple monthe ago. 5 Aurora Indica and 5 Bubblelicious. I am going to get a couple of them going in a couple weeks and then a couple more about a month later, trying to get something going so I will have a constant supply
taking into account my growing situation here in the desert. The days will start getting shorter by that time and I might be able to
do the whole grow in my greenhouse. I won't leave them in the vegative stage as long next time. They were about 3 1/2 ft. tall when I started 12/12 this time and then I had a Boy so only ended up with the One Girl. I was waiting to be able to sex them!

My camera won't give me a very clear closeup so not able to see the trichomes good so will just have to do it by my halfass guess.

A lot of you "Buds" have been with me through this oddesy/journey and I would not have got here without you and your great tips and advise.
I have learned that most everybody does all this a little differently but most all seem to get the same results.

Like most everything in life, it's sometimes not how you get to where your'e going, but that you do!!!

I will try to take a couple pics. of the stem/buds that I cut last night, I can lay them on my desk and maybe get a better pic of the trichomes.

When should I stop feeding her and just give water? Just an estimate would be good, I plan on Hopefully chopping her in about a week.

Hopefully I will someday be able to Help people who are like I was about 4 months ago., knew nothing, and I am stll learning and soaking up everything I can, I am 72 now, I hope I don't forget everything before I start my next grow.
Just can't wait to get off this Oxy or at least cut it Wayyyyy back.

"Muchas Gracias"
Old GOAT--Bill
Ok guys, I got one more thing to run by you! at least for now.LOL
My plans are when I chop the plant to;
1. Hang her upside down for a couple days to dry out some and then,
2. To cut off the stems with the buds, I just counted, there are about 40 buds on my Girl!
3. To put the stems with the buds on this drying rack, 8 Layer Collapsible Dry Net Rack
that I bought about a month ago, leave them dry for about 4/5 days in it
4. Trim the buds and them put them in Mason jars and burp them as needed

I have since read a lot and I am now not sure if this is the way to go.

Now I really would like to hear your thoughts about this Plan?? of mine
stay with it or change how I do it.

All thoughts and ideas appreciated

GoatmanDrying Rack.jpg