Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

go with the 62. From aqll my research Ive gathered that 55 percent humidity is the most common used. I prefer mine a tad more moist so it was perfect for me.
i got them on the east coast about 7 days after I ordered.

as per your window of chop. thats a personal judgement call. if you wait till almost all of the trichomes are milky white then your fine. or you can wait till there a bit amber for a more medicinal effect.

Sugar leaves are called such because they lok like litle sugar granules on the leaves. They have a technical plant name but im unsure

as per your grinder question that a mtter of public opinion. i love min because it breaks up the nugget and allows an even burn.
but on the contrary some people swear by using scisors or heir bare hands to break it up. experiment.
Yea, the girl's leaves are coated with it!

I just bought these about an hour ago.

62% was the lowest tthat I saw so I went ahead and bought them. I should have them in 4 to 5 days.

I had to buy a water distiller about a week ago. They have got our city water so screwed up here, blending Colorado River water now and the TDS./ Hardness is outta sight, about 350 PPM and I can't even grow tomatoes anymore with it.The calcium attaches to the roots of the plants and it apparently keeps it from
taking up the nutes.

I gave been using distilled water with my MJ since the beginning but I bought a distiller so that I don't have to pay a buck a gallon for it anymore takes, about 10 cents in electricity to make a gallon. I am going to be using it on all my greenhouse plants from now on. Another pain in the ass.

I am going to look at grinders, I may buy one to have when I do my next grow as I will have 2 or 3 girls going.

Well guys, I just flushed my girl tonight.
I am going to turn out the lights and let her dry up a couple days and then I am going to chop her!!
I plan to hang her upside down after I chop her for a couple days and then cut the stems and do a
little trimming and let those buds dry on the stems for 4 or 5 days and then cut and can them buds!
I got a couple of those wide mouth quart Mason jars. Probably all I will need, but just in case I have
a couple pint jars with sealing lids.

Please read my plan and give me your thoughts, I can still change anything about it. I tried to listen to
what everyone had to say and combine a little of this and a little of that and take into account my own
personal situation

I am tickled a new parent, can't believe the day is almost here!!

I tested a little of the bud on the stem I cut about 4 days ago tonight,excuse me while a get another
candy bar:hump:, seriously I got the munchies and ain't feelin No pain:clap:

I allready had todays Oxy in me and with the newfound MJ Med, I am barely able to type this,
but damn, my hands aren't hurting, same with my knees and shoulders as well as the Back,
well worth the wait.

Old Goat :weed:
Oh I forgot to mention that I got a few of those Boveda Humidity packs comming, I got 12 of them for 11.88 on ebay. They should be here by the time I need them.
I am still winging it so I thought of it as insurance to make sure the humidity stays right, As soon as I get those babies canned I am going to put them in my closet and evernight take them out and set them on my desk and
just stare at them :shock: LOL

Well guys what a night of mixed emotions. I am very glad but at the same time
a little sad. I just cut my baby down. She is now hanging upside down in the grow tent!

I weighed her after I chopped her, she weighs just over a pound. I had trimmed
all the leaves before I chopped her. So just the long stem and the buds with
their stems. Anybody care to guess how much the buds will weigh when i harvest
the buds?

I think most of you have become bored with this deal, but I appreciate all of you
that hung in there with me. It must be some sort of Skunk variety, cause that is
what it smells like as if there was a skunk inside that grow tent!!

So, any educated guesses how much the final tally will be?????????????

Oh, i fogot to mention that it is about 77 degrees anf 50& humidity in that tent,
is that Ok for drying her out a few days and any ideas on how long I should
dry before I harvest the Buds and can them????
Hey goat sorry I haven't been around ive been really busy! Defiantly interested in this still. Im really happy everything is going well for you, and from all that ive read you seem to be doing everything right! Really stoked that the tester weed worked for you mate its always nice knowing that Mary Jane can help people. Sounds like natures medicine will work for you, also you might want to keep a few more of those candy bars lying around :) It always feels a little sad when you chop them, don't worry your not the only one who feels this way Im pretty sure many growers fell a little said lol

As for your dry weight..... well Im not experienced enough to say myself but some drying shots would be great! I think youl actually get a fairly decent amount.
The strain must have some skunk in it then. If you give one of the buds a nice squeeze itl bring out its best aromas.
Keep all your sugar leaves and trim then make some edibles. Edibles are really really good for pain and will have you high for hours.

As far as anything else goes Im pretty sure your doing everything correct, congratulations on your harvest! Cheers
Hey Goat, Pain meds can be a real pain in the ass, my dad had his leg amputated from poor circulation about 9 months ago and has had multiple surgery's since. He's been prescribed everything from oxy to hydrocodone & was receiving multiple shots of dilaudin a day when in recovery. I've witnessed him go through withdrawals & it was rough. He is no longer on oxy but does take a weaker pain pill.

Anyways back to whats important! I was thinking maybe you can run a nice winter crop? You can do maybe 4 or 6 plants in those raised beds in your green house I'm sure that would be enough meds for awhile.
Also I would try to go all organic (smoother smoke &tastes better) if possible especially for medicinal purposes. You could pick up two bags of bat guano. I would get one that is high in nitrogen for veg & one thats high in phosphorus for flowering. You just mix a couple tbsp onto the top layer of the soil once the plant is mature enough.
Since I've switched back to organics my plants have been extremely happy and healthy where as before I struggled with nute burn & deficiencies.

One last thing I've witnessed cannabis flourish in 100plus degree weather. So you could even try a outdoor crop. You would need a shade cloth & the right strain that can handle the heat but I know it can be done!

Anyways just suggestions whatever you do your off to a great start. Good luck with those damn oxys sir.
Last edited:
Well guys what a night of mixed emotions. I am very glad but at the same time
a little sad. I just cut my baby down. She is now hanging upside down in the grow tent!

I weighed her after I chopped her, she weighs just over a pound. I had trimmed
all the leaves before I chopped her. So just the long stem and the buds with
their stems. Anybody care to guess how much the buds will weigh when i harvest
the buds?

I think most of you have become bored with this deal, but I appreciate all of you
that hung in there with me. It must be some sort of Skunk variety, cause that is
what it smells like as if there was a skunk inside that grow tent!!

So, any educated guesses how much the final tally will be?????????????


need a picture goat. no idea how much stem or leaf you got on there. My roughest estimate is 3-5oz.
my harvest weighed 5oz dry and was 34grams after 5 days hanging and 1 week in boveda packed jar.
i also harvested branches not the whole plant
as for your question on how long to hang. caress the buds till the outside feels crispy.

caress. dont squeeze. like you're caressing a baby bird.
Hey goat sorry I haven't been around ive been really busy! Defiantly interested in this still. Im really happy everything is going well for you, and from all that ive read you seem to be doing everything right! Really stoked that the tester weed worked for you mate its always nice knowing that Mary Jane can help people. Sounds like natures medicine will work for you, also you might want to keep a few more of those candy bars lying around :) It always feels a little sad when you chop them, don't worry your not the only one who feels this way Im pretty sure many growers fell a little said lol

As for your dry weight..... well Im not experienced enough to say myself but some drying shots would be great! I think youl actually get a fairly decent amount.
The strain must have some skunk in it then. If you give one of the buds a nice squeeze itl bring out its best aromas.
Keep all your sugar leaves and trim then make some edibles. Edibles are really really good for pain and will have you high for hours.

As far as anything else goes Im pretty sure your doing everything correct, congratulations on your harvest! Cheers

Heh bud, glad to hear you are Ok.
I have her hanging/drying, Sat will be day 5 and I am then going to trim the buds and can them.
I will weigh them and see what I have before I can them.
I will take a picture after a trim and post it.
need a picture goat. no idea how much stem or leaf you got on there. My roughest estimate is 3-5oz.
my harvest weighed 5oz dry and was 34grams after 5 days hanging and 1 week in boveda packed jar.
i also harvested branches not the whole plant
as for your question on how long to hang. caress the buds till the outside feels crispy.

caress. dont squeeze. like you're caressing a baby bird.

Harvesting this old girl Sat. and I will report on what I end up with.
Will take some pics of the final result and post them.

They are starting to feel firmer?.

I got some of those Boveda paks, I will be using quart jars. Would you put 1 or 2 in each jar? They are
the small paks.
Heh bud, glad to hear you are Ok.
I have her hanging/drying, Sat will be day 5 and I am then going to trim the buds and can them.
I will weigh them and see what I have before I can them.
I will take a picture after a trim and post it.

Good stuff mate keep it up.
Harvesting this old girl Sat. and I will report on what I end up with.
Will take some pics of the final result and post them.

They are starting to feel firmer?.

I got some of those Boveda paks, I will be using quart jars. Would you put 1 or 2 in each jar? They are
the small paks.
1 per quart jar. don't over fill the jars leave some air space.
Harvesting this old girl Sat. and I will report on what I end up with.
Will take some pics of the final result and post them.

They are starting to feel firmer?.

I got some of those Boveda paks, I will be using quart jars. Would you put 1 or 2 in each jar? They are
the small paks.

I would do 1, and check it (the pak) every 2-3 days. Just a little info on them, they are salt based so you will know when they are no good when they crackle and crunch. You can't re-use them but they're cheap enough.
Well guys I am done, harvested and in the jars!
I only ended up with about 52 grams but it is real dry.
I now see that I made a couple pretty good bloopers
with this 1st grow!!

Ist off I thought I was watering and feeding it properly
but I now know that it was probably allways to wet,
like a lot of people said, you don't need to water very often,
I watered or fed her about every 3 days, next time I will make
sure to do better with the moisture. The root ball was totally
Soaked when I removed it from the pot and that was after
I hadn't watered it for 4 or 5 days, lessoned well learned.
The root ball had a bit of rotted smell to it.

Also I let ithe plant dry to much after I cut it. The buds had really
shrunk up and are very dry, not much worry here about mold or rot!!
I put a couple of those Boveda paks in each jar.

I did sample it and damm, it was all worth it, cut my meds down
from 6 to 3 yesterday and no need to say I was feelin no pain,
if fact I was pretty much on the couch watchin racing and eaten
my Twix candy bars, a whole bag and then I thought about eating the bag!!

I have a Andonstar microscope/w camera I just got and I was foolin around with it
so there is a little video clip attached here, it is one of my buds and as
you can probably tell I am just learning how to use it. It also takes still pics
as soon as I learn how to use the software I will take some stills.
I think anyone growing should get one, you can use it portable and plug it in to
a laptop, tablet or PC. Check it out, ebay item number 171379541354.

Since I really am an Ol Goat I think I did fairly well for the first time, 2nd go-around
will be much better.

I just tried to attach the video clip and it is an .avi movie file and apparently RIU
won't let me upload it. I will take some pics. and attach them tomorrow.

YOU ALL MADE THIS POSSIBLE, give yourselves a Pat on the back and have a toke with me!!

Later, Goat
Plants will tend to take up less water when they're done as I've noticed, Also as they lose foliage they can't release it. I'm happy for you Mr. Keep at it and enjoy!
Heh i just got a better pic. of the big Bud.
This thing weighs almost 9 grams!!
This was the top bud.
I noticed under the microscope
there seems to be a few seeds in it.
Is that normal?


  • Big Bud.jpg
    Big Bud.jpg
    393.5 KB · Views: 22
Heh i just got a better pic. of the big Bud.
This thing weighs almost 9 grams!!
This was the top bud.
I noticed under the microscope
there seems to be a few seeds in it.
Is that normal?

Hey Goat, congrats on the harvest. I'm glad the smoke is helping relieve your pain. Now about them seeds... some point along your grow your lady went hermaphrodite on you, I can see what we call a "banana" (a pollen sac basically) on your picture. That is why you have seeds, your plant went hermie and pollinated itself. Stress is the main cause of this, light leaks during the night cycle during flower is one of the main forms of stress that causes hermies.