Newbie Questions


Whats stopping me from putting 15 plants in a single tupperware tub? I'll have each of the plants in their own pot with drainage.


I did a search for tupperware on these forums. It showed results 1-15 of 25. How do I see the other ten results?


Well-Known Member
Yea, Flares it's the stuff you cook with. I'm beginning to wonder if slaw is actually serious about growing or just thinking about the "what if". I'm sure a tupperware grow would be pretty funny watch lol.


Well-Known Member
I got it, he could name his grow "Cooking with slaw" lol. I'm afraid your joke went completely over my head lol, I've been up for 18 hours :)


I think I need to find two rubbermaid containers less than 15 inches tall each. Then I would stack them on top of each other and use a little bit of tape each time i would put it back together. I'd like to be able to wire the whole thing, but I don't know a damn thing about wiring lights. I'm sure it can't be too hard. How many fans and lights should a 30 inch tall clam shell rubbermaid grow box have?


Alright thanks yo for talkin to me about this so long. and, i know wirin is gonna be the hard part


Well-Known Member
Just buy a light clamp reflector that has a standard light bulb socket or a socket to a/c outlet adapter. As for the fans somewhere in my journal someone posted a guide as to how to wire PC fans to a wall charger. That's what I'm doing.


Member design looks very professional. I can only make one about 28 inches high so I'll have to get tupperware containers no more than a little bit taller than a foot. The key to growing inside a box like that is probably exhaust ventilation. Making neat sealed holes with piping and the fan as opposed to cutting into the rubbermaid with a knife probably improves air flow.


Active Member design looks very professional. I can only make one about 28 inches high so I'll have to get tupperware containers no more than a little bit taller than a foot. The key to growing inside a box like that is probably exhaust ventilation. Making neat sealed holes with piping and the fan as opposed to cutting into the rubbermaid with a knife probably improves air flow.
if you look at my grow... that is my box. thats where I got my setup from. :)


Active Member
they where 5" tall pots. did you look at my grow?? I layed everything out of what I had and basically everything I did from start to finish.