Newbie With Issues


New Member
Hi Everyone,

So this is my first grow, and well it is not going so well.

Issues that I know I have had so far and since have corrected or am dealing with the results....

Low Light
Possible High and Low Temps

These four issues have been dealt with thus far. At least I hope so.

Ok Details

Soil grow ... seeds started in paper towel then transplanted to pots with MG soil. I know they stretched, MG soil not good, Poor lighting, and varying temps to extremes.
Seedlings stretched.jpg

I have fixed everything I could, Transplanted to bigger pots with organic soil .10-.05-.05 nutes to feed for three months.

Ok so now, 6 26watt(100watt equiv) CFLS 5000k, plus one 56watt(200watt equiv) 2700k for the spectrum's.

Been growing for about 45 days now. running 18/6 (I know long time in veg but I have stunted growth and dying leaves, more on that in a sec)

After transplant I think I may have been guilty of over watering, and it seems around the same time These issue began to happen.

My leaves are getting brown spots and have begun dying. Most threads I have read said either N or MG deficiency. I am not sure.

I have been getting new growth but just as quickly the remaining leaves are suffering.

I might have over packed my soil on first transplant, since then I have replanted in non packed soil to allow for better air flow and faster water consumption because they simply were not drying out.

Upon replanting I inspected roots, all looked nice and white and were not slimy, soil smelled normal and not of swamp.

I've tried experiments with different soil for the ground, nutes, and Epsom salt, I have also flushed in the beginning. I have only fed one plant nutes thus far.

Temps range from 82 in the day to 68 at night, highest to lowest good air circulation, lights are approx 3-5 inches away from plants.

I have done as much as I am sure to do, and even then not that sure.

Here are my results, still have browning issues and just sickly looking plants.....I am almost ready to throw the towel in, what do you guys think are the issues here and how should I fix them.

Best of the Worst.jpgWorst of the Worst.jpgNo Hope Left.jpgThe spots.jpgGlimmering hope.jpgFrom best to worst.jpg

More or better pics upon request....

Any and all help appreciated

By the way strains are OG Kush(the one with the most leaves) and Super Skunk.

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
i say 45 days wow, stop, chop, and restart with the information you now have, and good luck on next batch.. and with that big of a temp drop you might wanna turn down ur fans during lights out that big of a temp jump not good i read all over. but who knows as i am still a noob but i try :) check mine out jus entered 45 days and using 23wx2 5000k, 2 23w 2700k and 13wx2 2700k, all reds are on the side and 5000k are in a 10.5 cone reflector.


Well-Known Member
These plants are dead or close to it and have no hope of growing. The reason is PH is way out probably too high and is locking out almost all nutes including N. Also its too warm but the PH is the issue here. Next grow get a ph meter $25 and adjusters or this will continue your tap water ph must be high. More perlite next time to ,about 30%.


New Member
Thank you for the replies thus far guys.

The only thing that is keeping me going is the fact that the tops are getting new veg, I'll be it slowly but new leaves none the less. I just re-potted(my soil was too compact) a few days ago and I wanna give a final chance of recovery, the one thing I have not done is test the PH levels.

One other reason I do not want to give up yes is the fact that I know you can leave a mam in veg state for clones, meaning I may have a chance at recovery if I can nail the problem down.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
you have turned some of them into mutants, it acctually hurt my eyes to see that lol

glad you learnt allot though....

cor kill em quick


plant them in the ground outside and let mother nature decide there fait!! <<<<< loooool fate even!!


New Member
Ok so tested PH levels and sure enough way to alkaline for these little guys, gonna fix the PH levels, maybe have a chance of recovery. was running almost 8.0 PH. Ill keep you guys updated.


Well-Known Member
I'm not being a dick, but 45 days?
That should be what you have around 10 days.
Like BUDS says, add more perlite, and don't pack the soil when you plant.
(I usually go as much as 40%), and don't water so often.
That soil looks like mud.
How did you check your PH?
Water, soil, or runoff?


New Member
I checked both water and run off. water was a high 8.0 give er take, treated it and dropped it to a 6.5 watered and tested run off, was a 6.8. Used paper test strips so it isn't 100% accurate, but all I had atm.

The dirt is a lowes store bought organic soil .10 .05 .05 In after thoughts probably not the best choice, but I was trying to consider nute burn from time release soils. I figured this was a soil that I would have bit more control over.

I know the time frame is extraordinary, however if I can recover them, then I think I will have an awesome foundation for round two, being my round two is a very limited option and a surprise that I even had it.

I am guilty of putting all my eggs in one basket here.

And honestly it is a challenge, there is still some life in them. I know most of you would consider it a waste of time, but for me with the given circumstances it will be very rewarding one way or another.

I do question my runoff though, given the high alkalinity of the water on first test, and I have been using the same water to water all this time, how could the runoff of tested so low.....

Also what are your guys thoughts to epsom salt for MG deficiency? I'm pretty sure at this point that is the main culprit, due to the ph lockout.


New Member
I have re-potted and loosened the dirt, you think most of these issues are due to over watering? It seems more like a ph lockout to me, in conjunction with the early issues?

I am thinking the MG deficiency. Im wondering if I should add some epsom slat water or some salt straight to the dirt, I have since ph balanced the water would that be good enough? Time will tell i guess.