newbies increase your yields with these tips

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youv already stated you use dyna gro. and that has monoammonium phosphate which contains a high amount of cadmium and other heavy metals.
Careful, the spelling police are gonna get you, you can't even type straight your so frazzled. If it's so high in cadmium, How come it didn't make you list of ferts to fear?
Upon further investigation you need GIANT pumpkin seeds to grow GIANT pumpkins, or tomato, or onions. Genetics is everything, just ask Bo Jackson
Careful, the spelling police are gonna get you, you can't even type straight your so frazzled. If it's so high in cadmium, How come it didn't make you list of ferts to fear?

the spelling police lol. your so frazzled? i honestly could give 2 hecks about grammar but dont you mean you're? or are you trying to tell me something about my "so frazzled"? well what about my "so frazzled"? that was a list of the ferts they tested. and that was from one batch per fert. do u honestly believe every fert made from that list will have the exact values given every time? heres a good tip, try to score once in awhile. stop trying prove me wrong with out any facts. flushing is beneficial. if it wasnt youd have an argument but you dont.
and now that the trolling has died down i would like to give several recommendations to new growers.

i have some recommendations based on research iv been doing on cadmium remediation from soil. these are all based on real life studies, the most surprising thing i found was they were able to remove 52% of cadmium from clay soil(which has a negative charge and is notorious for its ability to hold heavy metals) from flushing with plain water. another study demonstrated that cadmium can be oxidated by hydrogen peroxide over the course of 50 or so minutes from between 30->70%. another study found that waste water and sludge could be treated with coco or perlite to get a removal rate of 99% and 55% respectively. acetic acid was used as well as citric acid as a means of removing cadmium and other metals. acetic acid was 8% cadmium removal and citric acid was around 30% if i remember. its important to note that these methods all work in different ways. water flush removes it by leaching, h2o2 removes it by oxidating making it unavailable in the plants, cadmium is adsorbed by coco and perlite and citric acid and acetic acid leach it away.there is also evidence of introducing worms to your soil to digest cadmium and other heavy metals with the benfit of worm castings. soil microbes specifically certain aerobic or faculative anaerobes also help by digesting the metals. this is by no means a perfect recommendation i am going to have to convert mols and what not to actual amounts of h2o2, perlite, coco, acetic acid etc...

flush your soil before planting with water to remove cadmium. you should be running 5 gallons minimum per planter

use of 1 cup of h2o2 per 5 gallons during the flush will help oxidize cadmium and help neutralize it even further

to remove cadmium from fertilizers take pantyhose and fill a leg with perlite and or coco and or clay and tie it and leave it in your nutrient bucket with an airstone to brew with the fertilizer for a couple days. the cadmium will stick to the perlite/coco/clay and you simply have to rinse it out after and let it soak in a bucket filled with 1 cup h2o2 and the rest water
every month do a flush of your soil with at least 3 gallons. use h2o2 in the flush and aerate the water for at least 10 minutes before flushing.

after flushing use 1 tbsp molasses with enough water to fill your planter and water with that as soon as possible. aerate this as well

2 weeks before harvest dont fertilize and do a flush with h2o2 of 1 cup per 5 gallons.

this can greatly reduce the uptake of cadmium and other heavy metals into the bud and will greatly improve the taste.

it is important to do the flush 2 weeks before harvest so that you can remove any cadmium and other heavy metals from the soil so the plant will be less likely to have it. not using nutrients the last 2 weeks will help with removal as well but it wont hurt too much if you leached the soil before the grow began, added the coco/perlite/ clay stockings to your nutrient teas etc.

its also important to note that both inorganic as well as organic ferts contain heavy metals and each batch of fertilizer will vary on the amount.
I recommend Urine to the new grower that likes a little twist in life.
Many people might cringe at the idea of using urine to fertilize plants, but urine has been used as a cheap, effective fertilizer around the world for thousands of years. Unlike human feces, urine from healthy people is sterile and pathogen-free. A 2007 study from the Department of Environmental Sciences in Finland showed that tomato plants fertilized with human urine produced nearly four times as much fruit.

Read more: The Effects of Urine on Tomato Plants | Garden Guides
im done with this thread. pissing on the plants, 3-4 trolls bickering with me about 2 of my 25 bullet points and telling me my entire thread is crap. lack of moderators.
Todays online fighting deterrent:

Its not giving up if you resign yourself from a situation and accept things for the way they are.

Todays online fighting deterrent:

Its not giving up if you resign yourself from a situation and accept things for the way they are.

Online fighting deterrent #2: don't send PMs to people telling them that you are going to dedicate time and effort into harassing them (which was already obvious before the PM).

Then again, there is ignore...
Online fighting deterrent #2: don't send PMs to people telling them that you are going to dedicate time and effort into harassing them (which was already obvious before the PM).

Then again, there is ignore...

Whoa, i never did that man. What in the world are you talking about? :confused:
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