Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Think this is where they should have been at 2 weeks?? I'm thinking I'm a week behind...???
To be honest, they are more like 9-11 day size. But don't get focussed on timelines or schedules. Everyone loses time on their first grow. I lost several weeks on my first grow to stunted growth. That's how you learn.


Well-Known Member
But don't get focussed on timelines or schedules. Everyone loses time on their first grow. I lost several weeks on my first grow to stunted growth. That's how you learn.
Good deal, glad to know... started to think I had the worst green thumb LOL

isn't lighting a big factor on size too though?? I keep trying to compare my grow to my friends who has I think 1000watt/4 plants, and I know I probbaly shouldn't...


Well-Known Member

Day 26/11:
A little bit more growth, nothing outstanding... however...


I moved the original three and one of the new seedlings in my DWC... I hope this make a big difference in their growth (running out of options/possibilities):

12 gallons
4 net baskets
1 pump
2 - 5" airstones

I'll probably add a 3rd airstone and maybe a stronger pump here soon, but at least this got me going...


Well-Known Member
Good job on the dwc, looks like ur wool is way to wet and ur plants are stressed. for next time I would reccomend for seedlings to use jiffy plugs in dwc. They are painless,simple to use and dry out faster.Plus they come already ph,d so u can skip all the water conditioning. just soak um in plain tap water, ring them out a lil, drop ur seedling in taproot down and set into ur hydroton. As simple as that.The tap root finds its way!
Where is ur water level at the moment?


Well-Known Member
No, they are just now reaching out of the cube(s)...

earlier in this thread/journal everybody advised me it was okay to put them in the DWC, the water will reach up through the hydroton and RW... I could even start from seed in the DWC



Well-Known Member
Yes u can place wool into the dwc and it looks like u have a good buffer of hydroton between ur wool and water level. I would reccomend that u back ur water of to 1 - 2 inches below ur pot. Ur wool feels wet to touch right? At this point ur upper roots need oxygen to help establish root structure. And if u have roots growing into ur hydroton then i would back the water off for sure to help those roots grow down and find the water. I usually start my level at about half inch below or touching the pots to help root structure growth then back of and keep it around 1 to 3 inches below depending on what cycle im in.
Hope that helps


Well-Known Member
helps a lot! I really have no way to easily remove water right now, so i just lifted the baskets up a little (now the water is just under the baskets)...

think this will help/encourage a major growth spurt?

-My temp is around 80˚F
-150 HPS (now about 7" inches away, will try and move closer)
-pH 5.8-6.0
-1/4 strength nutes

-I do not know ppm


Well-Known Member
Yes it should help, once ur wool drys a bit i think they will snap back. Ur major explosion will prolly come when ur roots hit the water and start feeding.
And yes all the advice was great. Just got the wool a lil to wet i think. If u plan on using wool in the future.You only really need to initially soak it. squeeze it out and maybe water once a day.kinda like working with soil in a way.Please get some plugs next time u hit the dro store tho. U wouldnt believe how easy they actually are to use.
Just a lil set back bro Let ur wool dry, and u will be fine!

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yea leggo, listen to onthedl about hydro stuff. He knows what he's doing. You should check out his exotic juicy pink buds!


Well-Known Member
Let me know how it works out leggo. I bet in a week ur leaves are reaching for ur lights and the fan leaves start getting fat. Cant wait to see.


Well-Known Member
it is looking great leggo! beautiful girls

Day 27/12:
Thinking the DWC is already helping, maybe its just in my head though LOL

onthedl0008, you'll be glad to know the tops of the rockwool are really drying out nice, so hopefully my roots will get the oxygen they'll need and reach down for that good juicy water

Oh, and where do I get to see these pink buds??


Well-Known Member
into the powerstip? I went to Lowes (couldnt find them at Home Depot) and got little socket adapters...

they have a normal light socket on one end, and a regular two-prong plug on the other. They were about $2.50 each... very nice. I use them outside the house when I'm B-B-Q'ing for some extra light at night. :)


Well-Known Member
Oh. This may be a stupid question? Should I water the tops of the cubes at all in a DWC? The cubes are all for the most part dry now.

Or is misting good enough??


Well-Known Member
U just leave them alone now leggo. Moist is all u need. It goes back to earlier advice given to u, that the bubbles in ur system are still going to push plenty enuff water into that hydroton to keep the wool moist and thats going to be sufficient enuff for ur plants!
Have u checked ur root growth? anything in the water yet? I wouldnt be surprised if there was. I bet ur leaves are starting to perk up as well?


Well-Known Member
leaves are looking great, no roots in the water yet... I did ease up Jane (who had the strongest root structure) out of the hydroton a bit... it grew especially downwards, but not a whole lot (but it hasn't been 24 hours yet)

There is a good 2"-3" layer of hydroton between the bottom of the Rockwool and the bottom of the basket...