you even fucking sound stupid.
veg a plant to 3 feet in a pop can, then try to flower it.... root bound will no longer be a myth.
fuck, i wish people like you wouldn't waste our oxygen.
from all the people who have gotten root-bound plant, and know how little of a myth it is (even in ammended organic soils, and hydroponics.........) eat shit and die, or grow half a brain and use it.
In nature, a plants root system naturally extends three times the length that it does into the sky. As plants grow fresh foliage above soil they are simultaneously extending and thickening their root systems. marijuanas root systems, and foliage grows EXTREMELY fast, upwatds of 2 feef in 1 month, thats 6 feet of root growth/month.
see why you sound fucking stupid? even hydro will get "rootbound" so that the nutrients cant penetrate the inner roots, therefor the roots can not absorb nutrients to there full potential. its like saying "salt cant hurt plants, everything is MADE FROM SALT!?!?!?!?!?" sounds prighty stupid.....