NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

Damn defensive huh brah... I did read your other posts, well the ones that I noticed. If you are actually saying pre harvest flushing has no benefit, I am not surprised by your statements, you are still learning right from wrong :mrgreen: I wont smoke unflushed weed, I don't actually know anyone who would purchase or otherwise enjoy smoking bud that hasn't had its buildup flushed out.

You don't flush if you see problems in your medium
You dont flush pre harvest to clear any buildup

Just make sure to keep an eye on your ppm's

Do yourself a favor for your future grows and flush a few tester plants and leave the rest to your own method.You might, just maybe will be surprised. Also, I noticed after a week you were sold on Nectar....Ok if you want to be happy after 10 weeks use everything in advanced, add the trawl in last 3 weeks of flower and give them as much herc as you can throw at them. PHOTO PLUS, SLF100 FULPOWER will be your friends, just like your store owner will be your new friend because with all the nectar you will need you will be paying his kids tuition. 8) But goodluck to you and your garden homie
Are you using fulpower and zeus juice? If i remember correctly, zeus juice is a combination of ful power and ful humix (right from bio ag) i know its a blend of 2 bio ag products and 1 of them is ful power, forgot the other though. Just saying it could be redundant.
This is not a salt based line at all and they dont even have a cal mag product. There is no magnesium in the line as far as im aware. They rely on the magnesium that is in coco and peat. This is imo the best you can get in a bottled grow vs. organic. Its essentially a series of highly pre digested amendments and compost teas, each one serving a particular purpose. All you need to do well is the base 4 bottles, you can build on that depending on what you like to use. Its a very unique and interesting line.
Also, the chart is misleading. @Xcoregamerskillz was correct. In pre harvest flush you would use herc triton and aphrodite, but the when in doubt flush it out would be just herc. (Liquid bone meal. Neutralizes acids, keeps the microbes fed and happy) you would do this just as he said, when things get out of whack for whatever reason.
The company does no advertising, relying on word of mouth. Distributers do their own for it, but nectar does not. They will send anybody a free sample kit of 6 full qts and 2 pints of their product so long as you pay freight. 20-30$. None of their bottles cost more than 20$ a qt. The labels were designed by a customer in a contest where they gave whoever could name and design labels for the products got 5 gallons of their entire line. All around, a very cool company that looks out for their customers, enviroment, employees and does alot to promote other companies with the same goals. When i got my kit, i got bottles from 2 other companies that they felt compliment and work well with their line. Slf-100 and microbe life root dip and foliar. Check out oregons constant gardener on youtube. Some excellent presentations even if you arnt going to use any of the products. Anyway, its late, im a little buzzed and felt it was worth putting the info out there. Too much bullshit out there, these guys are actually doing right. ✌️❤️☀️
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It's not organic and it's over priced and watered down. There's wayyyyyyyy better, and cheaper alternatives that give a higher quality final product.
Because its not omri? And you seem to know a whole lot about something you know nothing about
No because it's actually not organic, it has preservatives in it that are inorganic, it will never be organic, it's a bottled nutrient, that's not how organic growers do it.

If you are interested in organic growing check the organic section, lots of good info there and helpful people.
No because it's actually not organic, it has preservatives in it that are inorganic, it will never be organic, it's a bottled nutrient, that's not how organic growers do it.

If you are interested in organic growing check the organic section, lots of good info there and helpful people.
Its not organic because its mineral based, not carbon based.IMG_0776.JPG
I will say this, and please know i am saying it with respect. I have my sarcastic moments though i try to be respectful and diplomatic as much as possible. I feel as though you are making alot of assumptions. Their line is based on digests of the same components organic growers are using to ammened their soil. I dont see why they would use preservatives. What preservatives are they using and in what products? If you know something i dont, i have an open mind. It dosnt seem like youve looked into it very much and could be contributing to the misinformation you referenced in a previous post. If i am wrong, i will eat humble pie. There are too many smoke and mirror, relabled, snake oil bullshit products in this industry and i think youre barking up the wrong tree.
Its not organic because its mineral based, not carbon based.View attachment 3985559
I will say this, and please know i am saying it with respect. I have my sarcastic moments though i try to be respectful and diplomatic as much as possible. I feel as though you are making alot of assumptions. Their line is based on digests of the same components organic growers are using to ammened their soil. I dont see why they would use preservatives. What preservatives are they using and in what products? If you know something i dont, i have an open mind. It dosnt seem like youve looked into it very much and could be contributing to the misinformation you referenced in a previous post. If i am wrong, i will eat humble pie. There are too many smoke and mirror, relabled, snake oil bullshit products in this industry and i think youre barking up the wrong tree.
It can't be organic listed cause it's not organic. They put preservatives in their water to keep it from spoiling. Organic farmers don't use bottled nutrients. Read up on organic soil farming or check out the organic section.

Organic farmers feed the soil not the plants, bottled nutrients feed the plant not the soil, it's totally backwards if you are using bottles and think you are organic.
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It can't be organic listed EVER cause it's not organic. They put preservatives in their water to keep it from spoiling. Organic farmers don't use bottled nutrients. Read up on organic soil farming or check out the organic section.

Organic farmers feed the soil not the plants, bottled nutrients feed the plant not the soil, it's totally backwards if you are using bottles and think you are organic.
Yeah, i figured out that youre a tool. Im well aware of how organic works. Im sorry i wasted any time trying to explain anything to you. Move along now, go find somebody else to bestow your vast wealth of knowledge on. I shouldve known, someone who knows nothing about the subject somehow giving advice. Damn. Thats got troll written all over it. Live and learn.
Yeah, i figured out that youre a tool. Im well aware of how organic works. Im sorry i wasted any time trying to explain anything to you. Move along now, go find somebody else to bestow your vast wealth of knowledge on. I shouldve known, someone who knows nothing about the subject somehow giving advice. Damn. Thats got troll written all over it. Live and learn.
You are the troll kid, can't accept the truth so you spout off at the mouth.
Kid!? Lol. not the first time someones called you that huh? Probably one of the better things youve been called. Yeah, i know how to use the search bar.
Fox farm makes a few different formulas of dry fert that would make a good top dressing and its pretty cheap. Like 12$ 3lb bag, 1-2 tbsp per gal. I ammend pro mix hp with that and worm casting and im diggin it. Im using the jump start, but will try a different one next time. They make a fruit and flower and fruit and vegtable? Blend. They have bacterial innoculants in them as well.

Thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking of using Down to Earth All Purpose 4-6-2 product. How long does it take for a top dressing to start working? The DTE fertilizer says it's a gentle non-burning product so I'm wondering if it's ok to use it in conjunction with my regular Nectar feedings to ensure that it has already started working when I'm out of town.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking of using Down to Earth All Purpose 4-6-2 product. How long does it take for a top dressing to start working? The DTE fertilizer says it's a gentle non-burning product so I'm wondering if it's ok to use it in conjunction with my regular Nectar feedings to ensure that it has already started working when I'm out of town.
In general there should be some immediate availability. It will work its way in and start getting broken down more over waterings if it is an ammendment based fertilizer opposed to a salt based like jacks or miracle grow. The texture of it will give you some indication as to how quickly it will work. You want the ingredients to be like bone meal blood meal soybean meal oyster shells, things like that. The finer it is the more available it will be. Follow me? Nectar is gentle and has some lasting effect, notice your runoff is pretty clear compared to what youre watering in. If its pretty coarse, do the top dressing a week or 2 ahead of time and cut back a tad on the nectar to see how they react? If i get a sec ill look into it and give you a more accurate opinion
So nectar has a new product called the stirricane. Its basicall a magnetic stirrer contained in a 3 gal bucket. $250. Im going to build one using a 12" fan. You can use it to mix the bottles/jugs/buckets of nutes, your water in mix and it will aerate composte teas! Set your vessel on top, drop in a stir bar and let it rip. This is an awesome tool for anyone running necter or brewing teas. Will post updates
Its not organic because its mineral based, not carbon based.View attachment 3985559
I will say this, and please know i am saying it with respect. I have my sarcastic moments though i try to be respectful and diplomatic as much as possible. I feel as though you are making alot of assumptions. Their line is based on digests of the same components organic growers are using to ammened their soil. I dont see why they would use preservatives. What preservatives are they using and in what products? If you know something i dont, i have an open mind. It dosnt seem like youve looked into it very much and could be contributing to the misinformation you referenced in a previous post. If i am wrong, i will eat humble pie. There are too many smoke and mirror, relabled, snake oil bullshit products in this industry and i think youre barking up the wrong tree.

They use calcium nitrate as a preservative for predigested chicken livers in one of their bases supposedly.
IMG_20171120_191037.jpg IMG_20171120_191023.jpg IMG_20171120_190815.jpg IMG_20171120_190756.jpg IMG_20171120_190905.jpg IMG_20171115_014750.jpg IMG_20171115_014647.jpg IMG_20171111_004919.jpg IMG_20171120_190702.jpg IMG_20171115_014811.jpg some random Nectar for the Gods shots.
World of seeds Pakistan Valley kush
Delicious seeds Candy
Bomb seeds bomb berry
1 gallon pots 50/50 coir perlite
Using Greek feeding regimen and added Persephone palate to replace molasses only other thing I'm using is once per week they get photosynthesis plus added at 10ml/ gallon. If my notes are correct these are week 4 and 5 of flower. I'll find my other SD card that had the end of this grows pics. Currently have more of the same going plus bomb seeds hash bomb
BTW anyone catching this on Friday 11/24 Grow greenMi website green Friday sale, has gallon of herculean harvest on sale today for $20!!!!!! 2.5 gallons only $45 ect.... Now that I got mine ordered I can share haha
20180116_095325.jpg has anyone ever seen the setup I've designed? Light is fixed, 2' of ductwork total. Wire tray below is adjustable to the light, can adjust tray right up to hood, uses 4 ratchets, is super easy to adjust and never have to fool with my hood and fan. Room stays 82 degreez on, 71 off. 35-40% hum. Using the NFTG line, and slf100. Amnesia haze, sweet tooth, and blueberry autos in right now at just starting 3rd week, loving the line, but have a mag iszue, gonna HH flush today. Gimmie thoughts on my design, love input.
View attachment 4080048 has anyone ever seen the setup I've designed? Light is fixed, 2' of ductwork total. Wire tray below is adjustable to the light, can adjust tray right up to hood, uses 4 ratchets, is super easy to adjust and never have to fool with my hood and fan. Room stays 82 degreez on, 71 off. 35-40% hum. Using the NFTG line, and slf100. Amnesia haze, sweet tooth, and blueberry autos in right now at just starting 3rd week, loving the line, but have a mag iszue, gonna HH flush today. Gimmie thoughts on my design, love input.
What kind of light is that? Wattage?
400 watt halide right now, hps will follow up, is a visosun hood and digital ballast, been VERY reliable!
It's my first time for autoflowers, have an amnesia haze, a sweet tooth, and a blueberry. NFTG working awesome, had a small mag issue, but HH fixed the problem pretty quick. I use 2 tsp per gal of distilled water, ph to 6.4 with NFTG ph up. Their line is amazing so far, got their trial set, added posidonzime and tritons trawl to that, plus the additional slf100. Started from first leaves with their chart, have had great success so far.
Plants are yesterday starting the 3rd week of growth.20180125_140846.jpg