NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

Only mix what you can use immediately. As far as stages of growth, meh. More to do with size of the plant and not being wasteful with nutes. Figure out what your plants need to get 10% runoff from dry. Mx that much, water it in, let them dry out, repeat. If those are 3 gal smartpots, youll be at about 1 litre per plant. 1 tsp=5 ml, i round down to 1 ml for a qt. For a hlf gal, i round up to 3 ml.
Is that 1lt per feeding or per week?
Thats 1 liter, into 1 plant thats in a 3 gal smartpot, until its dry. Feed, feed, tea, feed, feed, flush. If it seems like too much, make a more dilute solution. The feeding schedule is just a guide, reference, suggestion. Adapt it to your situation. Think of the line as part water in nutes, part ammended soil. Its very forgiving, hard to over do. Usually if you over feed, it just causes ph issues. Simply do a herc flush, should solve it. Check out the oregons constant gardner vids on youtube.
Thats 1 liter, into 1 plant thats in a 3 gal smartpot, until its dry. Feed, feed, tea, feed, feed, flush. If it seems like too much, make a more dilute solution. The feeding schedule is just a guide, reference, suggestion. Adapt it to your situation. Think of the line as part water in nutes, part ammended soil. Its very forgiving, hard to over do. Usually if you over feed, it just causes ph issues. Simply do a herc flush, should solve it. Check out the oregons constant gardner vids on youtube.
Thanks again! Yea I am always searching out stuff, I'll give them a go. Knowledge is power!
Thanks again! Yea I am always searching out stuff, I'll give them a go. Knowledge is power!
Oregons constant gardener is like the nftg retail store, the parent company being oregons only. Their green room live series is great but they also have a whole series on how to use nftg. There is also a facebook group, i avoid fb like the plauge.
My sweet tooth is stunted Im sure, and the leaves dont have signs of burning, color is ok, they however have an odd dry, or crispy texture, not sure if it was from foliar feeding...not showing major nute issues...15177659252461647819865.jpg
Just shy of 10degree overnight drop. Would a fan blowing on it do this?? I think my foliar burned it under light...light is 26" off plants.
I just put a humidifier humid. was down too, at guess it was just in time...yea my temp rarely go over 81 ( up to 82 highest level recorded so far ). So my temps are ok, but YEA, that humidity was OFF....
Humidity is up around 70%, but it dropped my room temp. SO I got a fan speed regulator, and now I can control room temps properly...they seem to be happier with the change in humidity, and I'm keeping room around 76-80. Temp drops are down to 67-70
Humidity is up around 70%, but it dropped my room temp. SO I got a fan speed regulator, and now I can control room temps properly...they seem to be happier with the change in humidity, and I'm keeping room around 76-80. Temp drops are down to 67-70
Good deal. I just went through the same thing. After about a week, everybody looked much happier and growth picked back up to what i was used to.
Little too much bloom khaos. Oops. Nobody else minded! Still playing with application timing and frequency. These are all on soil drench application. I have been taking foliar further than reccomended, only the occasional tweaker. The victim is a dream beaver by bodhi seeds. Shes been a tad finicky, not too bad though. Very explosive growth from flip so i rolled with it and went just over the limit. These are all around day 30+/-.
Dream beaver:A883942C-679E-463A-8563-E71E7A30F3E7.jpegHer tent mates. Lemon lotus front, super stardawg back. Great response to the same application. E6FC5E07-4052-46C1-B060-8E4DE906EF41.jpeg