Damn defensive huh brah... I did read your other posts, well the ones that I noticed. If you are actually saying pre harvest flushing has no benefit, I am not surprised by your statements, you are still learning right from wrong

I wont smoke unflushed weed, I don't actually know anyone who would purchase or otherwise enjoy smoking bud that hasn't had its buildup flushed out.
You don't flush if you see problems in your medium
You dont flush pre harvest to clear any buildup
Just make sure to keep an eye on your ppm's
Do yourself a favor for your future grows and flush a few tester plants and leave the rest to your own method.You might, just maybe will be surprised. Also, I noticed after a week you were sold on Nectar....Ok if you want to be happy after 10 weeks use everything in advanced, add the trawl in last 3 weeks of flower and give them as much herc as you can throw at them. PHOTO PLUS, SLF100 FULPOWER will be your friends, just like your store owner will be your new friend because with all the nectar you will need you will be paying his kids tuition.

But goodluck to you and your garden homie