bubba73 your girls like wonderful what strainend product after using nectar ..... I also use full-on, but I also use RO water...
IrieRoots thanks for your reply...yeah lately i have been run my grow the same i do not water to run off when i feed only time water to run is my once a week hh flush .. my Muni is 180 ppm and 7.1 ph but the first time i check in years ..so I get what your saying and by the way my garden looks and doing great running it like this , i have replace my feed feed tea feed feed flush with aact feed feed acct feed feed flush. I have to get some pic up so you can see, but yeah im tired wasting all this water with this R\O, time to make my footprint a lil smaller lolI used to use RO with Nectar but it was challenging, now I just use a Boogie Blue Plus water filter on my local municipal water coming from treatment facility. Its probably similar to the treated water in your report. I get great results though. My Muni water ranges from 6.8-7.4 Ph and 80-130 PPM, I use HADES DOWN in the early feeds to bring the PH down lower than what the nutes can so I can use OLY UP in my early feeds. The nutes drop my water to a near PH perfect range early on but then the plants and rhizo arent getting the very important liquid limestone. So i drop it to 6.2 with hades down, add nutes(it drops more), then bring it back in range with OLY UP, throw in microbes/SLF and water in. And I dont water to run off ever!!...just to saturation. I get better results this way over RO with my particular water source. PS- I will water to run off if my slurries are out of whack but the more I learn about NFTG and my envirnment, I dont need to slurry and flush and reset near as often as the Feed Feed Tea Feed Feed Flush recommendation. I like to FEED and do 2-3 AACT throughout cycle, and always adding SLF, PHOTO+,etc.....
bubba73 your girls like wonderful what strain
Yeah things run smooth for me with r/o I'm just having guilt about all the waste ,I love Full on but it's expensive and I use it strategically in other parts of my grow I don't wanna use it for that If i can use my muni water if its good enough.... that make any sense I'm really high right nowleft pick is blue berry (indica) ,right is blue dream (50/50
with RO water i use fullon to add back some of the minerals that would been taken out with RO ...never had any real issues when just using Ro with nectar i just up the demeters 2-4ml ....
is there a way i can give you cool points or somethingand as far as Full on goes it's pretty amazing, plus, check out Buffaloams shop online, they have only 2 bottles and they run ROLS with dry amendments and the 2 secret weapon bottles. one bottle is Full on and the other is Alaskan Fish Mix. It's a whole fish enzymatic/lacto ferment that will take your grow to another level. It has a plant response unlike any product I've ever used.....and it's like $15 per liter.
ROLS - Real Living Organic Soilok, I'm old dude i dont no all the acronyms lmao...and im new to the forum thing too smh...whats ROLS
and I do have SAEA90 in my tool so yeah ..I'm going to test it out
check!Recycled organic living soil. They run True Organics with amended soil, top dresses and teas, I don't think they do full no till but reammend and keep cycling the same soil mix. Its what I do with #4 soil. I break up root balls into a Tupperware and add my own castings, biochar, One Shot granules, malted barley and bokashi...it's ready by the end of next cycle = ROLS.