NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

and speaking of R|O water I have been using it for years but im wondering if i even need it with this line ...what is bad water?, and how can I tell if my municipal water can be use , I think I am good i got the R\O back when I really really knew nothing about growing now I'm a lil better with it so my question is, is my municipal water bad?
WATER TREATMENT Skaneateles Lake water is a very high-quality water source requiring minimal treatment. ● Chlorine is applied to the water for disinfection. ● Hydro-fluorosilicic acid is added to the water in order to maintain a fluoride level (target level of .70 mg/L) in the water for the purpose of reducing tooth decay. ● Copper sulfate is used to control the growth of algae in Woodland Reservoir. These treatments prevent algae growth which can cause foul tastes and odors between the months of May and October. Copper sulfate treatments occur on an as-needed basis. In 2017 Woodland Reservoir was treated with copper sulfate on four occasions. ● Orthophosphate is added to the water to minimize the dissolving of lead from lead service pipes and other plumbing fixtures. This topic is further described in the section “Lead Corrosion Control”. All Lake Ontario water used by the City has been filtered, chlorinated and fluoridated at Onondaga County’s Metropolitan Water Board Plant in Oswego, New York.

this is part of the report
I used to use RO with Nectar but it was challenging, now I just use a Boogie Blue Plus water filter on my local municipal water coming from treatment facility. Its probably similar to the treated water in your report. I get great results though. My Muni water ranges from 6.8-7.4 Ph and 80-130 PPM, I use HADES DOWN in the early feeds to bring the PH down lower than what the nutes can so I can use OLY UP in my early feeds. The nutes drop my water to a near PH perfect range early on but then the plants and rhizo arent getting the very important liquid limestone. So i drop it to 6.2 with hades down, add nutes(it drops more), then bring it back in range with OLY UP, throw in microbes/SLF and water in. And I dont water to run off ever!!...just to saturation. I get better results this way over RO with my particular water source. PS- I will water to run off if my slurries are out of whack but the more I learn about NFTG and my envirnment, I dont need to slurry and flush and reset near as often as the Feed Feed Tea Feed Feed Flush recommendation. I like to FEED and do 2-3 AACT throughout cycle, and always adding SLF, PHOTO+,etc.....
I used to use RO with Nectar but it was challenging, now I just use a Boogie Blue Plus water filter on my local municipal water coming from treatment facility. Its probably similar to the treated water in your report. I get great results though. My Muni water ranges from 6.8-7.4 Ph and 80-130 PPM, I use HADES DOWN in the early feeds to bring the PH down lower than what the nutes can so I can use OLY UP in my early feeds. The nutes drop my water to a near PH perfect range early on but then the plants and rhizo arent getting the very important liquid limestone. So i drop it to 6.2 with hades down, add nutes(it drops more), then bring it back in range with OLY UP, throw in microbes/SLF and water in. And I dont water to run off ever!!...just to saturation. I get better results this way over RO with my particular water source. PS- I will water to run off if my slurries are out of whack but the more I learn about NFTG and my envirnment, I dont need to slurry and flush and reset near as often as the Feed Feed Tea Feed Feed Flush recommendation. I like to FEED and do 2-3 AACT throughout cycle, and always adding SLF, PHOTO+,etc.....
IrieRoots thanks for your reply...yeah lately i have been run my grow the same i do not water to run off when i feed only time water to run is my once a week hh flush .. my Muni is 180 ppm and 7.1 ph but the first time i check in years I get what your saying and by the way my garden looks and doing great running it like this , i have replace my feed feed tea feed feed flush with aact feed feed acct feed feed flush. I have to get some pic up so you can see, but yeah im tired wasting all this water with this R\O, time to make my footprint a lil smaller lol
that's what's up zero, the waste water scenario is just crazy!! I have a 10" GE whole house filter too that I will throw a carbon block RO prefilter in and it drops my ppm 20-30 points but mainly rely on the boogie filter. I've found in the winter months they don't put as much treatments in the water, ppm is always a little lower this time of year.
bubba73 your girls like wonderful what strain

left pick is blue berry (indica) ,right is blue dream (50/50

with RO water i use fullon to add back some of the minerals that would been taken out with RO ...never had any real issues when just using Ro with nectar i just up the demeters 2-4ml ....
left pick is blue berry (indica) ,right is blue dream (50/50

with RO water i use fullon to add back some of the minerals that would been taken out with RO ...never had any real issues when just using Ro with nectar i just up the demeters 2-4ml ....
Yeah things run smooth for me with r/o I'm just having guilt about all the waste ,I love Full on but it's expensive and I use it strategically in other parts of my grow I don't wanna use it for that If i can use my muni water if its good enough.... that make any sense I'm really high right now
I've been using NFTGs for a my last couple runs and after tweaking the feed I'm really happy with the end results.

I did this as kind of a side by side experiment with other nute lines as well as my own built soil and so far NFTGs is the overall winner and as close to organics as ya get in a bottle.

I'm going to do my best to get some pics up with a short review of my findings/observations but for now, I do want to give props to this line.
The calcium makes for some of the strongest, thickest stems and branches I've seen in indoor container growing.

Happy growing everyone :bigjoint:
I did good with RO myself, would fill my washing machine with waste water to try to use it for something. Then I ran some Autos and with them being so finnicky it's tough to nail down the RO remineralizing once the auto is stunted. So switched to the muni water and just found a nice method that works for me.
and as far as Full on goes it's pretty amazing, plus, check out Buffaloams shop online, they have only 2 bottles and they run ROLS with dry amendments and the 2 secret weapon bottles. one bottle is Full on and the other is Alaskan Fish Mix. It's a whole fish enzymatic/lacto ferment that will take your grow to another level. It has a plant response unlike any product I've ever used.....and it's like $15 per liter.
and as far as Full on goes it's pretty amazing, plus, check out Buffaloams shop online, they have only 2 bottles and they run ROLS with dry amendments and the 2 secret weapon bottles. one bottle is Full on and the other is Alaskan Fish Mix. It's a whole fish enzymatic/lacto ferment that will take your grow to another level. It has a plant response unlike any product I've ever used.....and it's like $15 per liter.
is there a way i can give you cool points or something
ok, I'm old dude i dont no all the acronyms lmao...and im new to the forum thing too smh...whats ROLS

and I do have SAEA90 in my tool so yeah ..I'm going to test it out
Recycled organic living soil. They run True Organics with amended soil, top dresses and teas, I don't think they do full no till but reammend and keep cycling the same soil mix. Its what I do with #4 soil. I break up root balls into a Tupperware and add my own castings, biochar, One Shot granules, malted barley and's ready by the end of next cycle = ROLS.
Recycled organic living soil. They run True Organics with amended soil, top dresses and teas, I don't think they do full no till but reammend and keep cycling the same soil mix. Its what I do with #4 soil. I break up root balls into a Tupperware and add my own castings, biochar, One Shot granules, malted barley and's ready by the end of next cycle = ROLS.