NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

As long as your ph is in range before flip your good , theres no magical day on feed that would support when is the best to flip … but your ph is the most important ….
OK so even when using the whole roman regimen, when I begin to water in Bk with my feeds the ratio has to be 1:6? For instance 1tsp of Bk and 6 tsp of Hh. Stick with the schedule but that ratio has to be the same no matter what, ??
OK so even when using the whole roman regimen, when I begin to water in Bk with my feeds the ratio has to be 1:6? For instance 1tsp of Bk and 6 tsp of Hh. Stick with the schedule but that ratio has to be the same no matter what, ??
As long as it the min ratio ….. can be 2:12 , or 4:18….. as along as your using the 1 to 6 ratio …. U can be be 1:12 ratio or 1:18:ratio…. Again you gotta figure out how much she will take …
Changed setup. Going into flower in the morning. Its gonna be hard to keep the temps down I can't run my window air conditioner without surge protectors tripping.
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Got some mammoth p and when buying it didn't read the bottle size so I thought I was getting a pint and got 4 oz bottle. Holy shit this stuffs expensive. Heard it works wonders though.
Got some mammoth p and when buying it didn't read the bottle size so I thought I was getting a pint and got 4 oz bottle. Holy shit this stuffs expensive. Heard it works wonders though.
See how it works for you …. You really don’t need to get to crazy with stuff and microbes … but you gotta see what works best for you …. I like the KISS factor ….. I’m more of amended soil and use some microbes to keep the others going …… read into the bottles more and see how much one will be the same as the other … don’t want to get into using a lot that when trouble does arise , can’t figure out what caused it…. environment is 1 , lighting is 2 , food 3 ……
See how it works for you …. You really don’t need to get to crazy with stuff and microbes … but you gotta see what works best for you …. I like the KISS factor ….. I’m more of amended soil and use some microbes to keep the others going …… read into the bottles more and see how much one will be the same as the other … don’t want to get into using a lot that when trouble does arise , can’t figure out what caused it…. environment is 1 , lighting is 2 , food 3 ……
So I really should read the bottles and make sure I'm not using a few different inoculants at the same time that all
have the same bacteria and/or fungi in them creating an excess of those certain ones in the soil? Try to keep a broad spectrum of microbial life in the soil. I know using nectar and Bloom khaos will facilitate calcium making buds bigger and denser. Doesn't phosphorus uptake do the same? Was hoping that facilitating both at the same time would help even more.
So I really should read the bottles and make sure I'm not using a few different inoculants at the same time that all
have the same bacteria and/or fungi in them creating an excess of those certain ones in the soil? Try to keep a broad spectrum of microbial life in the soil. I know using nectar and Bloom khaos will facilitate calcium making buds bigger and denser. Doesn't phosphorus uptake do the same? Was hoping that facilitating both at the same time would help even more.
What you want to watch out for is that your not using the same ingredients in 2 bottles …. And you want the different inoculates … just don’t want the same using 3 bottles of the same….
Off the top of your head are these all pretty diverse.I'm reading the bottles later. Ez tea bloom, mammoth p, 3 microbe life's but yield enhancer gets cut out after veg so photo+ and nourish, bigfoot concentrate, and slf 100. Here's what I'm thinking.

-1 tsp slf 100 with every feed and flush.

-Ez tea Bloom and Mammoth P every other tea day.

-Photo+, nourish, and Mammoth P every other tea day

Does this sound like a good mix and schedule for alternating tea days or is there something I should do different? Also I can't find this any where but do ibuse Mammoth p only on tea days or can I use it with feeds it says once a week. I've read the bible and comprehensive chart and it doesn't say when to use it. I'm assuming tea days but those don't come around once a week.
1642512498168891361895938749649.jpg check this out. I printed up the bible and put it in a binder with cover. Put a pack of paper in it too for all my notes, schedules, grow logs, slurry tests. I like having it in front of me.
Off the top of your head are these all pretty diverse.I'm reading the bottles later. Ez tea bloom, mammoth p, 3 microbe life's but yield enhancer gets cut out after veg so photo+ and nourish, bigfoot concentrate, and slf 100. Here's what I'm thinking.

-1 tsp slf 100 with every feed and flush.

-Ez tea Bloom and Mammoth P every other tea day.

-Photo+, nourish, and Mammoth P every other tea day

Does this sound like a good mix and schedule for alternating tea days or is there something I should do different? Also I can't find this any where but do ibuse Mammoth p only on tea days or can I use it with feeds it says once a week. I've read the bible and comprehensive chart and it doesn't say when to use it. I'm assuming tea days but those don't come around once a week.
That looks good ! I would just use it on tea days or the week it falls on that tea…. Or what you can do is when it’s a root drench day just do mammoth p …. Same with Bigfoot , Bigfoot is a once a month thing so just pick a day that you would root drench and do a big foot…. As long as your ppms support it …. There no wrong way of doing it , you just gotta come up with a schedule that works and what fits in …… depends on slurries you can do double teas or a tea and herc or feed feed feed or feed tea feed tea feed feed herc….. this will depend on slurries and at what point you want to push or play …. look at your ez bloom and see how much [P ] is in that too…. Don’t want to throw to much P….
Just wanted to start a current thread to see who is using NFTG and your experiences. A place to trade tips and info. I love the line, excellent results from the beginning!

So how do you guys do your carbon flush at the end?
some years ago got a the whole line for $25.00 - have never used yet - to much mixing - fell like a Mad Sceintist mixing. mixing, ect, Understand that it's a calsium based nutrient - have heard good things about them NFTG