Nice spot- bad soil


Hi guys.
I have some cannabis seeds and decided to grow outdoors.
Here is the deal:
I found a nice spot near my home, but the soil is total clay. The question: Does cannabis will grow if I will dig huge holes and put nice soil in it?
Also what about the holes bottoms getting to wet?
Thanks guys


Active Member
If its all clay your gonna have to dig it out and replace it with a better type of soi. If you plan on using this spot for years to come, you may want to start ameding the clay soil to may it better in the long run.


Well-Known Member
You could always put it in a pot, with small rocks 1-2 inches from the bottom to help drainage, but you might wanna use a large pot for that because it'll limit the space your roots have


Well-Known Member
I have 1plot with the same issue. I was just going to dig a hole maybe 2foot deep 3 wide. There is a ton of worms in it. On the bottom of my hole I was going to add course perlite in the bottom inch. Was going to do a mix of FFOF and other stuff with 1/2 natural soil but after finding the clay think it will be 3/4-1/4. Not sure if it will work but this is my idea and what I'm going to do. First outdoor so don't know what to expect. I think that will give me 8 gallons of good soil and if the plants like the native soil there in the ground and can do what they want. Pots will stand out so that's not a option for me. Hope that helps.


Well-Known Member

  • I have the same problem, this is what i do.... dig a huge hole 10ft by 10ft 3ft deep and lay in a layer of straw 4 inchs the i put in a layer of clay 4inchs. some perlit bone meal and some sulfer not alot. clay alkaline i do this to lower the ph. then i do it again tell its a foot higher the the ground level. i then take five gallon buckets of water and put back strap molasses about 5 table spoons per bucket a coffe can of alfpha pellets some fish emulsion. and i let that sit for a week. it smells great. i then dump it on my spot. i uaslly make 6 buckets. i also add a few tubs of worms i pay the local kids to get. a penny a worm. this is all done a yr before i plant. in spring i usally have to add anther foot of clay and straw to the top. i aslo add other thing as they grow and feed them but that makes a good base!

      • dig holes 3 feet buy at least 2 foot deep. dump two five gallon buckets of water in the hole and see how long it takes to drain. if it takes all day your goin to have to dig anther foot at least. and your going to have to add perlit sand and some kind of organic soil. peat mushroom soil. something and mix that all in with your native soil and back fill. now depending on what your native soil is like. your going to need bone meal. for sure that never hurts. your going to need lime. and you should be ok with that. now if you wan to grow killer stuff take a soil sample to your farm office and tell them your tamtoes wont grow can they send it out to be checked and theyll tell you what your soil is missing. or you could fill your hole with bags of soil from homedepot.​



Active Member
Dig 20 gal. Holes fill with good soil. And water as needed. I good go 1-2 deeper and add flocks for dranage bit if its really soldier clay witch I dout it is or u wouldn't even think about using it cuz our clay takes yous to dig with a 90lbs hammer and if u walk on it is as if u never broke it loose to start with and takes wakes to drain. So ur clay is prally pretty good do they put septic peach feilds in it and such.