Nihilism, the consequence of Atheism


Well-Known Member
Interestink topis. I for one, do not believe or subscribe to an all knowing, all loving deity, god or whatever you want to call it, nor for that matter am I an atheist. I feel (not believe) that as conscious beings, whether we are made up of protons or carbon, we come into and out of this human vessel many times. I am not talking about reincarnation however, but like moths to a flame we are drawn down into the wee babs that other humans have created. Or perhaps, rats, or dolphins, maybe monkeys. It's all in how you perceive the dynamics of energy that resides here. While humans (some) are tuned to differing fields, others such as cows may be tuned out or tuned to lower fields of energy. This may also explain out of body experiences, our conscious energies escaping the human field for a time only to emerge back. Some say it's all in the brain.

No one really knows for sure, but something tells me there's more to being alive than just surviving. And I myself, have had a few out of body experiences. Maybe this is why I am interested in DMT. I hear this can also induce some sort of projection, whether that's in the mind or out of body. Personally, I don't think too many atheists are in fact staunch nihilists.


Sorry pal, Nihilism is often the consequence of overdosing on magic mushrooms, AKA egodeath. Atheism means you find the idea of gods to lack evidence, concluding that you do not believe in such things. its hard for theists to grasp this because it would crush/change their identity if they stopped "believing".

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
maybe cubensis mushrooms are the universe's way of telling our conscious minds that there is no meaning or purpose. and that we must make it up individually.


...actually, no. But thanks.
kinda, a child who's indoctrinated and spoonfed religion has most likely accepted god and that relationship(mental disorder) as a part of their identity, if they truly understand an atheists point of view, it crushes their old world view and understanding of reality, now somebody who is actually an atheist or agnostic that just says they are religious most likely wont have the same effect.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
kinda, a child who's indoctrinated and spoonfed religion has most likely accepted god and that relationship(mental disorder) as a part of their identity, if they truly understand an atheists point of view, it crushes their old world view and understanding of reality, now somebody who is actually an atheist or agnostic that just says they are religious most likely wont have the same effect.
...meh, the indoctrination card. I should point out that mental disorders are more ordered than you could ever imagine. Enjoy your evening, sir.


Well-Known Member
nihilistic reality vs truth?

care to elaborate on that one big guy?
Perhaps it may sound naive,Nihilism seems rather cut and dry as a philosophical viewpoint.Nothing is ever certain.Not even the possibility that nothing may exist is a certainty,yet not a complete impossibility,but nihlism declares an absolute from its POV,which dosent seem very rational, yet i dont shoot it out of the air as necessarily invalid,that would be a close-minded way of thinking if i were to say its not valid enough to even be a viewpoint,maybe nihlism isnt exactly the same for all nihilists,maybe some find a greater sense of freedom out of it,I dont know,im not a nihilist,but i do argue evident truth,which is truth that can be agreed upon by methodicaly reasonable and unbias acquisition, Scientific method is the greatest provider of this evident truth I am referring to,with it you have a logicaly strong possibility of absolute truth....see where im going here?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
the scientific method, and science in general give us facts that have the highest probability of being true...

yet as confusing as this may sound, and some may never understand... the only real truth is, that there is no real truth.


Well-Known Member
...meh, the indoctrination card. I should point out that mental disorders are more ordered than you could ever imagine. Enjoy your evening, sir.
The indocrination card is quite valid. Why do you think oppressive governments take over education. It's alot easier for blind faith to manifest before you're old enough to reason well. Mental disorder is unfair though, religion would more equate to mental conditioning you opt-into.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
The indocrination card is quite valid. Why do you think oppressive governments take over education. It's alot easier for blind faith to manifest before you're old enough to reason well. Mental disorder is unfair though, religion would more equate to mental conditioning you opt-into.
...well, I get that indoctrination happens, but it is not the reason to discount religion. It's almost as though there are some buzz words involving religious mishaps, but it is not what is actually meant to happen.

As for conditioning, I agree that we choose how that happens. I also tend to believe that wannabe atheists replace the term 'stupid' for 'trying'.



Active Member
the scientific method, and science in general give us facts that have the highest probability of being true...

yet as confusing as this may sound, and some may never understand... the only real truth is, that there is no real truth.
Do you honestly, believe this opinion to be true ?



Well-Known Member
we are all just being soon to be dead god is everything around you, and expect no more no less. feel blessed to walk amongst the living as all that waits is eternal rest, up above or down below lies space, no halos. if all we have is for the now, feelings are meaningless anyhow.


Well-Known Member
...well, I get that indoctrination happens, but it is not the reason to discount religion. It's almost as though there are some buzz words involving religious mishaps, but it is not what is actually meant to happen.

As for conditioning, I agree that we choose how that happens. I also tend to believe that wannabe atheists replace the term 'stupid' for 'trying'.

"Stupid" for "trying" in respect to what?


Well-Known Member
I think you are trying to force a logical answer to be indication of a life philosophy. Logically you seem to be saying that if God doesn't exist, then there can be no objective moral values. This doesn't account for atheists who believe in higher planes of existence or other such concepts which could account for objectivity without the need of a deity. So your assertion must be narrowed; If moral values exist only in the mind, then they must be subjective. I suppose any logical person would have to agree, however in narrowing your statement you have also narrowed the view of the atheist you propose it to. You are now speaking to a specific sub-set of atheists. So to think of atheism as the starting place and nihilism as the only possible destination is flawed, unless you add further criteria to the atheist.

I don't think most atheist take this one concept of nihilism and apply it to their lives. Just because the value we find in something may not be a constant fundamental truth is no reason for most of us to discount it. Some of us see perfection as an objective state. The state of being flawless. Id be happy to debate what the term flawless means, but I think we could agree upon an objective description. If we accept perfection as an objective and worthy state of being, then we find meaning in not only improving ourselves, but passing our wisdom and experience down to our youth. If we go on to ask if being perfect has any intrinsic value beyond itself, we might have to come back to a nihilistic conclusion, but I don't think this necessarily has to extend to being a nihilist, except in this most narrow and negligible context.


Ursus marijanus
I would like to point out that science, and the method underlying it, are about determining fact. Fact and truth are distinct concepts. They are easily conflated, but not always correctly so. cn

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
"Stupid" for "trying" in respect to what? living. We all have our own way. (predetermined, or otherwise) My issue is only with the 'fairytale' comments. When a person actually digs in to serious religious study, they find it is as far from a fairytale as it gets. I'm quite serious about that. This isn't child's play, but the mockery makes it look that way. I think it is simple, really, if a person doesn't understand something they tend to make fun of it. I'm not taking shots here, I'm relaying my perspective.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
I understand just how hard it is for people to accept the absurdity of existence.
(It was very hard for me at first).

I also understand, how much more comfortable and easier it is to live life with the delusional thought process of religious or spiritual aspects, pretending to know truths that cannot be known.
(I did that for a while, until i made the step to be completely honest with myself about what i know, what i tell myself (pretend) i know... and the difference between the two)

But... there is a certain sense of freedom that i cannot quite describe that comes with the realization of absurdity, especially when one is completely and utterly honest with oneself.
(This sense of freedom i would never give up, because honesty with myself is the most important thing to me.. and i wouldn't have it any other way)


Well-Known Member living. We all have our own way. (predetermined, or otherwise) My issue is only with the 'fairytale' comments. When a person actually digs in to serious religious study, they find it is as far from a fairytale as it gets. I'm quite serious about that. This isn't child's play, but the mockery makes it look that way. I think it is simple, really, if a person doesn't understand something they tend to make fun of it. I'm not taking shots here, I'm relaying my perspective.
What constitutes "Serious religious study"? Is there a series of courses? How does it does it prove religion to be anything other than man-made? I was an active church-goer for many years, and never found a good reason to buy what they're selling. However, if there is something that so totally disproves that religion could be a "fairy tale", I'd be more than happy to look at it.