nirvana Cali-O + 78w of cfl


Well-Known Member
a grow completed, that means it's time for a new one
just did a nirvana PPP LST, which was good, the PPP was a touch on the strong side
so going to tune it down a bit, i'm looking for the best strains for depression/anxiety

Cali-O is supposed to be on the gentler side, used to be a sativa dominant, with a nice up
now the grow logs i've seen say nirvana reworked it, more indica now
but even that's a bit out of date, discontinued strain that nirvana doesn't carry anymore?
got all my nirvana seeds from seed boutique, great germination so far on their nirvana beans

so i do my usual deal, seed in a small cap of water, splits in less than 24 hours
into the soil, and i see it just breaking surface Saturday morning
didn't have time to setup the grow chamber, figured 1 day in a sunny room would be fine
wrong! get back Sunday morning, the damn thing has jumped up over 2 inches in 1 day!
that was quick, weird quick actually, this has to be a sativa dominant pheno
so i'm wondering if this might be from some older Cali-O from the SB vaults
or just a more sativa pheno popping up in the newer genetics

so a pic of a tiny telephone pole in the grow chamber, the brighter lighting has slowed it down some
hoping this isn't going to mess up the LST plans



Well-Known Member
update time, so the cali-o is behaving differently
the stretch has stopped pretty much, good, that threw me off for a bit
but now the growth is quite slow, not horrible, but slower than my other experiences
i think that could indicate female or a stronger sativa phenotype, or both
or that i just like think too much, probably the later

though this is a cali-o grow log, i do have my steady girl going, a nl#5
3rd cycle of reveg and clone, 1st time i've lst'd her
actually, i did try that once but had to abort, and she ended up as a normal grow
anyways, she's showing a few limp/yellowing lower fan leaves, she did this to me last time
about 2 weeks into flower, and showing the start of budding
not sure if this happens because it's from a clone and part of the plant's natural maturity
or maybe i'm not dialed in on the optimum nute levels, should be plenty of nitrogen in the soil
i mix in 1 tbsp of MG Organic bone meal(6-9-0) per gallon of soil, maybe not quite enough potassium?
so i'm brewing my bone meal/molasses feeding tea with a bit of extra molasses, 2 tsp per gallon
see how that works, cali-o is 2nd pic, nl#5 the 1st



Well-Known Member
doing OK, pretty distinctive look, cross on cross
maybe 4 inches tall, looks healthy but not growing all that fast
for which there is an explanation, my stealth area venting wasn't quite right
outside temps warmed and forgot to compensate, did this to me last year too
it had to be a 100 inside the the grow chamber, no exaggeration
how the seedling did as well as it did is incredible
venting has been fixed temps down to low 80's
but i'm really impressed with cali-o in this respect
i had a northern lights that did not cope as well with such high temps



Well-Known Member
so this is quite the growth spurt, she just blew up in 5 days!
cfl's can really do veg very nicely, i think by any light's standards
so much for the sativa pheno, looks pretty indica now
still, a bit less indica than my last 2 plants, PPP and nl#5
which gives me hope, i need a smoke that is a bit lighter than what i have now
now to LST time, i'm thinking a couple more days
i really hate spoiling the look of such a nice looking plant, but stealth over looks



Well-Known Member
so this is quite the growth spurt, she just blew up in 5 days!
cfl's can really do veg very nicely, i think by any light's standards
so much for the sativa pheno, looks pretty indica now
still, a bit less indica than my last 2 plants, PPP and nl#5
which gives me hope, i need a smoke that is a bit lighter than what i have now
now to LST time, i'm thinking a couple more days
i really hate spoiling the look of such a nice looking plant, but stealth over looks
My LA Woman grow is only 18 days and she is already starting her 8th node in my journal of Northern Lights KC Brains. I will start lsting at 9 full nodes and I will collect 4 clones from bottom 2 nodes when I transplant. So yours looks a little slow maybe keep lights on 24/7 that seems to help mine. Let her grow a bit more mate.:joint:
Peace out,



Well-Known Member
2 votes to wait a bit on LST, sounds like we have a quorum
thanks for the advice guys, i'll keep watching her close
she was a bit slow in starting, but really took off in the last few days
which got me a bit nervous, and her lower stem is get woody pretty quick, which also got me ready to LST


Well-Known Member
thanks smellytreez, i'm happy for the moment
update time, she(hopefully) really looked so nice
of course, at that point i had to lst
snapped the pic before, every leaf was so nice and symetrical



Well-Known Member
about 3 weeks of veg, have to say i'm pretty happy with this strain so far
excellent foliage, very compact
but comparing it to my nirvana PPP grow, it's not as fast a grower
sativa traits are a little more apparent
but both are extremely compact, i was a bit worried it was the same strain
but smell and appearance are different enough now that i feel this is not PPP



Well-Known Member
3 1/2 weeks of veg, looking damn healthy to my eye
for perspective, the total height is a bit over 5 inches
total nodes look to be around 8
so i just set the timer for 12/12, don't dare to go any further vegging
and for a bit of flower, a 3rd run nl#5 from reveg/clone cycle
4 weeks of flower there, but the fan leaves seem to be losing color faster in lst
all other conditions are the same as before, maybe lst accelerates maturity a bit?
or maybe it does stress things more than the name implies, definitely different from the un-lst'd grows of this clone



Well-Known Member
right around 4 weeks, one hell of a growth spurt
she likes the heat, hot in the northeast right now, but the cali-o seems happy
so pics show quite a jump in bulk, not much smell though, almost none actually



Well-Known Member
a week of flower or there abouts, me thinks i see balls
she is a he, well that explains some of the vigor, doesn't look bad, for a male
a bad result for most growers, but i have 2 females in flower/reveg now
i can only keep 2 females going, this isn't so bad
so it's pollen collecting time, i screwed this up last time, dead male and no pollen
so he will be moved to a safe location, and try my hand at freeze drying some pollen



Well-Known Member
well, no doubt about this plant, one big, bulging male
i'd be more disappointed if i wasn't looking forward to doing a few crosses
this was a very branchy male, which may not be a bad choice as a stud
so time to try the pollen freeze drying methods i've been reading over

