Nirvana " Ice " 400 Watt Hps Grow!!


Well-Known Member
DATS A BIG BITCH!!! lol They really do look like they are on steroids for real!!! thhats crazy i need to get my grow room running optimal and then run some Co2..Im very impressed!!

Im my limited experience with non feminized seeds my males were usually the most vigorous growers and the tallest.
Thats exactly what i was saying and the tell tell sign is they grow real lanky and do not have very many alternating node and bushy leaf i think he may be male and if he is he looks to be one hell of a STUD!!!


Well-Known Member
do me a favor and chill with the quotes and when writing a long statement please proper spacing and grammar. because when everything is all bunched up in one long paragraph, it makes it impossible to read.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Your telling stinkbud how to write in his own journal. Your joking right?? And would you mind not cluttering up my Ice smoke report with your chatter?




Well-Known Member
Hey thanks HL, and just for the record most times im on here im sort of rushing to get somewhere else or have other things to do,so when im moving fast i tend to get a lil sloppy, so if you cant read it dont bother!



Well-Known Member
No prob bro never no ill feel here im all about harmony or as i say sometimes har money lol, but hey sometime i move pretty fast and wreckless..


Well-Known Member
Do you have a small fan in the grow area for air circulation? If not, pick one up at the dollar store and get a lil temp drop..


Active Member
Not sure if you were talking to me or not but i think you are, I do have an oscillating fan in there but temps still hover at mid 80s, all my new gear for intake will be here thursday so im gonna be able to draw much cooler air in from another room. I just live in the deep south and its been one BLAZING hot ass summer.


Active Member
hey hey SB1

is see you still got things under control here, good stuff....pretty soon u gonna be breaking your back cutting down some nice buds :)

i notice those leaves are nice big fat juicy leaves, some of the leaves have a slight droopyness to them, do you know what that is from? perhaps a little rootbound? i dunno...

finally got around to posting my own journal, got a little delayed as i ran into watering problems again....dam seedlings kicking my ass all over the show grrrr

anyway when you get time check it out (link below) advice always welcome...


Well-Known Member
Feeling real good today, my new flowering chamber is almost complete and its looking very nice. Im going to put the final touches on it tonight and maybe get some pics up by tommorrow morning or early evening,stay tuned...


Well-Known Member
Ok all here are the pic's of the babies, so far so good, the monster i think is definately a boy as you may can tell, but the other two are showing signs of pre-flower and has many sights to bud from so maybe two girls yeah! As for the new box, here is a brief tour. I'm running 3 x 160cfm home depot fans for a total of 480cfm's, along with a pair of 6" passive intakes at the bottom, i only have 1 6" circulating fan for the monent to see if thats enough to handle the work load.Im going to move to a bat wing for the 400 because i dont like the coverage with the cool tube. I also have 3 different levels i can move the plant tray up or down with for easier shifting,pretty simple so lets hope it's effective..:hump: As for the male he out hrew the other box so i strapped hin down s bit and left him alone in the other box to hopefully get me some strong pollen from him.Thats about it for the moment so hope you enjoy.Peace


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hi stinkbud your setup looks nice...I'm sure your plants will be very happy there. Hell yeah they look like they are doing awesome right now. Very healthy and strong!


Well-Known Member
Hi stinkbud your setup looks nice...I'm sure your plants will be very happy there. Hell yeah they look like they are doing awesome right now. Very healthy and strong!
Thanks HL i really apreciate the comps,i had to bust my ass to get the box up and running with the growth of these babies but all is well now just a waiting game to see what it becomes.. Hey did you ever get you a journal going yet?


Well-Known Member
O'k so saturday was not a good day in my home i checked the babies and found another boy, so now im down to one and its over after that im really getting pissed with nirvanna and there f******g Ice beans this is my second go round with them and the results are shitty as hell the first time i got them from single seeds that claim to have nirvanna Ice and only one of the 4 beans sprouted after only two germed and it was a boy. Now i germ a 10 pack of them straight from nirvanna themselves and what do i get 5 germs 3 sprouts and so far 2 are boys thats shitty man im gettin frustrated..I hope the last one is a girl because these babies are some thick tall ass plants and look like they could be good yielders..Peace even the boys are great looking plants....