NIRVANA + my friends given plants. First grow journal..11 plants


Well hello there guys:leaf:, I am going to be sharing a little bit about what I am doing, using, and what
I am growing of course.. DUH! :clap: Questions and comments are much appreciated and helpful, so feel free to post and i will keep my post updated ^.^

so here is what i will be using.

I did some research on what kind of seeds I wanted and I came up with one that I liked (nirvana seed bank) and I bought some of the auto flowering (bubbleicous) strain just to see what they were like and if they really will grow in 2 months or not, so i will hope for the best!

So that’s what i did about my seeds now I will tell you a little about the thing I will be growing these bad little girls in I looked online and I found this nice hydroponics grow tent for like $90 it is 4x4x6 so it is pretty roomy. it is totally covered with whatever reflective material was in it, I have also put the following in there...

1x steam mister
6x 100W CFL lights
1x 4in can fan (so far but indeed tend on putting a couple more can fans in there and maybe a duct fan and something else.) <---still thinking =P
1x 50 CFM bathroom vent fan =P
1x thermometer to measure the humidity, and in and out temp!
2x 65W grow light (long strip) on the bottom for lighting under the plant.

Now I am using READYGROW from a hydroponics store.

¾” double-sieved coir fiber
Humic acid from leonardite ore

Now it is time for me to start this grow journal off ^.^.

I ordered a germination kit with the seeds from nirvana and when I got the seeds the germination kit was right behind it In the mail (they are really discreet and my seeds came in the mail in a package of ear rings under the foam in the box with them lol you wouldn’t have even thought about them if you weren’t looking for them lol). So now that has been said I had a friend give me some plants, and I am not sure if I will be keeping them all till they sprout into big plants….but we will see. I will be keeping one of them for sure so yeah go me and IDK what one I will be keeping yet but I have at the moment 6 plants (sour sage, AK 47,and a strain from one of the purple kush ) if someone wants to post a comment with the plant they think I should keep then I will take it into consideration. Anyhow after I got my seeds + germination kit I used them lol I put them in my grow tent (witch BTW stays at about 78-80 degrees with a humidity level of about 30-60%) with the other plants (covered completely by a towel) I put 2 linoleum plates together and put the seeds in there to have complete darkness. Along with the other plants I got in there.

This journal will consist more of my bubbleicious plants because I am not sure if I will be keeping them all till harvest.:-P well here are some pics of my plants for now until i get a video for these plants i will have it up by tomorrow.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Cool, Gl with ya grow, how old are the established plants and are they clones? Was just thinking that for the height of the plants they are looking a bit lanky ( bit like my first ww grow) second time around i got the stems alot thicker at 3 weeks old ( feel free to have a look) but lights are 4 inches above em and got a force 10 gale blowing on em lol( ok perhaps not quite that strong:D). How far are ya lights above ya plants, are they stretching for the light? Which ones were ya thinkin of keepin, pics 7 & 11 are my favs so far :)

best of luck and ill be popping back to see how ya seedlings are doing :D

Agent xx


Well-Known Member
I never got why people waste theyre money on "germination kits" all you need is paper towels, a plate, a shopping bag and the top of your fridge
and are those seedlings planted in jars??? how does the water drain out???


Cool, Gl with ya grow, how old are the established plants and are they clones? Was just thinking that for the height of the plants they are looking a bit lanky ( bit like my first ww grow) second time around i got the stems alot thicker at 3 weeks old ( feel free to have a look) but lights are 4 inches above em and got a force 10 gale blowing on em lol( ok perhaps not quite that strong:D). How far are ya lights above ya plants, are they stretching for the light? Which ones were ya thinkin of keepin, pics 7 & 11 are my favs so far :)

best of luck and ill be popping back to see how ya seedlings are doing :D

Agent xx

well ty for the feed back i thank you for it i am new so this is my first grow.:-o i am not sure of their age to be honest but i would guess not much more of less then about a month the person i got them from didn't tell me much about them yes. he gave me 6 (clones) so yes your answer was very nice to see in a good grower ^.^. i am not sure what to do with them for now but i think i will just water them about 2-3 cups of water for now and they should be fine.. reason i say that is that i have never dealt with clones all i know is that the guy said that he rooted them for me which is the hard part about cloning like he said (i guess lol) my lights above the plats are about 6" to12" from my plat you will see in my video and if it isn't good i am sry but i am lame lmfao so if you have some helpul tips on growing some clones you might share ^.^ that would be great. and if my video is bad or i left something out then i will answer any of those questions.btw i think i am going to keep one of the AK47 or the sour sage ^.^ :-P they sound nice...and i love my little ones now lol they are too cute lmao but i will get to that.

9/27/2010 today 2 of my 5 bubbleiciuos plats sprouted they were a little pinkish believe it or not it was AMAZING.:-o man they were like an inch tall in the first day! So i have been stareing at them all day! i transplated them into a jar about 2 quarts, i like jars for the fact that the lights seem to get a little light seepage from the glass =P and i watered them by spraying a little water on the soil that was around them! put them about 1 foot or so from the light.

9/28/2010 today the other 3 of my seedlings sprouted and they are also about 1" now as well ^.^ i was glad to see all of my plants looking so good and happy!i did the same to these as i did to the last ones ^.^:leaf: i thought i was rather nice about it and they should be thanking me in about 2 months as well with a nice growth and yield. ^.^

9/30/2010 today I went to the hydroponics store and I bought some Fox Farm soil I have heard really good things about it and it was a good price! I also bought 11 5 gallon buckets and 5 small ones like 2.5 gallon or something lol. I think I might actually be keeping them all. I HOPE ^.^:-P so we will see, and hope for good yields for me and my friend. my plants seem to be very happy and my bubbleious seedlings are almost 2" tall now. so in my video it will show them a little smaller and i will have a new video soon lol ^.^

take care and feel free to post comments and reply's:leaf:

if you like what i am doing always feel free to tune back in and check me out this is my first grow journal so i will try to be as open as i can lol.:-o

my video will be in the next post i post tonight because it is uploading and it is taking forever =\


I never got why people waste theyre money on "germination kits" all you need is paper towels, a plate, a shopping bag and the top of your fridge
and are those seedlings planted in jars??? how does the water drain out???

i bought the germination kit because it was like 4 bucks =P and for the fact that this is my first plants and i want the best yield and health for my plants. i know that a paper towel and a plate is good and i know it works (have done it) but i do find that the germination kit actually gets them rooted and growing faster then just the old towel method, i wanted my plants to grow fast and healthy =P

and you know what that's a good point about the drainage do they really needs drainage in the first few weeks?<-- noob question. i am not sure if they need to be draining and yes i am useing jars but i have pots i could use.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Cool :D With CFL's you should really try to get them closer to your plants, a foot away is too far and the plants will stretch in search for light at the expense of providing a good solid stem- which will be needed for when the buds kick in. I know this because my first grow my lights were too far away and they grew lanky without a good support.raise some up so ya seedlings and canopy from your clones are the same level and it will be all good.CFL's run t cool temps so a couple of inches say 5-6 away from the light and it will be fine.

Unfortunately glass jars are a bad idea- the roots shouldnt be exposed to light. Plus the seedlings are going to have to be transplanted at some point and as the jar widens under the top your gonna have a real job getting the root ball out of there when you come to this point and run the risk of damaging your plant. I have mine in pots and struggle to get em out but a light squeeze on the plastic and its out - cant squeeze glass :(The other problem is that the roots may suffocate or rot as theres no point the moisture can escape due to lack of drainage- i would get them out now and put them in small pots with drainage so you can water them a bit more than a spray.

The clones- the size they are i reckon you could start feeding them nutes- there gonna be feeling hungry i reckon so get some nutes on the case - i personally use biobizz organic nutes and they have a feeding schedule to advise you along the way heres the link Bear in mind this is meant for clones not seedlings so dont feed ya seedlings until 2-3 weeks old.

I like jars too, keep em for storing ya buds at the end :D just get seedlings out of there ASAP :D


Agent xx


I never got why people waste theyre money on "germination kits" all you need is paper towels, a plate, a shopping bag and the top of your fridge
and are those seedlings planted in jars??? how does the water drain out???
It is ideal to leave seeds in a set temperature and humidity if i was hatching a egg id use an incubater ? when germinateing seeds you shud use the equilivent ? Fact your seeds will be more established (climatised) from day 1.peace


Cool :D With CFL's you should really try to get them closer to your plants, a foot away is too far and the plants will stretch in search for light at the expense of providing a good solid stem- which will be needed for when the buds kick in. I know this because my first grow my lights were too far away and they grew lanky without a good support.raise some up so ya seedlings and canopy from your clones are the same level and it will be all good.CFL's run t cool temps so a couple of inches say 5-6 away from the light and it will be fine.

Unfortunately glass jars are a bad idea- the roots shouldnt be exposed to light. Plus the seedlings are going to have to be transplanted at some point and as the jar widens under the top your gonna have a real job getting the root ball out of there when you come to this point and run the risk of damaging your plant. I have mine in pots and struggle to get em out but a light squeeze on the plastic and its out - cant squeeze glass :(The other problem is that the roots may suffocate or rot as theres no point the moisture can escape due to lack of drainage- i would get them out now and put them in small pots with drainage so you can water them a bit more than a spray.

The clones- the size they are i reckon you could start feeding them nutes- there gonna be feeling hungry i reckon so get some nutes on the case - i personally use biobizz organic nutes and they have a feeding schedule to advise you along the way heres the link Bear in mind this is meant for clones not seedlings so dont feed ya seedlings until 2-3 weeks old.

I like jars too, keep em for storing ya buds at the end :D just get seedlings out of there ASAP :D


Agent xx

wow thank you:-P for the info i was wondering but that answered my questions i just got through adjusting my plants lets say i took them outta them glasses and into some pots i bought earlier so that will help i mean i caught them before the roots tried to hold to the soil so thank you for the tip so early!! and i also put the light at almost 6" maybe somewhere around there... i will make a new video soon to show what i did. also you say that clones need nutes? or will the FoxFarm soil i got be sufficient? and if they need nuts all the time thank you for the feeding chart you linked too.:-o


It is ideal to leave seeds in a set temperature and humidity if i was hatching a egg id use an incubater ? when germinateing seeds you shud use the equilivent ? Fact your seeds will be more established (climatised) from day 1.peace

lol i actually did just that kinda .. i took 2 linoleum:leaf: plates with a deep bowel and put them together and then put them in it and threw them in my grow tent with my plants it worked like a charm =P

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
wow thank you:-P for the info i was wondering but that answered my questions i just got through adjusting my plants lets say i took them outta them glasses and into some pots i bought earlier so that will help i mean i caught them before the roots tried to hold to the soil so thank you for the tip so early!! and i also put the light at almost 6" maybe somewhere around there... i will make a new video soon to show what i did. also you say that clones need nutes? or will the FoxFarm soil i got be sufficient? and if they need nuts all the time thank you for the feeding chart you linked too.:-o
The soil will keep em good for only so long and the plants will deplete the nutrients in the soil at some point, to stop any deficiency occuring Nutes are normally introduced 2-3 week as they need a fair bit of Nitrogen in particular at this stage to keep em nice and dark green and growing at a healthy rate with Phosphorous and Pottassium needed more for flowering stage. so you will need 'Grow' nutes and 'Flowering ( or sometimes called 'Bloom') to help keep em healthy throughout the flowering period when you swap the lighting schedule to 12/12. I had a magnesium and possibly phosphorous deficiency last time so added some epsom salts and molasses to help the plants along. Have you bought any supplementary nutrients yet?


no not yet but i do have some miricale grow thing you mix with water? will that work at all i can post a picture of it?

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Whatever you do dont use miracle grow, everyone one here using miracle grow has had bad results - its not a good nutrient for mj and peeps who have used it in the past have had a multitude of problems using it- including 'nute burn'. I really would advise getting ones specifically designed for MJ such as fox farm, biobizz etc which have the correct values of NPK to care for your plant. they cost about a tenner (£) each and will last u for subsequent grows. you only need the 2 main nutes - grow and bloom- dont bother yaself with all the other things.

However if you REALLY need to use MG be careful of the quantities you use and how often as ive read that salt buildup ( producing nute lockout) and Nute Burn is also easy to do with this brand.

I guess i just prefer to use organics as i dont like to think of nasty chemicals in what i smoke/ eat :D but thats just me


Whatever you do dont use miracle grow, everyone one here using miracle grow has had bad results - its not a good nutrient for mj and peeps who have used it in the past have had a multitude of problems using it- including 'nute burn'. I really would advise getting ones specifically designed for MJ such as fox farm, biobizz etc which have the correct values of NPK to care for your plant. they cost about a tenner (£) each and will last u for subsequent grows. you only need the 2 main nutes - grow and bloom- dont bother yaself with all the other things.

However if you REALLY need to use MG be careful of the quantities you use and how often as ive read that salt buildup ( producing nute lockout) and Nute Burn is also easy to do with this brand.

I guess i just prefer to use organics as i dont like to think of nasty chemicals in what i smoke/ eat :D but thats just me

ok yeah i have it... didn't say i was using it lmao. i wouln't try it again i did once and had to stop because of nute burn i just thought i might ask lol. that sounds like another good idea once again i will go down to the hydroponics store here and get some good nute. i know for a fact that they have fox farm, seeing how they had the soil =P i got a new video i will be putting up tonight i just made some changes to the light setting and the location of my plants and they look really happy to me =D i will definitely get some nute's for the clones though ^.^ thank you for the tip =P...and now my video is done downloading so you can go check my album again it is in there ^.^ in my signature


Well-Known Member
Dude best advice i can offer is get some HPS lighting, especially for a tent grow that size, CFL's just arnt going to cut it.


10/10/2010 sorry about the wait on the posts.. but i figure you guys might want some more pics and good news for my plants so i gave it a couple days ^.^ ..=P but this Wednesday i plan to go get some more fox farm soil and some fox farm nutrients from online for awesome growth.... i will say this the little ones(as i like to call the naughty girls lol) are getting humongous in 2 weeks which will be tomorrow they are almost the same size as the big ones. =D i am very happy about them being sooo happy. and at the moment i am watering them about half a drinking bottle of water (standard water bottle). the leaves are big and they seen to have a strong root and steam system!
10/10/2010 And for the big ones they are doing a lot better and showing lots of improvement on color and strength! i will also be using the nutrients for the clones as well =)

i will have pics up soon for the little ones and the big ones as well!

as for my set up i know it isn't the best but for now i have to deal with what i got. when i get paid i plan on buying some better lighting (pref HPS) but i know for now the CFL's will do the job you will see that in the next pics. i have also changed the lighting in there it is A LOT brighter also lol ill take a pick and you all can compare them.


DSCI0001.jpg#1DSCI0002.jpg#1DSCI0004.jpg#2DSCI0003.jpg #2DSCI0005.jpg this one is to show how tall they areDSCI0006.jpg#3 more to come in next post just my comp is slow and it keeps logging me out lol